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File metadata and controls

174 lines (141 loc) · 5.45 KB

HistogramSet JSON Format

This document assumes familiarity with the concepts introduced in how-to-write-metrics.

HistogramSet JSON contains an unordered array of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents either a Histogram or a Diagnostic.

    "name": "my amazing metric",
    "unit": "ms",
    "binBoundaries": [0, [0, 100, 10]],
    "description": "this is my awesome amazing metric",
    "diagnostics": {
      "stories": "923e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "sampleValues": [0, 1, 42, -999999999.99999, null],
    "maxNumSampleValues": 1000,
    "numNans": 1,
    "nanDiagnostics": [
        "events": {
          "type": "RelatedEventSet",
          "events": [
              "stableId": "a.b.c", "title": "Title", "start": 0, "duration": 1
    "running": [5, 42, 0, -1, -999, -900, 100],
    "allBins": {
      "0": [1],
      "1": [1],
    "summaryOptions": {
      "nans": true,
      "percentile": [0.5, 0.95, 0.99],
    "guid": "923e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
    "type": "GenericSet",
    "values": ["browse:news:cnn"],


Required fields

  • name: any string
  • unit: underscore-separated string of 1 or 2 parts:
    • The required unit base name must be one of
      • ms
      • tsMs
      • n%
      • sizeInBytes
      • J
      • W
      • unitless
      • count
      • sigma
    • Optional improvement direction must be one of
      • biggerIsBetter
      • smallerIsBetter

Optional fields

  • description: any string, allows metrics to explain results in more depth
  • binBoundaries: an array that describes how to build bin boundaries The first element must be a number that specifies the boundary between the underflow bin and the first central bin. Subsequent elements can be either
    • numbers specifying bin boundaries, or
    • arrays of 3 numbers that specify how to build sequences of bin boundaries:
      • The first of which is an enum:
        • 0 (LINEAR)
        • 1 (EXPONENTIAL)
      • The second number is the maximum bin boundary of the sequence.
      • The third and final number is the number of bin boundaries in the sequence. If binBoundaries is undefined, then the Histogram contains single bin whose range spans -Number.MAX_VALUE to Number.MAX_VALUE
  • diagnostics: a DiagnosticMap that pertains to the entire Histogram, allows metrics to help users diagnose regressions and other problems. This can reference shared Diagnostics by guid.
  • sampleValues: array of sample values to support Mann-Whitney U hypothesis testing to determine the significance of the difference between two Histograms.
  • maxNumSampleValues: maximum number of sample values If undefined, defaults to allBins.length * 10.
  • numNans: number of non-numeric samples added to the Histogram
  • nanDiagnostics: an array of DiagnosticMaps for non-numeric samples
  • running: running statistics, an array of 7 numbers: count, max, meanlogs, mean, min, sum, variance
  • allBins: either an array of Bins or a dictionary mapping from index to Bin: A Bin is an array containing either 1 or 2 elements:
    • Required number bin count,
    • Optional array of sample DiagnosticMaps
  • summaryOptions: dictionary mapping from option names avg, geometricMean, std, count, sum, min, max, nans to boolean flags. The special option percentile is an array of numbers between 0 and 1. This allows metrics to specify which summary statistics are interesting and should be displayed.

DiagnosticMap is a dictionary mapping strings to Diagnostic dictionaries.


The only field that is required for all Diagnostics, type, must be one of

  • Breakdown
  • DateRange
  • GenericSet
  • RelatedEventSet
  • RelatedNameMap
  • Scalar

If a Diagnostic is in the root array of the JSON, then it is shared, so it may be referenced by multiple Histograms. Shared Diagnostics must contain a string field guid containing a UUID.

If a Diagnostic is contained in a Histogram, then it must not have a guid field.

The other fields of Diagnostic dictionaries depend on type.


This allows metrics to explain the magnitude of a sample as composed of various categories.

  • values: required dictionary mapping from a string category name to number values
  • colorScheme: optional string specifying how the bar chart should be colored


This is a Range of Dates.

  • min: Unix timestamp in ms
  • max: optional Unix timestamp in ms


This allows metrics to store arbitrary untyped data in Histograms.

  • values: array of any JSON data.


This allows metrics to explain the magnitude of a sample as a parameter of a specific event or set of events in a trace.

  • events: array of dictionaries containing stableId, title, start, duration fields of Events


This is a Map from short descriptive names to full Histogram names.

  • names: a dictionary mapping strings to strings containing Histogram names.


Metrics should not use Scalar diagnostics since they cannot be safely merged.

  • value: a dictionary containing a string unit and a number value