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This is a package containing type annotations for sqlalchemy-utils.


Simply run the following in the environment in which you want to install this package:

# install types-sqlalchemy-utils
$ python -m pip install types-sqlalchemy-utils

or add it to your requirements file.


This is a partial stub package, only covering a part of the functions and objects available in sqlalchemy-utils. Contributions (both in adding stubs for more functions, or keeping up to date with sqlalchemy-utils itself) are welcome.

All the formatting is done using pre-commit. To use this, run the following:

# install pre-commit
$ python -m pip install pre-commit

# Set up the hooks (so pre-commit automatically runs when you do a commit)
$ cd root/directory/of/the/pulled/repository
$ pre-commit install

# This will run automatically whenever a commit is created
# To run it manually, use:
$ pre-commit run --all-files