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Quantum structure and flow

Quantum structure

All quantum requests are inherited from RequestMessage, and RequestMessage is inherited from Message.

Once the quantum is validated by Alpha, it wraps client's quantum request with RequestQuantum, and assigns the apex and timestamp upon execution, before propagating it further to auditors. An auditor in turn validates RequestQuantum alongside wit the original request and sends an audit result back to Alpha.

When the result majority is reached, Alpha create an envelop containing the result message and all auditor signatures. The envelope is delivered back to the client, which verifies the signatures and marks the quantum as finalized.

RequestMessage structure:

  • account (Array<byte>) - Public key of the client's account - 32 bytes.
  • nonce (Int64) - A sequential nonce provided by the client to prevent replay attacks.


  • 2 Withdrawal – Request funds withdrawal.
  • 3 Payment – Transfer funds to another account.
  • 4 Order – Create/update order.
  • 5 OrderCancellation – Cancel existing order.
  • 48 RequestQuantum – Wrapper for client request messages. Created by Alpha.
  • 49 LedgerCommitQuantum – Quantum created by Alpha server that contains aggregated ledger updates provided by LedgerUpdateNotification
  • 50 SnapshotQuantum – Snapshot initialization quantum request. Created by Alpha.
  • 201 ConstellationUpgrade – Upgrade quorum, add/remove auditors, apply new settings etc.

RequestQuantum structure:

  • apex (Int64) - The most recent quantum apex (sequence).
  • timestamp (Int64) - Alpha server timestamp when the quantum has been fully executed on Alpha.
  • requestEnvelope (MessageEnvelope) - Original operation request received from a client (MessageEnvelope).

Payment and Withdrawal has same structure. The only difference is type. Structure:

  • asset (Int32) - Centaurus asset id.
  • amount (Int64) - Payment amount.
  • destination (Array<byte>) - Destination public key.
  • memo (String) - Memo field.
  • transactionHash (Array<byte>) - Stellar transaction hash..
  • transactionXdr (Array<byte>) - Stellar transaction.

Order structure:

  • asset (Int32) - Centaurus asset id.
  • side (Int32) - Order side. Sell = 1 and Buy = 2
  • amount (Int64) - Order amount.
  • price (Float64) - Asset price.
  • timeInForce (Int32) - Order type. GoodTillExpire = 0, ImmediateOrCancel = 1.

OrderCancellation structure:

  • orderId (UInt32) - Order to cancel id.

LedgerCommitQuantum structure:

  • ledger (UInt64) - Ledger sequence number.
  • payments (Array<Payment>) - List of payments witnessed by an auditor (Payment).

SnapshotQuantum structure:

  • snapshotHash (Array<byte>) - Alpha snapshot hash.