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Reproducing ‘The validity of Sentiment Analysis’

Wouter van Atteveldt & Mariken van der Velden January 2021


Together with Mariken van der Velden and Mark Boukes I recently published an article titled The validity of Sentiment Analysis/ Although all used scripts and data are available on the github page, it uses both Python and R, and the Machine Learning parts are entirely in Python. Note that you don’t need to read Dutch to be able to follow or reproduce the example, although of course it can help for inspecting the data and doing error analysis.

In this document I will reproduce some of the analyses from that paper, namely the quanteda-based Dutch dictionaries and the classical machine learning. Note that the outcome will not be identical as both preprocessing and ML implementation will be different, but the outcomes are comparable.


url = ""
d = read_csv(url) %>% select(doc_id=id, text=headline, gold, sentiment=value)
doc_id text gold sentiment
10007 Rabobank voorspelt flinke stijging hypotheekrente FALSE 0
10027 D66 wil reserves provincies aanspreken voor groei FALSE 0
10037 UWV: dit jaar meer banen FALSE 1
10059 Proosten op geslaagde beursgang Bols FALSE 1
10099 Helft werknemers gaat na 65ste met pensioen FALSE 0
10101 Europa groeit voorzichtig dankzij lage energieprijzen FALSE 1

This dataset contains Dutch newspaper headlines of articles mentioning the economy. The sentiment column is a manual coding of whether the tone about the state of the economy, i.e. whether according to the headlne one would conclude the economy is doing well or not.

table(d$gold, d$sentiment) %>%  addmargins()
/ -1 0 1 Sum
FALSE 1972 2673 1393 6038
TRUE 99 112 73 284
Sum 2071 2785 1466 6322

In total, there are 6,322 headlines, split into 6038 headlines in the training set (gold=FALSE) and 284 in the test/evaluation set. The neutral category is overrepresented at the expense of the positive category in the training data, and to a lesser extent in the test data.


Let’s use updpipe to lemmatize the headlines. This package can parse various languages, and will automatically download the needed language models. Acutally, the original data already contained lemmatized text, but that was done with a different parser, and it is nice to see how to do it within R.

Note that I call udpipe on the data frame, which expects it to have a doc_id and text column, similar to e.g. quanteda. You can also call it on a character column or vector directly (e.g. udpipe(d$text)), but then the document id will not be preserved. Also note that I set parser="none", which disables the syntactic parsing, making it a bit quicker to compute.

tokens = udpipe(d, "dutch", parser="none")

Now, this takes a couple of minutes to tokenize, so normally I would want to store the results in an intermediate file. Note: there are more advanced ways to ‘cache’ results like this built into R, but I decided the example below is nice because it is a generally useful pattern, and shows how you can save and load data and use an if / else structure.

if (file.exists("tokens.rds")) {
  tokens = readRDS("tokens.rds")
} else {
  tokens = udpipe(d, "dutch", parser="none")
  saveRDS(tokens, "tokens.rds")

In either case, the results are a data frame with one row per file:

tokens = as_tibble(tokens) %>% select(doc_id, token, start, lemma, upos)
tokens %>% filter(doc_id == 10007)
doc_id token start lemma upos
10007 Rabobank 1 Rabobank NOUN
10007 voorspelt 10 voorspellen VERB
10007 flinke 20 flink ADJ
10007 stijging 27 stijging NOUN
10007 hypotheekrente 36 hypotheekrente NOUN

This shows the output for one headline (Rabobank voorspelt flinke stijging hypotheekrente, Rabobank predicts steep increase [of] mortgage-interest), correctly tagging e.g. predict as a verb and lemmatizing it to its infinitive form.

Now, let’s recombine the lemmata per sentence and join it with our original dataframe:

lemmatized = tokens %>% arrange(doc_id, start)  %>% 
  group_by(doc_id) %>% summarize(lemmatized=str_c(lemma, collapse=" ")) %>% 
  mutate(doc_id = as.numeric(doc_id))
doc_id lemmatized
10007 Rabobank voorspellen flink stijging hypotheekrente
10027 d66 willen reserve provincie aanspreken voor groei
10037 Uwv : dit jaar veel banen
10059 Proost op slaagen beursgang Bol
10099 helft werknemer gaan na 65 met pensioen
10101 Europa groeien voorzichtig dankzij laag energieprijs

And join back with original data:

d = inner_join(d, lemmatized)
doc_id text gold sentiment lemmatized
10007 Rabobank voorspelt flinke stijging hypotheekrente FALSE 0 Rabobank voorspellen flink stijging hypotheekrente
10027 D66 wil reserves provincies aanspreken voor groei FALSE 0 d66 willen reserve provincie aanspreken voor groei
10037 UWV: dit jaar meer banen FALSE 1 Uwv : dit jaar veel banen
10059 Proosten op geslaagde beursgang Bols FALSE 1 Proost op slaagen beursgang Bol
10099 Helft werknemers gaat na 65ste met pensioen FALSE 0 helft werknemer gaan na 65 met pensioen
10101 Europa groeit voorzichtig dankzij lage energieprijzen FALSE 1 Europa groeien voorzichtig dankzij laag energieprijs


First, we make a document-term-matrix from the lemmatized texts:

dfm = d %>% select(doc_id, text=lemmatized, gold, sentiment) %>% corpus %>% 
  dfm(remove_punct=T) %>% dfm_trim(min_docfreq = 10)
train = dfm_subset(dfm, gold==FALSE)
gold = dfm_subset(dfm, gold==TRUE)


Let’s try to download and apply the NRC dictionary for Dutch: (original code). First, we download the dictionary and turn it into a quanteda dictionary:

url = ""
nrc = read_csv(url) %>% select(term = `Dutch (nl)`, Positive, Negative, Fear, Trust) %>% filter(term != 'NO TRANSLATION')
dict = dictionary(list(positive = nrc$term[nrc$Positive==1],
                       negative = nrc$term[nrc$Negative==1],
                       fear = nrc$term[nrc$Fear==1],
                       trust = nrc$term[nrc$Trust==1]))

Next, we apply to the gold standard data and compute sentiment

dict_result = gold %>% dfm_lookup(dict) %>% convert(to="data.frame") %>% as_tibble() %>% 
  mutate(score = (positive + trust) - (negative+fear), 
doc_id positive negative fear trust score dict_sentiment
10273 1 1 0 0 0 0
10367 1 0 0 0 1 1
10881 1 0 0 0 1 1
11191 0 0 0 0 0 0
11745 0 2 0 0 -2 -1
12255 0 0 0 0 0 0

Now, we can join with the original sentiment score:

dict_result = d %>% select(doc_id, actual=sentiment) %>% right_join(dict_result)
acc = mean(dict_result$actual == dict_result$dict_sentiment)
print(str_c("NRC Accuracy: ", round(acc, 2)))
## [1] "NRC Accuracy: 0.45"

Machine learning

Now we can use quanteda.textmodels to create a classifier:

m = textmodel_nb(train, docvars(train)$sentiment)

And test it against the gold standard data:

pred = tibble(predicted=predict(m, gold), actual=docvars(gold)$sentiment)
acc = mean(pred$predicted == pred$actual)
print(str_c("Accuracy: ", round(acc, 2)))
## [1] "Accuracy: 0.58"

A closer look at performance

To get the per-class precision, recall, and F1 scores (as in table 2 from the article), you can use the confusion matrix function from the caret package:

caret::confusionMatrix(as.factor(pred$predicted), as.factor(pred$actual), mode="prec_recall")
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction -1  0  1
##         -1 64 34 17
##         0  21 61 16
##         1  14 17 40
## Overall Statistics
##                Accuracy : 0.581          
##                  95% CI : (0.5212, 0.639)
##     No Information Rate : 0.3944         
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1.672e-10      
##                   Kappa : 0.3637         
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.3349         
## Statistics by Class:
##                      Class: -1 Class: 0 Class: 1
## Precision               0.5565   0.6224   0.5634
## Recall                  0.6465   0.5446   0.5479
## F1                      0.5981   0.5810   0.5556
## Prevalence              0.3486   0.3944   0.2570
## Detection Rate          0.2254   0.2148   0.1408
## Detection Prevalence    0.4049   0.3451   0.2500
## Balanced Accuracy       0.6854   0.6648   0.7005