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Initial support for update/delete
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Also returning the correct http status code.
  • Loading branch information
hammett committed Apr 19, 2012
1 parent 6729d80 commit 49eddd3
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Showing 8 changed files with 155 additions and 104 deletions.
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// todo: execute result?
let invoke_controller_key = invoke_controller

let callbacks = {
accessSingle = Func<ResourceType,obj,bool>(fun rt o -> invoke_controller "Access" false rt o true);
accessMany = Func<ResourceType,IEnumerable,bool>(fun rt o -> invoke_controller "AccessMany" true rt o true);
create = Func<ResourceType,obj,bool>(fun rt o -> invoke_controller "Create" false rt o false);
create = Func<ResourceType,obj,bool * string>(fun rt o -> invoke_controller_key "Create" false rt o false, "");
update = Func<ResourceType,obj,bool>(fun rt o -> invoke_controller "Update" false rt o false);
remove = Func<ResourceType,obj,bool>(fun rt o -> invoke_controller "Remove" false rt o false);
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contentEncoding = response.ContentEncoding;
writer = writer;
httpStatus = 200;
httpStatusDesc = "OK";
location = null;

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SegmentProcessor.Process op segments callbacks requestParams responseParams

if responseParams.httpStatus <> 200 then
response.StatusCode <- responseParams.httpStatus
response.StatusDescription <- responseParams.httpStatusDesc
if not <| String.IsNullOrEmpty responseParams.contentType then
response.ContentType <- responseParams.contentType
if responseParams.contentEncoding <> null then
response.ContentEncoding <- responseParams.contentEncoding
if responseParams.location <> null then
response.AddHeader("Location", responseParams.location)


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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ type SegmentOp =
type ProcessorCallbacks = {
accessSingle : Func<ResourceType, obj, bool>;
accessMany : Func<ResourceType, IEnumerable, bool>;
create : Func<ResourceType, obj, bool>;
create : Func<ResourceType, obj, bool * string>;
update : Func<ResourceType, obj, bool>;
remove : Func<ResourceType, obj, bool>;
Expand All @@ -47,10 +47,17 @@ type ResponseParameters = {
mutable contentEncoding : Encoding;
writer : TextWriter;
mutable httpStatus : int;
mutable httpStatusDesc : string;
mutable location : string;

module SegmentProcessor =
type ResponseParameters with
member x.SetStatus(code:int, desc:string) =
x.httpStatus <- code
x.httpStatusDesc <- desc

let internal emptyResponse = { QItems = null; EItems = null; SingleResult = null; ResType = null; FinalResourceUri=null; ResProp = null }

let (|HttpGet|HttpPost|HttpPut|HttpDelete|HttpMerge|HttpHead|) (arg:string) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +122,8 @@ module SegmentProcessor =

let internal process_collection_property op container (p:PropertyAccessInfo) (previous:UriSegment) hasMoreSegments
(model:ODataModel) (callbacks:ProcessorCallbacks) (request:RequestParameters)
(model:ODataModel) (callbacks:ProcessorCallbacks)
(request:RequestParameters) (response:ResponseParameters)
(shouldContinue:Ref<bool>) =
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((match previous with | UriSegment.Nothing -> false | _ -> true), "cannot be root")

Expand All @@ -139,22 +147,25 @@ module SegmentProcessor =
| _ -> ()

let input = deserialize_input p.ResourceType request
if callbacks.create.Invoke(p.ResourceType, input) then
else shouldContinue := false

let succ, key = callbacks.create.Invoke(p.ResourceType, input)
if succ then
response.SetStatus(201, "Created")
response.location <- Uri(request.baseUri, p.Uri.OriginalString + "(" + key + ")").AbsoluteUri

{ ResType = p.ResourceType;
QItems = null; EItems = null; SingleResult = input;
FinalResourceUri = p.Uri; ResProp = null }
shouldContinue := false

| SegmentOp.Update ->
// deserialize
// process
// result
raise(NotImplementedException("Update for property not supported yet"))
| _ -> failwithf "Unsupported operation %O" op

let internal process_item_property op container (p:PropertyAccessInfo) (previous:UriSegment) hasMoreSegments
(model:ODataModel) (callbacks:ProcessorCallbacks) (shouldContinue:Ref<bool>) =
(model:ODataModel) (callbacks:ProcessorCallbacks) (shouldContinue:Ref<bool>)
(requestParams:RequestParameters) (responseParams:ResponseParameters) =
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((match previous with | UriSegment.Nothing -> false | _ -> true), "cannot be root")

if op = SegmentOp.View || (hasMoreSegments && op = SegmentOp.Update) then
Expand All @@ -170,8 +181,8 @@ module SegmentProcessor =
if callbacks.accessSingle.Invoke(p.ResourceType, finalValue) then
p.SingleResult <- finalValue
{ ResType = p.ResourceType;
QItems = null; EItems = null; SingleResult = finalValue;
FinalResourceUri = p.Uri; ResProp = p.Property }
QItems = null; EItems = null; SingleResult = finalValue;
FinalResourceUri = p.Uri; ResProp = p.Property }
else emptyResponse

Expand All @@ -185,7 +196,8 @@ module SegmentProcessor =

let internal process_entityset op (d:EntityAccessInfo) (previous:UriSegment) hasMoreSegments
(model:ODataModel) (callbacks:ProcessorCallbacks) (shouldContinue:Ref<bool>) requestParams =
(model:ODataModel) (callbacks:ProcessorCallbacks) (shouldContinue:Ref<bool>)
(request:RequestParameters) (response:ResponseParameters) =
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((match previous with | UriSegment.Nothing -> true | _ -> false), "must be root")

// System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (not hasMoreSegments)
Expand All @@ -205,38 +217,30 @@ module SegmentProcessor =
| SegmentOp.Create ->
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (not hasMoreSegments)

let item = deserialize_input d.ResourceType requestParams
if callbacks.create.Invoke(d.ResourceType, item) then
else shouldContinue := false

let item = deserialize_input d.ResourceType request

| SegmentOp.Update ->
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (not hasMoreSegments)
// deserialize
// process
// result
let succ, key = callbacks.create.Invoke(d.ResourceType, item)
if succ then
response.SetStatus(201, "Created")
response.location <- Uri(request.baseUri, d.Uri.OriginalString + "(" + key + ")").AbsoluteUri

{ ResType = d.ResourceType;
QItems = null; EItems = null; SingleResult = item;
FinalResourceUri = d.Uri; ResProp = null }
shouldContinue := false

| SegmentOp.Delete ->
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (not hasMoreSegments)
// process
// result

| _ -> failwithf "Unsupported operation %O" op

let internal process_entityset_single op (d:EntityAccessInfo) (previous:UriSegment) hasMoreSegments
(model:ODataModel) (callbacks:ProcessorCallbacks) (shouldContinue:Ref<bool>) stream =

(model:ODataModel) (callbacks:ProcessorCallbacks) (shouldContinue:Ref<bool>)
(request:RequestParameters) (response:ResponseParameters) =
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((match previous with | UriSegment.Nothing -> true | _ -> false), "must be root")

if op = SegmentOp.View || hasMoreSegments then
if not hasMoreSegments then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (not (op = SegmentOp.Delete), "should not be delete")

let get_single_result () =
// if there are more segments, consider this a read
let wholeSet = model.GetQueryable (d.ResSet)
let singleResult = select_by_key d.ResourceType wholeSet d.Key
Expand All @@ -249,24 +253,45 @@ module SegmentProcessor =
shouldContinue := false

if op = SegmentOp.View || hasMoreSegments then
if not hasMoreSegments then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (not (op = SegmentOp.Delete), "should not be delete")

get_single_result ()


match op with
| SegmentOp.Update ->
// deserialize
// process
// result

let item = deserialize_input d.ResourceType request

let succ = callbacks.update.Invoke(d.ResourceType, item)
if succ then
response.SetStatus(204, "No Content")
response.location <- d.Uri.AbsoluteUri
else shouldContinue := false


| SegmentOp.Delete ->
// Entries are deleted by executing an HTTP DELETE request against a URI that points at the Entry.
// If the operation executed successfully servers should return 200 (OK) with no response body.
let result = get_single_result()

// process
// result
if result <> emptyResponse then
let single = result.SingleResult
if callbacks.remove.Invoke(d.ResourceType, single) then
response.SetStatus(204, "No Content")
response.location <- d.Uri.AbsoluteUri
shouldContinue := false


| _ -> failwithf "Unsupported operation %O at this level" op

let internal serialize_directory op hasMoreSegments (previous:UriSegment) writer baseUri metadataProviderWrapper (response:ResponseParameters) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,7 +361,6 @@ module SegmentProcessor =
// in case of exception, serialized error is sent

let model = request.model
let stream = request.input
let baseUri = request.baseUri
let writer = response.writer
do response.contentType <- resolveResponseContentType segments request.accept
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,16 +400,16 @@ module SegmentProcessor =

| UriSegment.EntitySet d ->
process_entityset op d previous hasMoreSegments model callbacks shouldContinue request
process_entityset op d previous hasMoreSegments model callbacks shouldContinue request response

| UriSegment.EntityType d ->
process_entityset_single op d previous hasMoreSegments model callbacks shouldContinue stream
process_entityset_single op d previous hasMoreSegments model callbacks shouldContinue request response

| UriSegment.PropertyAccessCollection d ->
process_collection_property op container d previous hasMoreSegments model callbacks request shouldContinue
process_collection_property op container d previous hasMoreSegments model callbacks request response shouldContinue

| UriSegment.ComplexType d | UriSegment.PropertyAccessSingle d ->
process_item_property op container d previous hasMoreSegments model callbacks shouldContinue
process_item_property op container d previous hasMoreSegments model callbacks shouldContinue request response

| _ -> Unchecked.defaultof<ResponseToSend>

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<Compile Include="AtomServiceDocSerializerTestCase.cs" />
<Compile Include="SegmentProcessorTestCase.Delete.cs" />
<Compile Include="SegmentProcessorTestCase.Update.cs" />
<Compile Include="SegmentProcessorTestCase.Callbacks.cs" />
<Compile Include="SegmentProcessorTestCase.EntityType.cs" />
<Compile Include="SegmentProcessorTestCase.PropColl.cs" />
<Compile Include="SegmentProcessorTestCase.PropSingle.cs" />
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This file was deleted.

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using NUnit.Framework;

public partial class SegmentProcessorTestCase
// naming convention for testing methods
Expand All @@ -28,10 +26,11 @@ public void PropCollection_Create_Atom_Atom_Success()
IsCurated = true,
Name = "testing", Price = 2.3m

Process("/catalogs(1)/Products/", SegmentOp.Create, _modelWithMinimalContainer, inputStream: prod.ToSyndicationItem().ToStream() );

Assertion.ResponseIs(201, "application/atom+xml", location: "http://localhost/base/catalogs(1)/Products(0)");

// TODO: need to collect the containers, so controller can get all of them in the action call

Expand All @@ -45,5 +44,32 @@ public void PropCollection_Create_Atom_Atom_Success()

[Test, Description("Id for products needs to refer back to EntityContainer.Products")]
public void EntitySet_Create_Atom_Atom_Success()
var prod = new Product1()
Created = DateTime.Now,
Modified = DateTime.Now,
IsCurated = true,
Name = "testing",
Price = 2.3m

Process("/Products/", SegmentOp.Create, _model, inputStream: prod.ToSyndicationItem().ToStream());

Assertion.ResponseIs(201, "application/atom+xml", location: "http://localhost/base/Products(0)");


var deserializedProd = (Product1)_created.ElementAt(0).Item2;


Expand Up @@ -16,32 +16,25 @@ public partial class SegmentProcessorTestCase
// [EntitySet|EntityType|PropSingle|PropCollection|Complex|Primitive]_[Operation]_[InputFormat]_[OutputFormat]__[Success|Failure]

[Test, Description("The EntityContainer only has Catalog, so creation is for nested object")]
public void PropCollection_Delete_Atom_Atom_Success()
public void EntityType_PropertySingle_Delete__Success()
var prod = new Product1()
Id = 1,
Created = DateTime.Now,
Modified = DateTime.Now,
IsCurated = true,
Name = "testing", Price = 2.3m

Process("/catalogs(1)/Products(1)/", SegmentOp.Delete, _modelWithMinimalContainer, inputStream: prod.ToSyndicationItem().ToStream() );
Process("/catalogs(1)/Products(1)/", SegmentOp.Delete, _modelWithMinimalContainer );

// TODO: need to collect the containers, so controller can get all of them in the action call


var deserializedProd = (Product1) _created.ElementAt(0).Item2;
public void EntitySetSingle_Delete__Success()
Process("/Products(1)/", SegmentOp.Delete, _model);


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