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81 lines (62 loc) · 3.81 KB

File metadata and controls

81 lines (62 loc) · 3.81 KB


WhatsMyFood Personal food review tracking made easy.

We chance upon various restaurants in which some dishes are great, whilst some are terrible, and it’s hard to remember all of them. When we revisit those restaurants, WMF will happily help you recall those good and terrible dishes.

Why WhatsMyFood?

WMF Illustration

Landing Page:


How it Looks in Mobile:


Setting up React native:

  1. Please follow the instructions here to set up React Native.
  2. Create the .env file in root directory of the project with the requird keys


This repo uses Commitzen to make the commits more readable and understandable. cz-conventional-changelog commitzen adapter is added at the root's package.json.

Install commitzen globally by running npm install commitizen -g.

Install commitzen's plugin named emoji-cz by running npm install emoji-cz -g

Commit workflow:

  • Add your files using git add or git add .
  • Commit by running npm run commit
  • Answer the questions and it will automatically commit
  • Now, push the commits to remote.

Serverless setup:

  • Check into serverless by running cd serverless/functions.
  • Run npm i -g firebase-tools to deploy firebase functions.
  • Set required environment variables by running
firebase functions:config:set telegram.groupid="<TELEGRAM-GROUPID>"
firebase functions:config:set telegram.token="<TELEGRAM-BOT-TOKEN>"
  • Check Telegram Bot section for any help with telegram environment variable information.
  • After changing the source code in serverless/functions/index.js, CD whatsMyFood/serverless/functions and run firebase deploy --only functions.

Telegram Bot

  • Get the TELEGRAM-BOT-TOKEN from TelegramBotFather account in telegram.
  • To get the telegram groupID, hit the following URL:<TELEGRAM-BOT-TOKEN>/getUpdates
  • Look for the value of

Cron Job

We need to send a weekly report of users, restuarnts & foods added to our database. This requires cron feature in firebase functions. This is not supported for the moment. So, we have used cron-jon, an external resource to invoke the respective functions which sends a weekly report to telegram group.

Building ios app and pushing it to Beta Flight Testing

  1. Go the Build settings, increment the version number and build number.
  2. Select Generic Device from the phone selection.
  3. Hit Command + Shift + , and make sure release is selected.
  4. In Xcode, click product and then select archive
  5. Once archive is completed, a wizard will open.
  6. In the wizard, click Validate the App.
  7. Once Validation is completed, Click Distribute to the App Store.

NoSQL Documentation:

XCode Build Issues:

FBSDK issue

'FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareKit.h' file not found

If you find the above issue, do the following steps:

  1. Click the Project Navigator icon.
  2. Under Libraries, Find RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj & double click it.
  3. On the Build Settings in the right, In Framework Search Paths, add this $(HOME)/Documents/FacebookSDK
  4. Now running the build, will solve the problem.

Happy Hacking!