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Table of contents


Type Aliases


Type Aliases


Ƭ Channel<T>: Object

A Channel is an abstraction that enables communication between asynchronous tasks. A channel exposes two objects: tx and rx, which respectively provide methods to transmit and receive data.

Channels can be used and combined in a multitude of ways. The simplest way to use a channel is by creating a simplex communication: one task transmit data, another consumes it. A full-duplex communication can be achieved by creating two channels and exchanging the rx and tx objects between two tasks.

It's also possible to create a Multiple Producers Single Consumer (mpsc) scenario by sharing a single channel among several tasks.

Type parameters


Type declaration

Name Type Description
rx ChannelRx<T> Receiving end of the channel.
tx ChannelTx<T> Transmission end of the channel.
get buffer() ReadonlyCircularQueue<T> -

Defined in



Ƭ ChannelRx<T>: Object

Receiving end of a channel.

Type parameters


Type declaration

Name Type Description
canRead$ ReadonlyStore<boolean> A store that contains true if there is some data ready to be consumed, the channel is not closed and there are not too many pending recv requests.
closed$ ReadonlyStore<boolean> A store that contains true if the channel is closed.
filledInboxSlots$ ReadonlyStore<number> A store that contains the number of filled slots (from 0 to the channel capacity) in the input buffer or 0 if the channel is closed.
pendingRecvPromises$ ReadonlyStore<number> A store that contains the number of currently waiting recv promises.
get capacity() number -
[asyncIterator] () => AsyncIterator<T, any, undefined> Return an async iterator that consumes the channel buffer If the channel buffer is already empty the iterator will not emit any value.
close () => void Close the channel, stopping all pending send/recv requests.
iter () => AsyncIterator<T, any, undefined> Return an async iterator that consumes the channel buffer If the channel buffer is already empty the iterator will not emit any value.
recv (options?: { signal?: AbortSignal }) => Promise<T> Consume data from the channel buffer. If there is no data in the channel, this method will block the caller until it's available. Throws if the channel is closed. Throws if .abort(...) is called before recv is able to consume the channel buffer.

Defined in



Ƭ ChannelTx<T>: Object

Transmission end of a channel.

Type parameters


Type declaration

Name Type Description
availableOutboxSlots$ ReadonlyStore<number> A store that contains the number of available slots (from 0 to the channel capacity) in the output buffer or 0 if the channel is closed.
canWrite$ ReadonlyStore<boolean> A store that contains true if the transmission buffer is not full and the channel is not closed.
closed$ ReadonlyStore<boolean> A store that contains true if the channel is closed.
get capacity() number -
close () => void Close the channel, stopping all pending send/recv requests.
send (v: T) => void Push data into the channel. This operation enqueues the passed value in the transmission queue if there is no pending recv. Throws if the channel is closed. Throws if the channel is transmission queue is full.
sendWait (v: T, options?: { signal?: AbortSignal }) => Promise<void> Push data into the channel and waits for it to be consumed by the receiving end. This operation enqueues the passed value in the transmission queue if there is no pending recv, but removes it if the operation is aborted by an abort signal. Throws if the channel is closed. Throws if the channel is transmission queue is full. Throws if signal triggers before sendWait can resolve.

Defined in



Ƭ MakeChannelParams: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
capacity? number (optional, defaults to 1024) The maximum number of items that the channel can buffer while waiting data to be consumed.
maxConcurrentPendingRecv? number (optional, defaults to 1024) The maximum number of pending recv. If this limit is reached, recv will immediately reject with ChannelTooManyPendingRecvError.

Defined in



Ƭ ReadonlyCircularQueue<T>: Object

A circular queue "view" that exposes read-only methods.

Type parameters


Type declaration

Name Type Description
availableSlots$ ReadonlyStore<number> A store that contains the number of available slots inside the queue.
empty$ ReadonlyStore<boolean> A store that contains true if the number of filled slots is zero. Note: a queue with a capacity of zero is always empty.
filledSlots$ ReadonlyStore<number> A store that contains the number of filled slots inside the queue.
full$ ReadonlyStore<boolean> A store that contains true if the number of filled slots equals the capacity. Note: a queue with a capacity of zero is always full.
get capacity() number -
at (positiveOrNegativeIndex: number) => undefined | T Return an element of a queue given an index. The index can be positive or negative. If the index is positive, it counts forwards from the head of the queue, if it's negative, it counts backwards from the tail of the queue. As an example returns the last enqueued element. Note: if the index is out of bounds, this method returns undefined.
indexOf (searchElement: T) => number Return the index of a given item inside the queue.
toArray () => T[] Return a copy of this queue in the form of an array.

Defined in



Ƭ ReadonlyStore<T>: Object

A store that can have subscribers and emit values to them. It also provides the current value upon subscription. It's readonly in the sense that it doesn't provide direct set/update methods, unlike Store, therefore its value can only be changed by a StartHandler (see also makeReadonlyStore).

Type parameters


Type declaration

Name Type
content () => T
nOfSubscriptions () => number
subscribe (subscriber: Subscriber<T>) => Unsubscribe

Defined in



Ƭ Subscriber<T>: (current: T) => void

Type parameters


Type declaration

▸ (current): void

A generic subscriber that takes a value emitted by a signal as its only parameter.

Name Type
current T


Defined in



Ƭ Unsubscribe: () => void

Type declaration

▸ (): void

A function that's used to unsubscribe a subscriber from a signal.



Defined in




makeChannel<T>(params?): Channel<T>

Create a Channel.

A Channel is an abstraction that enables communication between asynchronous tasks. A channel exposes two objects: tx and rx, which respectively provide methods to transmit and receive data.

Channels can be used and combined in a multitude of ways. The simplest way to use a channel is by creating a simplex communication: one task transmit data, another consumes it. A full-duplex communication can be achieved by creating two channels and exchanging the rx and tx objects between two tasks.

It's also possible to create a Multiple Producers Single Consumer (mpsc) scenario by sharing a single channel among several tasks.


const {tx, rx} = makeChannel<number>();
rx.recv().then((n) => console.log('Here it is: ' + n)); // doesn't print anything, the channel is currently empty.
tx.send(1); // resolves the above promise, causing it to print 'Here it is: 1'

Type parameters



Name Type Description
params? MakeChannelParams (optional) configuration parameters for this channel (e.g maximum capacity).



a Channel

Defined in
