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Method HTTP request Description
getListing() GET /offers/listing Search offers


getListing($category_id, $phrase, $seller_id, $seller_login, $search_mode, $offset, $limit, $sort, $include, $fallback, $dynamic_filters): \OpenAPI\AllegroSdk\Model\ListingResponse

Search offers

<a href="../../listing/" target="_blank">Access for verified applications only. Use this resource to get a list of offers based on the provided query parameters. At least one of: phrase, or is required. Additional available parameters vary depending on The parameters are defined in the filters entity. Note that requests for closed offers and searching by descriptions may be limited. Read more: <a href="../../tutorials/jak-wyszukiwac-przegladac-oferty-ZM9YAKAwgfk" target="_blank">PL / <a href="../../tutorials/how-to-search-and-browse-offers-XxWm2ykMYHl" target="_blank">EN.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: bearer-token-for-application
$config = OpenAPI\AllegroSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: bearer-token-for-user
$config = OpenAPI\AllegroSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\AllegroSdk\Api\PublicOfferInformationApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$category_id = 'category_id_example'; // string | The identifier of the category, where you want to search for offers.
$phrase = 'phrase_example'; // string | The search phrase. The phrase is searched in different fields of the offers depending on the value of the `searchMode` parameter.
$seller_id = 'seller_id_example'; // string | The identifier of a seller, to limit the results to offers from this seller. May be provided more than once. Should not be provided when seller.login is given.
$seller_login = 'seller_login_example'; // string | The login of a seller, to limit the results to offers from this seller. May be provided more than once. Should not be provided when is given.
$search_mode = 'REGULAR'; // string | Defines where the given phrase should be searched in. Allowed values:    - *REGULAR* - searching for a phrase in the title,   - *DESCRIPTIONS* - searching for a phrase in the title and the descriptions,   - *CLOSED* - searching for a phrase in the title of closed offers.
$offset = 0; // int | Index of the first returned offer from all search results. Max offset is `600 - <limit>`.
$limit = 60; // int | The maximum number of offers in a response.
$sort = 'relevance'; // string | Search results sorting order. `+` or no prefix in the value means ascending order. `-` prefix means descending order.
$include = 'include_example'; // string | Specify parts of the response that should be included in the output. Allowed values are the names of top level entities and *all* as an alias to all entities. By default, all top level entities are included. Use `-` prefix to exclude an entity. Example: `include=-all&include=filters&include=sort` - returns only filters and sort entities.
$fallback = true; // bool | Defines the behaviour of the search engine when no results with exact phrase match are found:    - *true* - related (not exact) results are returned,   - *false* - empty results are returned.
$dynamic_filters = array('key' => 'dynamic_filters_example'); // map[string,string] | You can filter and customize your search results to find exactly what you need by applying filters ids and their dictionary values to query according to the flowing pattern: id=value. When the filter definition looks like:   ````     {       \"id\": \"parameter.11323\",       \"type\": \"MULTI\",       \"name\": \"Stan\",       \"values\": [{           \"value\": \"11323_1\",           \"name\": \"nowe\",           \"count\": 21,           \"selected\": false         },         {           \"value\": \"11323_2\",           \"name\": \"używane\",           \"count\": 157,           \"selected\": false         },         {           \"value\": \"11323_238066\",           \"name\": \"po zwrocie\",           \"count\": 1,           \"selected\": false         }       ]     }   ```` You can use 'Stan' filter to query results, i.e.:   * `parameter.11323=11323_1` for \"nowe\"   * `parameter.11323=11323_2` for \"używane\"   * `parameter.11323=11323_238066` for \"po zwrocie\".

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getListing($category_id, $phrase, $seller_id, $seller_login, $search_mode, $offset, $limit, $sort, $include, $fallback, $dynamic_filters);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling PublicOfferInformationApi->getListing: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
category_id string The identifier of the category, where you want to search for offers. [optional]
phrase string The search phrase. The phrase is searched in different fields of the offers depending on the value of the `searchMode` parameter. [optional]
seller_id string The identifier of a seller, to limit the results to offers from this seller. May be provided more than once. Should not be provided when seller.login is given. [optional]
seller_login string The login of a seller, to limit the results to offers from this seller. May be provided more than once. Should not be provided when is given. [optional]
search_mode string Defines where the given phrase should be searched in. Allowed values: - REGULAR - searching for a phrase in the title, - DESCRIPTIONS - searching for a phrase in the title and the descriptions, - CLOSED - searching for a phrase in the title of closed offers. [optional] [default to 'REGULAR']
offset int Index of the first returned offer from all search results. Max offset is `600 - <limit>`. [optional] [default to 0]
limit int The maximum number of offers in a response. [optional] [default to 60]
sort string Search results sorting order. `+` or no prefix in the value means ascending order. `-` prefix means descending order. [optional] [default to 'relevance']
include string Specify parts of the response that should be included in the output. Allowed values are the names of top level entities and all as an alias to all entities. By default, all top level entities are included. Use `-` prefix to exclude an entity. Example: `include=-all&include=filters&include=sort` - returns only filters and sort entities. [optional]
fallback bool Defines the behaviour of the search engine when no results with exact phrase match are found: - true - related (not exact) results are returned, - false - empty results are returned. [optional] [default to true]
dynamic_filters map[string,string] You can filter and customize your search results to find exactly what you need by applying filters ids and their dictionary values to query according to the flowing pattern: id=value. When the filter definition looks like: ```` { &quot;id&quot;: &quot;parameter.11323&quot;, &quot;type&quot;: &quot;MULTI&quot;, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Stan&quot;, &quot;values&quot;: [{ &quot;value&quot;: &quot;11323_1&quot;, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;nowe&quot;, &quot;count&quot;: 21, &quot;selected&quot;: false }, { &quot;value&quot;: &quot;11323_2&quot;, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;używane&quot;, &quot;count&quot;: 157, &quot;selected&quot;: false }, { &quot;value&quot;: &quot;11323_238066&quot;, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;po zwrocie&quot;, &quot;count&quot;: 1, &quot;selected&quot;: false } ] } ```` You can use 'Stan' filter to query results, i.e.: * `parameter.11323=11323_1` for &quot;nowe&quot; * `parameter.11323=11323_2` for &quot;używane&quot; * `parameter.11323=11323_238066` for &quot;po zwrocie&quot;. [optional]

Return type



bearer-token-for-application, bearer-token-for-user

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/vnd.allegro.public.v1+json

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