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WiFi Access Point

starbasessd edited this page Nov 10, 2020 · 4 revisions

In isolated areas where network connectivity is not an option, you may wish to access motionEyeOS via its own WiFi network. This can be achieved by configuring your board as a WiFi Access Point.

While having your setup behave as an access point may sound cool, keep in mind that:

  • not all board/WiFi adapter combinations support this feature (the Raspberry PI 3 and Zero W do)
  • the actual throughput is in many cases below what you normally get when using a proper access point
  • the connection is often unstable due to broken or experimental drivers
  • the WiFi signal strength is usually lower than what you normally get when using a proper access point
  • you can't use your WiFi adapter in both access point and client (station) mode at the same time
  • motionEyeOS still needs a network connection to function well; if you really don't want/need one, set os_networkless to true

Access Point Activation

To activate the access point mode on your motionEyeOS you'll need to complete the following two steps:

  1. Enable hostapd

    The hostapd daemon is the component that makes your WiFi adapter broadcast a network SSID and allow other clients to connect. It is automatically started if you provide a hostapd.conf file. This needs to be placed on the boot partition before the first boot, as it will be copied on the data partition and used thereafter.

    Following is a simple example of a hostapd configuration that will create an access point with network name myssid, key 12345678 and WPA2 encryption, on channel 1:


If you are using a motionEyeOS newer than 20200203 (including dev versions), you need to change the line:


  1. Enable dnsmasq

    The dnsmasq acts as a DHCP server, offering your connected clients an IP configuration. It is automatically started if you provide a dnsmasq.conf file. This needs to be placed on the boot partition before the first boot, as it will be copied on the data partition and used thereafter.

    Following is a simple example of a dnsmasq configuration that will enable the DHCP server on the wlan0 interface, offering IP addresses in the range of to, valid for 24 hours:


If you are using a motionEyeOS newer than 20200203 (including dev versions), you need to change the line:


It is recommended to use the files static_ip.conf and os.conf also.

More Reference

The AP functionality is actually offered by thingOS. See also: