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Releases: ccavanaugh/jgnash

Release 2.27.0

05 Nov 14:40
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Release 2.27.0

  • 11/05/16 Improved window positioning behavior on multi-monitor systems. (Fx)
  • 11/05/16 The Budget Goals dialog had the wrong title and layout behavior was poor. (Fx)
  • 11/03/16 Budgets results may now be display as running totals instead of per period values. (Fx)
  • 10/26/16 Improved the density and layout stability of the budget view. (Fx)
  • 10/24/16 Added selection buttons to the Reminders notification dialog to reduce required effort. (Fx)
  • 10/24/16 The Periodic Account Balance chart was improved with more selectable periods and better button names. (Fx)
  • 10/24/16 The Income and Expense bar chart was freezing due to an infinite loop. (Fx) [Pranay Kumar]
  • 10/24/16 Improved stability of test and build for slow or virtualized systems.
  • 10/23/16 The focus and accent colors for the Fx UI can now be changed. (Fx)
  • 10/22/16 Corrected some font scaling issues withing the UI. (Fx)
  • 10/22/16 Improved column layout behavior when changing the default font scale. (Fx)
  • 10/18/16 Transaction timestamps are now strictly controlled. Alternation of a transaction including reconciliation will alter the timestamp.
  • 10/18/16 A transaction entry timestamp column has been added to the register. It is hidden by default. (Fx)
  • 10/17/16 Prevent an IllegalArgumentException from occurring if a default or prior directory is missing when attempting to select a file. (Fx)
  • 10/16/16 Added an option to control how Bayesian model matches transactions to accounts when importing. (Fx)
  • 10/16/16 Make the last selected transaction account sticky for the OFX/QIF/MT940 Import wizard. (Fx)
  • 10/14/16 The OFX/QIF/MT940 Import wizard was not displaying consistent precision for transaction amounts. (Fx)

Release 2.26.0

13 Oct 09:42
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Release 2.26.0 (File format change)

H2 databases will be upgraded automatically.

HyperSql (*.script) databases will need to be saved to another file format in the prior release of jGnash. They may
be saved back to a HyperSql database afterwards.

  • 10/12/16 Added an option to invert the sign of Credit, Liability, Equity, and Income accounts for the Periodic
    Account balance chart.
  • 10/10/16 Fixed another transaction and security history concurrency bug for relational databases. (Swing, Fx)
  • 10/09/16 The initial check for recurring transactions / reminders was taking too long. (Fx)
  • 10/04/16 Add utility method to pack and upgrade older databases. (Fx)
  • 09/07/16 Added work around for JavaFx bug JDK-8132897. Using a ComboBox was causing an application crash when running
    on the Windows platform. (Fx)
  • 09/03/16 Improved predictability of the sort order of transactions with the same date without an assigned transaction
    number. (Swing, Fx)
  • 08/29/16 Internal cleanup, removal of duplicated code.
  • 08/28/16 The Open dialog was not behaving correctly if a remote connection was used for the prior session. (Fx)
  • 08/21/16 Updated to the latest Hibernate dependency. HyperSql (*.script) users will need to save to a different file
    format before updating to this release. You may revert back to HyperSql after the upgrade.
  • 08/21/16 Removed support for corrections to older file formats (Prior to release 2.22.0). Existing files must have
    been loaded with jGnash release 2.22 - 2.25 prior to using with this release.

Release 2.25.0

20 Aug 17:29
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08/20/16 The JavaFx interface is now considered stable for daily use. Remove -ea suffix off executables. (Fx)
08/16/16 Fixed a rare transaction and security history concurrency bug for relational databases. (Swing, Fx)
08/11/16 Running totals for Spit transaction forms were not updating correctly. (Fx)
07/10/16 Command line options have changed, they now use '--' instead of '-'. See the manual for details. (Swing)
07/05/16 Integrated help has been removed from the Swing interface. Help is provided with the supplied Manual.pdf.
The old help system was limiting the type and quality of documentation that could be generated. (Swing)
07/05/16 The Check Designer Dialog button texts were not displayed correctly. (Swing)
07/04/16 The mt940 import now works with the Fx interface. (Fx)
07/04/16 Plugin API has been changed to allow a plugin to support the Swing and Fx interface. (Swing, Fx)
07/02/16 Plugin API implemented for the Fx interface. (Fx)
06/30/16 Plugins may now be placed in $HOME/.jgnash/plugins for *nix based OS's or
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\jgnash\plugins for Windows users. This makes upgrades easier for custom plugins.
06/26/16 Plugins were not being loaded from the correct location. This prevented the mt940 plugin from loading. (Swing)
06/26/16 Added print capability and a status bar to the transaction attachment viewer. (Fx)

Release 2.24.0

25 Jun 09:31
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Release 2.24.0

06/23/16 Improved performance for loading large files, working with large accounts and reports. (Swing, Fx)
06/22/16 Fixed some bugs related to editing of split transactions. (Fx)
06/22/16 Enable use of concatenated memos within the Swing interface. (Swing)
06/19/16 Improve handling of JDBC connection errors. (Swing, Fx)
06/19/16 The Fx UI would not completely shut down in some rare instances. (Fx)
06/18/16 Shutdown of server was not working correctly. (Fx)
06/17/16 Implemented use of command line options for the Fx interface. (Fx)
06/09/16 Implemented the Payee Pie chart for the Fx interface. (Fx)
06/02/16 The Income and Expense Pie chart now uses a DoughnutChart variation. (Fx)
05/27/16 Update to the latest Netty and include only the needed dependencies. (Swing, Fx)
05/26/16 Improved the name of the application in the OSX and Gnome global menu. (Fx)

Release 2.23.0

14 May 17:54
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Release 2.23.0

05/14/16 Added the Periodic Account Balance report. (Fx)
05/04/16 Implemented the Reminders dialog for the FX interface. (Fx)
05/03/16 Implemented the "Shutdown Server" command for the FX interface. (Fx)
05/03/16 Added access to the Budget Manager from the Tools Menu. (Fx)
05/02/16 Implemented "File | Save As" capability for the FX interface. (Fx)
05/02/16 Implemented Password Change capability for relational databases. (Fx)
05/01/16 Modified transactions were not refreshing consistently in the register table. (Fx)
04/26/16 Fixed import of an account tree when using a relational database. (Swing, Fx)
04/25/16 Added Account structure import and export capability. (Fx)
04/24/16 Display a wait indicator when a generating a large report. (Fx)
04/24/16 Added the Account Register Report. (Fx)
04/24/16 Added a Memo specific column to the investment register table and separated the Investment column (Fx)
04/17/16 Added an option to the split entry dialog to automatically concatenate the memos of split transactions. This will reduce file size if used and reduces split transaction entry effort. (Fx)
04/15/16 Display a message at startup when a newer version is available for download. (Swing, Fx)
04/10/16 Language files now use UTF-8 file encoding. (Swing, Fx)

Release 2.22.1

03 Apr 20:09
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04/03/16 Fix for Fx UI font scaling issues for locales that use a comma for the decimal separator. (t-pa)
03/29/16 Preserve the tree structure in budget exports. (t-pa)
03/28/16 Fixed random deadlocks when loading budgets in the Swing interface. (t-pa)
03/28/16 Corrected budget calculations for mixed child account types. (t-pa)
03/28/16 Added Polish translation (Sławomir Szarkowicz)
03/22/16 Fixed broken OFX export.
03/09/16 Correct issues with table column widths sizing themselves incorrectly. (Fx)
03/07/16 Budgets were not calculating net period amounts correctly for income and expense accounts. (Bug #216) (Swing, Fx)
02/28/16 Enable automatic load of the last file for the Fx interface. (Fx)
02/28/16 Force the Fx interface on Windows to use 95% font scaling for work around potential Hi-DPI display bugs. (Fx)
02/28/16 NPE was occurring when editing transactions with an empty payee or memo's. (Fx)
02/28/16 OFX/QFX files with a capitalised file extension were not visible for import. (Fx)

Release 2.22.0

21 Feb 11:00
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Release 2.22.0 (File format change)

02/20/16 Fixed behavior of manual date input. It would sometimes reposition the caret and ignore input. (Fx)
02/18/16 Fixed a bug that was preventing removal of stale data from the relational database file formats.
02/14/16 Changed storage format for Budgets
02/09/16 Enable Menu mnemonics for platforms that support it (Fx, Windows). Changed mnemonics design so it is easier for translation and works for both Swing and Fx interfaces.
02/08/16 Added the Net Worth Report. (Fx)
02/06/16 Added the Balance Sheet Report. (Fx)
02/05/16 Added the Profit Loss Report. (Fx)
01/29/16 Added the Portfolio Report. (Fx)
01/29/16 The running balance in the register was not updating correctly with transaction changes. (Fx)
01/25/16 The transaction number ComboBox would not always capture a manually entered value. (Fx)
01/18/16 Incorrect accounts were available for selection in the account ComboBox. (Fx)
01/10/16 Added the Monthly Account Balance CSV export report to the jGnashFx UI. (Fx)

Release 2.21.0

09 Jan 11:09
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01/09/16 Fixed a bug that was causing Investment Accounts to loose Securities resulting in exceptions. It was triggered when a Security was added to more than one Investment Account and only users of a relational database would be impacted. Files will be repaired automatically (Swing, Fx)
01/06/16 Fixed a regression that was preventing creation of new Reminders. (Fx)
01/06/16 The Reminder table was not updating correctly after a new recurring event had occurred. (Fx)
01/04/16 The Account type was being corrupted for top level accounts when editing properties. (Fx)
01/04/16 The default account type was not the same as the parent when creating a new account. (Fx)
12/27/15 Set an explicit and stable sort order for budget account groups. (Swing, Fx)
12/14/15 Added an Income / Expense Bar Chart report to the jGnashFx UI. (Fx)
12/13/15 Month labels for tabular reports were off by one. (Swing)
12/13/15 Added the Profit and Loss text report to the jGnashFx UI. (Fx)
12/12/15 Added an Income / Expense Pie Chart report to the jGnashFx UI. (Fx)
12/12/15 The Profit and Loss text report was failing to execute. (Swing)
12/08/15 An option to remember the last used transaction tab has been added. (Fx)
12/07/15 An option to change button order has been added if you do not like the OS default. (Fx)
11/27/15 The budget view will automatically focus the current period when first displayed. (Fx)
11/27/15 Fixed an IndexOutOfBounds exception when reducing the displayed period count for a budget. (Fx)
11/27/15 Improved column sizing for the account summary table within the budget view. (Fx)
11/26/15 Improved general dialog sizing and positioning behavior. (Fx)
11/24/15 The transaction register may now be filtered/searched by date, reconciled state, memo, and payee. (Fx only)

Release 2.20.0

22 Nov 15:16
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Release 2.20.0

11/22/15 Fixed several potential locale specific bugs.
11/17/15 Added a context menu to the account tree table. (Fx)
11/16/15 Right aligned decimal values in the account tree table. (Fx)
11/16/15 Fixed the account code editing behavior from within the account tree table. (Fx)
11/16/15 Completed implementation of Budgeting for the jGnashFx UI.
11/15/15 Reduced distribution size by excluding compile time dependencies.
11/11/15 Budgeting now uses the ISO 8601 standard for handling weekly periods for consistency. (Swing)
11/11/15 Fixed several budgeting bugs related to 53 week years. (Swing)
11/10/15 Fixed an error that would occur when creating a new file and the given filename extension did not match the selected file type. (Fx)
11/10/15 Duplicate tabs were being created and an exception thrown when creating a new file. (Fx)
11/05/15 Added the ability to change the default date format to something other than the locale default. (Swing, Fx)
10/31/15 Fixed a file version check bug that was causing asset and liability accounts to lose their budget visibility.
10/31/15 Internal test framework should not leave files lying around anymore.
10/28/15 Fixed a bug with account combos not retaining their initial value. (Fx)
10/27/15 Improved font appearance by forcing smoothing type to gray. (Fx)
10/25/15 The last used tab of the primary interface is now restored at startup. (Fx)
10/24/15 Windows were not saving their size and location because of a race condition. (Fx)
10/24/15 Transaction number combo box was not working correctly. (Java Bug JDK-8136838 Fx)
10/18/15 Improved the column packing speed of the transaction register. (Fx)
10/17/15 The base font size will need to be reset after some code cleanup. (Fx)
10/17/15 Avoid extraneous automatic securities price updates during the weekend if at least one has occurred.
10/14/15 Fixed a race condition in the account ComboBox resulting in NPE when creating a new account. (Bug #212) (Fx)
10/14/15 Increase the darkness of the alternating tabular data row color from 2% to 6%. (Fx)
10/11/15 Added keyboard accelerators. (Fx)

Release 2.19.0

10 Oct 12:45
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10/10/15 Cleaned up Transaction Import API. External import plugins will need to be updated.
10/09/15 Updated to latest Netty release
10/08/15 Improved layout behavior for investment transaction forms. (Fx)
10/07/15 Fixed a transaction entry bug when selecting the next available check number. (Fx)
10/05/15 Improved register layout. (Fx)
10/05/15 The reconcile button in the accounts list was not working. (Fx)
10/04/15 Fixed an NPE that could occur when creating a new account. (Fx)
10/04/15 Icons behave better when the base color and font size is changed. (Fx)
10/04/15 Implemented QIF import for the jGnashFx UI.
09/25/15 The QIF import utility has been improved to make a better determination of the date format automatically.
09/25/15 Some QIF imports would fail because of a date parsing regression in 2.17.0.
09/20/15 Fixed an OFX and QIF bug that was preventing matches of previous and manually entered transactions. (Swing, Fx)
09/20/15 Fixed an exception if an attempt was made to import an OFX or QIF file with a previously imported transaction. (Swing, Fx)
09/20/15 Implemented OFX import for the jGnashFx UI.
09/15/15 Fixed an exception when opening the Transaction Number configuration Dialog (Fx)
09/15/15 Added XLS, and XLSX files to the existing export capability of the transaction register (Swing)
09/15/15 Added CSV, OFX, XLS, and XLSX file export capability to the transaction register (Fx)
09/14/15 Fixed ellipse mark that made it into the Open toolbar button (Swing)