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PYNQ on XRT Platforms

Starting from version 2.5.1 PYNQ supports XRT-based platforms including Amazon's AWS F1 and Alveo for cloud and on-premise deployment. If you are new to PYNQ we recommend browsing the rest of the documentation to fully understand the core PYNQ concepts as these form the foundation of PYNQ on XRT platforms. Here we will explore the changes made to bring PYNQ into the world of PCIe based FPGA compute.

Programming the Device

The Overlay class still forms the core of interacting with a design on the FPGA fabric. When running on an XRT device the Overlay class will now accept an xclbin file directly and will automatically download the bitstream. Any xclbin file generated from Vitis is usable from PYNQ without any changes.

ol = pynq.Overlay('my_design.xclbin')

The Overlay instance will contain properties for each IP and, for Alveo and other XRT devices, memory that is accessible in the design. For a human-readable summary of an overlay instance you can use the ? operator in IPython or Jupyter or print the __doc__ attribute.

Allocating Memory

One of the big changes with a PCIe FPGA is how memory is allocated. There are potentially multiple banks of DDR, PLRAM and HBM available and buffers need to be placed into the appropriate memory. Fabric-accessible memory is still allocated using pynq.allocate with the target keyword parameter used to select which bank the buffer should be allocated in.

buf = pynq.allocate((1024,1024), 'u4', target=ol.bank1)

Memory banks are named based on the device's XRT shell that is in use and can be found through the overlay class and in the shell's documentation.

Buffers also need to be explicitly synchronized between the host and accelerator card memories. This is to keep buffers allocated through pynq.allocate generic, and also enable more advanced uses like overlapping computation and data transfers. The buffer has sync_to_device and sync_from_device functions to manage this transfer of data.



The flush and invalidate functions are still present for XRT devices and correspond to the sync_to_device and sync_from_device respectively to make it easier to write code that works on both ZYNQ and Alveo platforms. Likewise, starting from version 2.5.1, sync_to_device and sync_from_device will be present on ZYNQ.

It is also possible to transfer only part of a buffer by slicing the array prior to calling a sync function.


Running Accelerators

PYNQ for XRT platforms provides the same access to the registers of the kernels on the card as IP in a ZYNQ design, however one of the advantages of the XRT environment is that we have more information on the types and argument names for the kernels. For this reason we have added the ability to call kernels directly without needing to explicitly read and write registers, output_buf)

For HLS C++ or OpenCL kernels the signature of the call function will mirror the function in the original source. You can see how that has been interpreted in Python by looking at the .signature property of the kernel. .call will call the kernel synchronously, returning only when the execution has finished. For more complex sequences of kernel calls it may be desirable to start accelerators without waiting for them to complete before continuing. To support this there is also a .start function which takes the same arguments as .call but returns a handle that has a .wait() function that will block until the kernel has finished.

handle = ol.my_kernel.start(input_buf, output_buf)


Due to limitations in how PYNQ runs accelerators, when running on XRT version 2.2 or earlier it is undefined behavior to start an accelerator for a second time before waiting for the first execution to complete. There are no such limitations with newer versions of XRT.

Freeing Designs

XRT requires that device memory and accelerators be freed before the card can be reprogrammed. Memory will be freed when the buffers are deleted, however the accelerators need to be explicitly freed by calling the method. The overlay will be freed automatically when a new Overlay object is created in the same process (i.e. Python session) as the currently-loaded overlay. All resources will be freed automatically when the process exits.

Efficient Scheduling of Multiple Kernels

If PYNQ is running on XRT version 2.3 or later then start and call have an optional keyword parameter waitfor that can be used to create a dependency graph which is executed in the hardware. This frees the CPU from scheduling the execution of the accelerators and drastically decreases the time between accelerator invocations. The waitfor is a list of wait handles returned by previous executions that must have completed prior to this task being scheduled. As an example consider the following snippet that chains two calls to a vector addition accelerator to compute the sum of three arrays.

handle = ol.vadd_1.start(input1, input2, output), output, output, waitfor=(handle,))

Kernel Streams

Kernel-to-kernel (K2K) streams are supported by PYNQ and are exposed as part of the memory infrastructure.


In SDAccel or Vitis designs, the K2K streams are given names in the form of dc_# and will appear in the memory dictionary with the entry streaming: True. The docstring of the overlay will also identify streams under the Memories section.

bank1                : Memory
dc_0                 : Stream
dc_1                 : Stream
dc_2                 : Stream
dc_3                 : Stream
dc_4                 : Stream

Accessing a stream member of an overlay will give an XrtStream describing the endpoints of the stream. Following from the above example:

> ol.dc_3
XrtStream(source=vadd_1.out_c, sink=vmult_1.in_a)

The source and sink attributes are strings in the form {ip}.{port}. If the driver for an endpoint has been initialized then there will also be source_ip and sink_ip attributes pointing to the respective driver interfaces.


Despite being described by the memory dictionary it is not possible pass a stream object as a target to pynq.allocate.

The other way of accessing stream objects is via the streams dictionary of an IP driver. This will return the same object as derived from the overlay.

{'out_c': XrtStream(source=vadd_1.out_c, sink=vmult_1.in_a)}

Multiple Cards

PYNQ supports multiple accelerator cards in one server. It provides a Device class to designate which card should be used for given operations. The first operation is to query the cards in the system:

> for i in range(len(pynq.Device.devices)):
>    print("{}) {}".format(i, pynq.Device.devices[i].name))
0) xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_2
1) xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2
2) xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2
3) xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2

The first device in the list is chosen as the active device at start-up. To change this the active_device property of the Device class can be updated.

pynq.Device.active_device = pynq.Device.devices[2]

To use multiple devices in the same PYNQ instance the Overlay class has a device keyword parameter that can be used to override the active device for this overlay. Note that the PYNQ framework doesn't at present do any error checking to ensure that buffers have been allocated on the same card that a kernel is on. It is up to you to ensure that only the correct buffers are used with the correct cards.

overlay_1 = pynq.Overlay('my_overlay1.xclbin', device=pynq.Device.devices[0])
overlay_2 = pynq.Overlay('my_overlay2.xclbin', device=pynq.Device.devices[1])