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Source shell script in modulefile

When working with large software suite providing a shell script for their enablement in user environment, it is usually desired to also provide access to these software through module. However these software enablement may be complex and it may be wise to keep using the shell script provided by software editor rather crafting a modulefile from scratch.

This recipe describes how to make modulefiles for such software by using the enablement shell script provided with them.


Modules version 4.6 introduces a new sub-command named :subcmd:`sh-to-mod` and a new modulefile command named :mfcmd:`source-sh`. The sh-to-mod outputs as a modulefile content the environment changes done by the evaluation of a shell script passed as argument. On the other hand, the source-sh modulefile command sources environment changes done by the evaluation of a shell script passed as argument.

Both new features relies on the same mechanism that starts a designated shell to:

  • get current environment state (environment variables, shell aliases, shell functions and current working directory)
  • source designated shell script with defined arguments
  • get resulting environment state

Once done, environment prior and after script source are compared to determine the corresponding environment changes and translate those changes into modulefile commands (:mfcmd:`setenv`, :mfcmd:`prepend-path`, :mfcmd:`set-alias`, :mfcmd:`set-function`, ...).

:subcmd:`sh-to-mod` outputs these resulting modulefile commands. This output can be redirected into a file to create a modulefile. :mfcmd:`source-sh` on the other hand sources the resulting modulefile commands to evaluate them as if they were written in the modulefile calling source-sh.

sh-to-mod and source-sh support the following shells: sh, dash, csh, tcsh, bash, ksh, ksh93, zsh and fish.

Compatible with Modules v4.6+

Basic usage example

For this recipe, a dummy software named foo is used as example. foo is installed in version 1.2 in example/source-script-in-modulefile/foo-1.2 directory and it provides a script to activate itself in user environment:

.. literalinclude:: ../../example/source-script-in-modulefile/foo-1.2/
   :language: bash

First line of script helps to identify which shell needs to be used to evaluate it: bash.

:subcmd:`sh-to-mod` may be used to get this script translated as a modulefile:

:ps:`$` module sh-to-mod bash example/source-script-in-modulefile/foo-1.2/ arg1
:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    PATH example/source-script-in-modulefile/foo-1.2/bin
:sgrcm:`set-alias`       foo {foobin -q -l}
:sgrcm:`setenv`          FOOENV arg1

Output could be redirected into a foo/1.2 file and make it the modulefile to enable software foo:

:ps:`$` mkdir -p modulefiles/foo
:ps:`$` module sh-to-mod bash example/source-script-in-modulefile/foo-1.2/ arg1 >modulefiles/foo/1.2
:ps:`$` module use ./modulefiles
:ps:`$` module show foo

:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    PATH example/source-script-in-modulefile/foo-1.2/bin
:sgrcm:`set-alias`       foo {foobin -q -l}
:sgrcm:`setenv`          FOOENV arg1

Instead of transforming shell script in modulefile, a modulefile using :mfcmd:`source-sh` modulefile command to evaluate shell script at modulefile evaluation time may be written:

.. literalinclude:: ../../example/source-script-in-modulefile/modulefiles/foo/1.2
   :language: Tcl
   :caption: modulefiles/foo/1.2

When displaying a modulefile using source-sh modulefile command, modulefile commands resulting from source-sh evaluation are reported:

:ps:`$` module show foo/1.2

:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    PATH example/source-script-in-modulefile/foo-1.2/bin
:sgrcm:`set-alias`       foo {foobin -q -l}
:sgrcm:`setenv`          FOOENV arg1

Loading this foo/1.2 module will enable access to software foo:

:ps:`$` module load foo/1.2
:ps:`$` alias foo
alias foo='foobin -q -l'
:ps:`$` foo
foo, version 1.2

Unloading foo/1.2 module will properly revert these environment settings:

:ps:`$` module unload foo/1.2
:ps:`$` alias foo
bash: alias: foo: not found
:ps:`$` foobin
bash: foobin: command not found

As conclusion, these new features enable to leverage the setup scripts that are provided along with software to make them reachable from the module environment.

Usage with shell-specific scripts

When the initialization script provided by software only defines environment variables, this script could be used to setup the user environment through the use of source-sh in a modulefile whatever the shell ran by user, as the module command will accurately translate script changes into the language of the running shell.

For instance the foo/1.2 module, that uses the source-sh modulefile command over the bash script, could also be used when running the tcsh or fish shell:

:ps:`$` echo $version
tcsh 6.22.03 (Astron) 2020-11-18 (x86_64-unknown-linux) ...
:ps:`$` module show foo/1.2

:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    PATH example/source-script-in-modulefile/foo-1.2/bin
:sgrcm:`set-alias`       foo {foobin -q -l}
:sgrcm:`setenv`          FOOENV arg1
:ps:`$` module load foo/1.2
:ps:`$` foo
foo, version 1.2

Software may sometimes provide a specific script for each shell they support as they do not perform their initialization the same way on every shell. Quite often a shell function is defined for sh shells whereas an alias is setup for csh shells (as such shells do not support shell function).

Dummy software bar is used to demonstrate this situation. bar is installed in version 2.1 in example/source-script-in-modulefile/bar-2.1 directory and it provides a and a bar-setup.csh scripts to activate itself in user environment, depending on the shell kind used.

.. literalinclude:: ../../example/source-script-in-modulefile/bar-2.1/
   :language: bash

.. literalinclude:: ../../example/source-script-in-modulefile/bar-2.1/bar-setup.csh
   :language: csh
   :caption: bar-setup.csh

To accurately initialize environment for bar software, the bar module needs to call the .sh script if user is currently running a shell from the sh family, or to call the .csh script if user runs a csh-kind shell.

.. literalinclude:: ../../example/source-script-in-modulefile/modulefiles/bar/2.1
   :language: Tcl
   :caption: modulefiles/bar/2.1

This way the bar shell function is initialized when loading module from a user environment running a sh shell:

:ps:`$` echo $BASH_VERSION
:ps:`$` module use example/source-script-in-modulefile/modulefiles
:ps:`$` module show bar

:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    PATH example/source-script-in-modulefile/bar-2.1/bin
:sgrcm:`set-function`    bar {
    barbin -q -l}
:ps:`$` module load bar
:ps:`$` type bar
bar is a function
bar ()
    barbin -q -l
:ps:`$` bar
bar, version 2.1

Whereas the bar shell alias is setup on csh shell environment:

:ps:`$` echo $version
tcsh 6.22.03 (Astron) 2020-11-18 (x86_64-unknown-linux) ...
:ps:`$` module use example/source-script-in-modulefile/modulefiles
:ps:`$` module show bar

:sgrcm:`prepend-path`    PATH example/source-script-in-modulefile/bar-2.1/bin
:sgrcm:`set-alias`       bar {barbin -q -l}
:ps:`$` module load bar
:ps:`$` alias bar
barbin -q -l
:ps:`$` bar
bar, version 2.1