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Enhanced NFT standard


CEP PR: casperlabs/ceps#0078

An enhanced NFT standard focused on ease of use and installation.


  • DApp developer attempting to create an NFT contract should be able to install the contract as is, configured for the specific builtin behavior they want their NFT contract instance to have. Must work out of the box.
  • Reference implementation must be straightforward, clear, and obvious.
  • Externally observable association between Accounts and/or Contracts and NFTs they "own".
  • Should be well documented with exhaustive tests that prove all possible combinations of defined behavior work as intended.
  • Must be entirely self-contained within a singular repo, this includes the all code, all tests all relevant Casperlabs provided SDKs, and all relevant documentation.
  • Must support mainstream expectations about common NFT conventions.
  • A given NFT contract instance must be able to choose when created if it is using a Metadata schema conformant with existing community standards or a specific custom schema which they provide.
  • A NFT contract instance must validate provided metadata against the specified metadata schema for that contract.
  • Standardized session code to interact with an NFT contract instance must be usable as is, so that a given DApp developer doesn't have to write any Wasm producing logic for normal usage of NFT contract instances produced by this contract.

Guide-level explanation

The enhanced NFT implementation supports various 'modalities' which dictate the behavior of a specific instance of a contract. Modalities represent the common expectations around contract usage and behavior. The following section discusses the currently implemented modalities and illustrates the significance of each.

Reference-level explanation


This modality specifies the behavior regarding ownership of NFTs and also specifies whether the ownership of the NFT can change over the lifetime of the contract. There are three modes:

  1. Minter: Minter mode is where the ownership of the newly minted NFT is attributed to the minter of the NFT and cannot be specified by the minter. In the Minter mode the owner of the NFT will not change and thus cannot be transferred to another entity.
  2. Assigned: Assigned mode is where the owner of the newly minted NFT must be specified by the minter of the NFT. In this mode, the assigned entity can be either minter themselves or a separate entity. However, similar to the Minter mode, the ownership in this mode cannot be changed and NFTs minted in this mode cannot be transferred from one entity to another.
  3. Transferable: In the Transferable mode the owner of the newly minted NFT must be specified by the minter. However, in the Transferable mode, NFTs can be transferred from the owner to another entity.

In all the three mentioned modes, the owner entity is currently restricted to Accounts on the Casper network.

Note: In the Transferrable mode, it is possible to transfer the NFT to an Account that does not exist.

This Ownership mode is a required installation parameter and cannot be changed once the contract has been installed. The mode is passed in as u8 value to the "ownership_mode" runtime argument.

Mode u8
Minter 0
Assigned 1
Transferable 2

The ownership mode of a contract can be determined by querying the ownership_mode entry within the contract's NamedKeys.


The NFTKind modality specifies the commodity that NFTs minted by a particular contract will represent. Currently, the NFTKind modality does not alter or govern the behavior of the contract itself and only exists to specify the correlation between on-chain data and off-chain items. There are three different variatations of the NFTKind mode.

  1. Physical: The NFT represents a real-world physical item e.g a house.
  2. Digital: The NFT represents a digital item, e.g a unique JPEG or a digital art.
  3. Virtual: The NFT is the virtual representation of a physical notion, e.g a patent or copyright.

The NFTKind mode is a required installation parameter and cannot be changed once the contract has been installed. The mode is passed in as a u8 value to nft_kind runtime argument.

NFTKind u8
Physical 0
Digital 1
Virtual 2


The NFTHolderMode dictates which entities on a Casper network can own and mint NFTs. There are three different options currently available:

  1. Accounts: In this mode, only Accounts can own and mint NFTs.
  2. Contracts: In this mode, only Contracts can own and mint NFTs.
  3. Mixed: In this mode both Accounts and Contracts can own and mint NFTs.

If the NFTHolderMode is set to Contracts a whitelist of ContractHash must be provided. This whitelist dictates which Contracts are allowed to mint NFTs in the restricted Installer minting mode.

NFTHolderMode u8
Accounts 0
Contracts 1
Mixed 2

The NFTHolderMode mode is a required installation parameter and cannot be changed once the contract has been installed. The mode is passed in as a u8 value to nft_holder_mode runtime argument.


The WhitelistMode dictates if the contract whitelist restricting access to the mint entrypoint can be updated. There are currently two options:

  1. Unlocked: The contract whitelist is unlocked and can be updated via the set variables endpoint.
  2. Locked: The contract whitelist is locked and cannot be updated further.

This WhitelistMode is an optional installation parameter and will be set to unlocked if not passed. However, the whitelist mode itself cannot be changed once the contract has been installed. The mode is passed in as a u8 value to whitelist_mode runtime argument.

WhitelistMode u8
Unlocked 0
Locked 1


The minting mode governs the behavior of contract when minting new tokens. The minting modality provides two options:

  1. Installer: This mode restricts the ability to mint new NFT tokens only to the installing account of the NFT contract.
  2. Public: This mode allows any account to mint NFT tokens.

This modality is an optional installation parameter and will default to the Installer mode if not provided. However, this mode cannot be changed once the contract has been installed. The mode is set by passing a u8 value to the minting_mode runtime argument.

MintingMode u8
Installer 0
Public 1


This modality dictates the schema for the metadata for NFTs minted by a given instance of an NFT contract. There are four supported modalities:

  1. CEP78: This mode specifies that NFTs minted must have valid metadata confirming to the CEP-78 schema.
  2. NFT721: This mode specifies that NFTs minted must have valid metadata conforming to the NFT-721 metadata schema.
  3. Raw: This mode specifies that metadata validation will not occur and raw strings can be passed to token_metadata runtime argument as part of the call to mint entrypoint.
  4. CustomValidated: This mode specifies that a custom schema provided at the time of install will be used when validating the metadata as part of the call to mint entrypoint.
CEP-78 metadata example
  "name": "John Doe",
  "token_uri": "",
  "checksum": "940bffb3f2bba35f84313aa26da09ece3ad47045c6a1292c2bbd2df4ab1a55fb"
NFT-721 metadata example
  "name": "John Doe",
  "symbol": "abc",
  "token_uri": ""
Custom Validated

The CEP-78 implementation allows for installers of the contract to provide their own custom schema at the time of install. The schema is passed as a String value to json_schema runtime argument at the time of install. Once provided, the schema for a given instance of the contract cannot be changed.

The custom JSON schema must contain a top level properties field. An example of valid JSON schema is provided, each property has a name, the description of the property itself, and whether the property is required to be present in the metadata. If the metadata kind is not set to custom validated, then value passed to the json_schema runtime argument will be ignored.

Example Custom Validated schema
         "description":"The name of deity from a particular pantheon.",
         "description":"The mythology the deity belongs to.",
Example Custom Metadata
  "deity_name": "Baldur",
  "mythology": "Nordic"
NFTMetadataKind u8
CEP78 0
NFT721 1
Raw 2
CustomValidated 3


The identifier mode governs the primary identifier for NFTs minted for a given instance on an installed contract. This modality provides two options:

  1. Ordinal: NFTs minted in this modality are identified by a u64 value. This value is determined by the number of NFTs minted by the contract at the time the NFT is minted.
  2. Hash: NFTs minted in this modality are identified by a base16 encoded representation of the blake2b hash of the metadata provided at the time of mint.

Since the primary identifier in the Hash mode is derived by hashing over the metadata, making it a content addressed identifier, the metadata for the minted NFT cannot be updated after the mint. Attempting to install the contract with the MetadataMutability modality set to Mutable in the Hash identifier mode will raise an error. This modality is a required installation parameter and cannot be changed once the contract has been installed. It is passed in as a u8 value to the identifier_mode runtime argument.

NFTIdentifierMode u8
Ordinal 0
Hash 1

Metadata Mutability

The metadata mutability mode governs the behavior around updates to a given NFTs metadata. This modality provides two options:

  1. Immutable: Metadata for NFTs minted in this mode cannot be updated once the NFT has been minted.
  2. Mutable: Metadata for NFTs minted in this mode can update the metadata via the set_token_metadata entrypoint.

The Mutable option cannot be used in conjunction with the Hash modality for the NFT identifier, attempting to install the contract with this configuration raises InvalidMetadataMutability error. This modality is a required installation parameter and cannot be changed once the contract has been installed. It is passed in as a u8 value to the metadata_mutability runtime argument.

MetadataMutability u8
Immutable 0
Mutable 1

Modality Conflicts

The MetadataMutability option of Mutable cannot be used in conjunction with NFTIdentifierMode modality of Hash.


Installing the contract.

The file within the contract provides the installer for the NFT contract. Users can compile the contract to Wasm using the make build-contract with the provided Makefile. The call method will install the contract with the necessary entrypoints and call init() entry point to allow the contract to self initialize and setup the necessary state to allow for operation, The following are the required runtime arguments that must be passed to the installer session code to correctly install the NFT contract.

  • "collection_name": The name of the NFT collection, passed in as a String. This parameter is required and cannot be changed post installation.
  • "collection_symbol": The symbol representing a given NFT collection, passed in as a String. This parameter is required and cannot be changed post installation.
  • "total_token_supply": The total number of NFTs that a specific instance of a contract will mint passed in as a U64 value. This parameter is required and cannot be changed post installation.
  • "ownership_mode": The OwnershipMode modality that dictates the ownership behavior of the NFT contract. This argument is passed in as a u8 value and is required at the time of installation.
  • "nft_kind": The NFTKind modality that specifies the off-chain items represented by the on-chain NFT data. This argument is passed in as a u8 value and is required at the time of installation.
  • "json_schema": The JSON schema for the NFT tokens that will be minted by the NFT contract passed in as a String. This parameter is required if the metadata kind is set to CustomValidated(4) and cannot be changed post installation.
  • "nft_metadata_kind": The metadata schema for the NFTs to be minted by the NFT contract. This argument is passed in as a u8 value and is required at the time of installation.
  • "identifier_mode": The NFTIdentifierMode modality dictates the primary identifier for NFTs minted by the contract. This argument is passed in as a u8 value and is required at the time of installation.
  • "metadata_mutability": The MetadataMutability modality dictates whether the metadata of minted NFTs can be updated. This argument is passed in as a u8 value and is required at the time of installation.

The following are the optional parameters that can be passed in at the time of installation.

  • "minting_mode": The MintingMode modality that dictates the access to the mint() entry-point in the NFT contract. This is an optional parameter that will default to restricting access to the installer of the contract. This parameter cannot be changed once the contract has been installed.
  • "allow_minting": The "allow_minting" flag that allows the installer of the contract to pause the minting of new NFTs. The allow_minting is a boolean toggle which allows minting when true. If not provided at install the toggle will default to true. This value can be changed by the installer by calling the set_variables() entrypoint.
  • "whitelist_mode": The WhitelistMode modality dictates whether the contract whitelist can be updated. This is an optional parameter that will default to a unlocked whitelist which can be updated post installation. This parameter cannot be changed once the contract has been installed.
  • "contract_whitelist": The contract whitelist is a list of contract hashes that specifies which contracts can call the mint() entrypoint to mint NFTs. This is an optional parameter which will default to an empty whitelist. This value can be changed via the set_variables post installation. If the whitelist mode is set to locked, a non-empty whitelist must be passed, else, installation of the contract will fail.
Example deploy

The following is an example of deploying the installation of the NFT contract via the Rust Casper command client.

casper-client put-deploy -n http://localhost:11101/rpc --chain-name "casper-net-1" --payment-amount 500000000000 -k ~/casper/casper-node/utils/nctl/assets/net-1/nodes/node-1/keys/secret_key.pem --session-path ~/casper/enhanced-nft/contract/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/contract.wasm --session-arg "collection_name:string='enhanced-nft-1'" --session-arg "collection_symbol:string='ENFT-1'" --session-arg "total_token_supply:u256='10'" --session-arg "ownership_mode:u8='0'" --session-arg "nft_kind:u8='1'" --session-arg "json_schema:string='nft-schema'" --session-arg "allow_minting:bool='true'" 

Utility session code

Certain entry points in use by the current implementation of the NFT contract require session code to accept return values passed by the contract over the Wasm boundary. In order to help with the installation and use of the NFT contract, session code for such entry points has been provided. It is recommended that users and d-app developers attempting to engage with the NFT contract do so with the help of the provided utility session code. The session code can be found in the client folder within the project folder.

Entry point name Session code
"mint" client/mint_session
"balance_of" client/balance_of_session
"get_approved client/get_approved_session
"owner_of" client/owner_of_session

Test Suite and specification.

The expected behavior of the NFT contract implementation is asserted by its test suite found in the tests folder. The test suite and the corresponding unit tests comprise the specification around the contract and outline the expected behaviors of the NFT contract across the entire range of possible configurations (i.e modalities and toggles like allow minting). The test suite ensures that as new modalities are added and current modalities are extended no regressions and conflicting behaviors are introduced. The test suite also asserts the correct working behavior of the utility session code provided in the client folder. The tests can be run by using the provided Makefile and running the make test command.

Prior art

The Casper NFT Protocol [1] The Ethereum NFT standard EIP-721[2]

  1. CEP-47
  2. EIP-721