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cesanta/mongoose-os mgos_timers.h mgos_timers.c api_timer.js

Mongoose OS supports two types of timers: software timers and hardware timers.

  • Software timers. Implemented as Mongoose library events, in software. Timer callback is called in a Mongoose task context. Frequency is specified in milliseconds. Number of software timers is not limited. Timer intervals cannot be short - limited by the underlying task scheduling. For example, if you want a very frequent sensor reading, like thousand readings a second, use hardware timer instead. Both C and JavaScript API is available.
  • Hardware timers. Implemented in hardware. Timer callback is executed in the ISR context, therefore it can do a limited set of actions. Number of hardware timers is limied: (ESP8266: 1, ESP32: 4, CC32xx: 4). Frequency is specified in microseconds. Only C API is present, because calling to JS requires switching to Mongoose task context.

Usage example:

#include "mgos_app.h"
#include "mgos_system.h"
#include "mgos_timers.h"

static void my_timer_cb(void *arg) {
  bool val = mgos_gpio_toggle(mgos_sys_config_get_pins_led());
  LOG(LL_INFO, ("uptime: %.2lf", mgos_uptime()));
  (void) arg;

enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void) {
  mgos_set_timer(1000, MGOS_TIMER_REPEAT, my_timer_cb, NULL);


typedef void (*timer_callback)(void *param);

Timer callback


mgos_timer_id mgos_set_timer(int msecs, int flags, timer_callback cb,
                             void *cb_arg);

Setup a timer with msecs timeout and cb as a callback.

flags is a bitmask, currently there's only one flag available: MGOS_TIMER_REPEAT (see above). arg is a parameter to pass to cb. Return numeric timer ID.

Note that this is a software timer, with fairly low accuracy and high jitter. However, number of software timers is not limited. If you need intervals < 10ms, use mgos_set_hw_timer.

Basic example:

static void my_timer_cb(void *arg) {
  bool val = mgos_gpio_toggle(mgos_sys_config_get_pins_led());
  LOG(LL_INFO, ("uptime: %.2lf", mgos_uptime()));
  (void) arg;

enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void) {
  mgos_set_timer(1000, MGOS_TIMER_REPEAT, my_timer_cb, NULL);

Example passing unsigned int as an argument to void *

static void my_timer_cb(void *arg) {
  uint16_t conn_id = (uintptr_t) arg;
  LOG(LL_INFO, ("my_timer_cb value: %u", conn_id));

enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void) {
  uint16_t conn_id = 99;
  mgos_set_timer(15000, 0, my_timer_cb, (void *) (uintptr_t) conn_id);


mgos_timer_id mgos_set_hw_timer(int usecs, int flags, timer_callback cb,
                                void *cb_arg);

Setup a hardware timer with usecs timeout and cb as a callback.

This is similar to mgos_set_timer, but can be used for shorter intervals (note that time unit is microseconds).

Number of hardware timers is limited (ESP8266: 1, ESP32: 4, CC32xx: 4).

Callback is executed in ISR context, with all the implications of that.


void mgos_clear_timer(mgos_timer_id id);

Disable timer with a given timer ID.


double mgos_uptime(void);

Get number of seconds since last reboot


int mgos_strftime(char *s, int size, char *fmt, int time);

Format time according to a strftime()-conformant format. Write the result into the s,size buffer. Return resulting string length.



Timer.set(milliseconds, flags, handler, userdata)

Setup timer with milliseconds timeout and handler as a callback. flags can be either 0 or Timer.REPEAT. In the latter case, the call will be repeated indefinitely (but can be cancelled with Timer.del()), otherwise it's a one-off.

Return value: numeric timer ID.


// Call every second
Timer.set(1000, Timer.REPEAT, function() {
  let value = GPIO.toggle(2);
  print(value ? 'Tick' : 'Tock');
}, null);

Return current time as double value, UNIX epoch (seconds since 1970).



Cancel previously installed timer.


Timer.fmt(fmt, time)

Formats the time 'time' according to the strftime-like format specification 'fmt'. The strftime reference can be found e.g. here. Example:

let now =;
let s = Timer.fmt("Now it's %I:%M%p.", now);
print(s); // Example output: "Now it's 12:01AM."