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Tutorial 4: Invertible Channel Mixing

Additive coupling layers (as implemented here) switch the roles of the two groups of input channels x_1 and x_2 at the end of computation. This way, "it's each channel's turn to be convolved" at some point. If we didn't do that, the computational block F would operate on the same channels throughout the network.

A generalization of this "switching of channel groups" is to apply a general permutation of the n channels at the end. While it's impossible to smoothly parametrize permutations (which makes training these by gradient descent an impossibility), we can parametrize something more general (or to be precise: a generalization of a subset of the set of permutations): the set of special orthogonal (n \times n)-matrices. The parametrization is essentially the same as in the case of invertible up- and downsampling.

These matrices can then be used for orthogonally combining the input channels, which (due to orthogonality) is an invertible computation.

A simple example

In the following, we demonstrate invertible channel mixing

import numpy as np
from skimage import data
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import torch
from iunets.layers import InvertibleChannelMixing2D

# Load example image
img = np.array(, dtype=np.float32) / 255.

# Helper functions to transfer between Numpy and Pytorch
to_torch_rgb = lambda img: torch.Tensor(np.expand_dims(np.transpose(img,(2,0,1)), 0))
to_numpy_rgb = lambda img: np.transpose(img.detach().numpy(), (0,2,3,1))

# Transfer to Torch, reshape to batch of shape (1, 1, 512, 512)
torch_img = to_torch_rgb(img)

# Create learnable invertible downsampling layer
channel_mixing = InvertibleChannelMixing2D(

# Create random weights = torch.randn(3, 3)

mixed = channel_mixing(torch_img)
mixed_np = to_numpy_rgb(mixed)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,7),constrained_layout=True)
ax_array = fig.subplots(1, 2, squeeze=False)
ax_array[0, 0].imshow(img)
ax_array[0, 1].imshow(mixed_np[0])

img_reconstruction = channel_mixing.inverse(mixed)
print("MSE: {}".format(
    torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(torch_img, img_reconstruction).item())


MSE: 6.993812132075408e-15

The example image before and after applying invertible channel mixing.

Invertible channel mixing in iUNets

Invertible channel mixing can be controlled inside of the iUNet by the following keywords:

  • channel_mixing_freq, which controls how often a channel mixing layer is applied. E.g.

    • The default value channel_mixing_freq=-1 only applies an invertible channel mixing before channel splitting and after channel re-concatenation. Default mode.
    • E.g. channel_mixing_freq=2 applies an invertible channel mixing layer after every second additive coupling layer.
    • channel_mixing_freq=0 does not apply invertible channel mixing.
  • channel_mixing_method, which controls the parametrization method for (special) orthogonal matrices. Current options:

    • "cayley": Cayley transform of a skew-symmetric matrix
    • "exp": matrix exponential of a skew-symmetric matrix
    • "householder": a product of Householder matrices
  • channel_mixing_kwargs, which can be used to provide additional keywords.

    • Currently only used if Householder transforms are used for parametrization, in which case "n_reflections" controls the number of Householder reflections (defaults to using all possible reflections).