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executable file
159 lines (103 loc) · 5.59 KB

#JS.Simple Load File or Resource Load

A resource loader for JS and CSS files.

##The NEW...

Updated to provide a group of chained methods, and a loaded property. This includes a success, error, a global update, and a wait que.

###How it works

Basic setup...


Slightly more advanced... adding an ID.


Going crazy... creating 2 instances of resource load, the first with a "wait" for another resource loader that fires the ID "jQuery".


var resources = [
        success: function(a,b,c) {
            // file specific success callback

        .update(function (a,b,c) {

###Known Issues

Using a combination of CSS and JS files within the same resource loader appears to cause a slight rearrangement of load order. In testing it appears that the CSS files are the ones out of order. Continuing to look for a patch on this one... As of 20150206 this appears to be a non-issue with the latest patch.

In testing IE8 there appeared a 5% failure rate on a battery of rapid reloads. However, other factors could have played a role since the failure appeared inconsistently. As of 20150206 this appears to be a non-issue with the latest patch.

Currently, none.

###Browser Compatibility

Works in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and IE 8+.

IE8 doesn't play well with events on script and link tags. For JS files IE8 returns 3 event types with this plugin: "load", "error", and "timeout". The "error" event is a workaround based on a window.event handler that runs parallel to the "onreadystatechange" event.

The original loader supported IE7, this time around I bypassed that testing. IE7 and other unsupported/untested/older browsers may work correctly, but they also have the potential to fire the incorporated fallback and simply receive a loaded file and "contextfail" message within callback parameters.


My aspect is released under the MIT License.

I did reference aspects of the jQuery 1.8 API ajaxTransport "cross domain" method for handling script loading. However, alterations were made based on the way IE loves to fire readystate and onload. jQuery is copyrighted Copyright 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors. And jQuery is licensed under the MIT License.

Utilized an aspect of Pete Otaqui's Gist on CSS File Loading to apply event types for CSS loads in IE8.

It happened that I used a similar concept, and method name when utilizing "wait" as LABjs. LABjs is licensed under the MIT License.

##The Original Load File was...

An experimental bit of JS to load scripts in a scoped manner. Included a simple CSS file loading method as well.

###Original, How it Worked

This API independent method uses the appended script element to the document header process. As pretty much all front-end developers know this enables you to load a JS file cross domain. The difference between the current way of handling script appending and this method is that this method attempts to return the newly loaded script in a scoped manner through the optional callback.

It works by comparing a pre-window object with a post-window object reference. This method has potential for race conditions with scripts loaded through different methods. However, in testing and personal projects I've yet to experience this. It could also be pointed out that if you use this method for all of your script loading the aforementioned concern isn't really one because of the built in sequence loading and timeout the method provides, maybe.

###Original, Known Issues

The only issue that's popped up has to do with setting a breakpoint/debugger call in Firebug, within the callbacks, for dynamically loaded CSS files in versions of Firefox that support "onload" and "onerror" when applied to link elements. I did fix/bypass the problem and it could have been entirely on Firebug in this case, but then again maybe not.

###Original, Browser Compatibility

Works in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and IE 9+. IE 7-8 and other unsupported/older browsers simply receive a globally loaded script and "contextfail" message in the callbacks.

###Original, License

My aspect is released under the MIT License.

I did reference aspects of the jQuery 1.8 API ajaxTransport "cross domain" method for handling script loading. However, alterations were made based on the way IE loves to fire readystate and onload. jQuery is copyrighted Copyright 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors. And jQuery is licensed under the MIT License.