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Boosting Occluded Image Classification via Subspace Decomposition Based Estimation of Deep Features

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Boosting Occluded Image Classification via Subspace Decomposition Based Estimation of Deep Features

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Main results
  3. Environment setup
  4. Demos
  5. Citation

1. Introduction

Occlusion occurs in many real-world images. For the human vision system, recognizing partially occluded objects is not a tough mission. In the computer vision domain, however, this is still a highly challenging task even for the cutting-edge deep learning technologies. For the classification of occluded images, training the state-of-the-art CNNs usually requires a large number of occluded images to cover the variations caused by occlusion. Collecting sufficient occluded images is, however, difficult in real applications.

To achieve a robust image classification for occluded images, we propose a novel scheme using the subspace decomposition-based estimation (SDBE).


Fig. 1 Flowchart of the proposed SDBE-based classification scheme. The proposed SDBE is inserted into the processing chain of classification between the base CNN and the classifier as a post-processing procedure for the DFVs.

The SDBE-based classification scheme employs a base CNN to extract the deep feature vector (DFV), and then utilizes the SDBE to compute the DFV of the original occlusion-free image for classification. The SDBE is performed by projecting the DFV of the occluded image onto the linear span of a class dictionary (CD) along the linear span of an occlusion error dictionary (OED). The CD and OED are constructed, respectively, by concatenating the DFVs of a training set and the occlusion error vectors of an extra set of image pairs. Two implementations of the SDBE are studied: 1) the $l_1$-norm and 2) the squared $l_2$-norm regularized least-squares estimates.

2. Main results

Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SDBE-based scheme dramatically boosts the classification accuracy for occluded images, and achieves over 20% increase in classification accuracy under 20% occlusion on the ILSVRC2012 classification dataset.

fig2 Fig. 2 Examples of the occlusion patches and occluded query images used in the SDBE_L2 experiment on the large-scale occluded image dataset that is synthesized from ILSVRC 2012 classification dataset. (a) Occlusion patches. (b) Examples of the occluded query images.

Table 1. Comparison of classification accuracy for the conventional scheme and the SDBE_L2 scheme on the large-scale occluded image dataset that is synthesized from the ILSVRC 2012 classification dataset. Experiment was conducted on the full validation set.

Occlusion ratio Method Classification accuracy Improvement
0% original ResNet-152 75.39%
SDBE_L2 74.82% -0.57%
10% original ResNet-152 49.22%
SDBE_L2 61.77% 12.55%
20% original ResNet-152 26.91%
SDBE_L2 48.71% 21.8%

3. Environment setup

NOTE: If you have a GPU, you can run src/install_matconvnet.m script in MATLAB to install the MatConvNet and download the pre-trained model.

TIPS: It is useful to use a more recent version of CUDA than the one officially supported by MATLAB. For MATLAB 2016b on Ubuntu16.04, to compile the MatConvNet package, please change g++ and gcc to 4.9.3 version by using sudo update-alternatives --config g++ and sudo update-alternatives --config gcc.

  • Install linear SVM package

Download and unzip LIBLINEAR to src/liblinear/, and then follow the instruction in src/liblinear/matlab/README to compile the MATLAB interface of LIBLINEAR.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can run src/install_liblinear.m script in MATLAB to install the package.

4. Demos

The code is verified on Ubuntu 16.04 with MATLAB 2016b and CUDA 8.0.

4.1 Caltech 101

  • Download and prepare training images, extra images, and test images

    Run datasets/caltech101/data_prepare.m script in MATLAB.

  • Evaluation

    SDBE_L1 demo

    Run src/SDBE_L1_caltech101_demo.m script in MATLAB.

    SDBE_L2 demo

Run src/SDBE_L2_caltech101_demo.m script in MATLAB.

NOTE: If you do not have a GPU or the size of GPU memory is smaller than 4GB, please set "USEGPU = false" in these two scripts.

4.2 ILSVRC2012

  • Download and prepare ILSVRC2012 dataset

    Refer to for downloading the ILSVRC 2012 classification dataset to the folder datasets/ilsvrc2012/ and having the train/val images organized to the following folder structure in datasets/ilsvrc2012/

    ├── n01440764
    │   ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG
    │   ├── n01440764_10027.JPEG
    │   ├── ......
    ├── ......
    ├── n01440764
    │   ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000293.JPEG
    │   ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00002138.JPEG
    │   ├── ......
    ├── ......

    Alternatively, on Linux you can

    1. Download ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar and ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar to datasets/ilsvrc2012/.
    2. $ cd datasets/ilsvrc2012/
    3. $ bash
  • Prepare training images, extra images, and test images

    Run datasets/ilsvrc2012/data_prepare.m script in MATLAB.
    By default, the script uses a subset of the validation set, where each class contains 5 images, to synthesize the occluded test images. If you intend to evaluate on the full validation set, you need to set FULLVALSET=true and convert the ILSVRC2012 validation images that are encoded in CMYK jpeg format to RGB jpeg format in advance because imread function is unable to handle CMYK jpeg.

  • Evaluation

    Run src/SDBE_L2_ILSVRC2012_demo.m script in MATLAB. If you do not have a GPU or the size of GPU memory is smaller than 4GB, you need to set USEGPU=false in the script.

  • Result

    The result on the subset of the validation set is shown as follows.

Occlusion ratio Method Classification accuracy
0% original ResNet-152 75.73%
SDBE_L2 75.29%
10% original ResNet-152 49.25%
SDBE_L2 61.87%
20% original ResNet-152 26.92%
SDBE_L2 48.70%

5. Citation

If you feel our code helps in your research, please kindly cite our papers:

author={F. {Cen} and G. {Wang}},  
journal={IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics},   
title={Boosting Occluded Image Classification via Subspace Decomposition-Based Estimation of Deep Features},   


Boosting Occluded Image Classification via Subspace Decomposition Based Estimation of Deep Features







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