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cfjedimaster committed Sep 4, 2011
1 parent 5725f37 commit f2d30ff
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Showing 6 changed files with 203 additions and 564 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .htaccess
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@

# Send any GIF, JPG, or PNG request that IS NOT stored inside one of the above directories
# to image-routing.php so we can select appropriately sized versions
RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png) adaptive-images.php
RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png) adaptive-images.cfm

# END Adaptive-Images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions adaptive-images.cfm
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
<cflog file="application" text="AI: Running">

<cffunction name="header">
<cfargument name="namevalue" type="string" required="true">
<cfheader name="#trim(listFirst(arguments.namevalue,":"))#" value="#listRest(arguments.namevalue,":")#">

<cffunction name="sendImage">
<cfargument name="filename">
<cfargument name="mime_type">
<cfargument name="browser_cache" default="">
<cfheader name="Content-type" value="#mime_type#">
<cfheader name="Pragma" value="public">
<cfif isNumeric(arguments.browser_cache)>
<cfheader name="Cache-Control" value="maxage=#arguments.browser_cache#">
//header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$browser_cache).' GMT');
<cfset var fi = getFileInfo(arguments.filename)>
<cfheader name="Content-Length" value="#fi.size#">
<cflog file="application" text="sending #arguments.filename# with #arguments.mime_type#">
<cfcontent file="#arguments.filename#" type="#arguments.mime_type#">

resolutions = [1382,992,768,430]; // the resolution break-points to use (screen widths, in pixels)
cache_path = "ai-cache"; // where to store the generated re-sized images. This folder must be writable.
jpg_quality = 80; // the quality of any generated JPGs on a scale of 0 to 100
sharpen = TRUE; // Shrinking images can blur details, perform a sharpen on re-scaled images?
watch_cache = TRUE; // check that the responsive image isn't stale (ensures updated source images are re-cached)
browser_cache = 60*60*24*7; // How long the BROWSER cache should last (seconds, minutes, hours, days. 7days by default)
mobile_first = true; // If there's no cookie deliver the mobile version (if FALSE, delivers original resource)
document_root = expandPath("/");
requested_uri = cgi.redirect_url;
requested_file = listLast(requested_uri, "/");
writelog(file="application", text="AI: Requested #requested_uri#");
extension = listLast(requested_file, ".");
switch (extension){ // sort out MIME types for different file types
case "png":
mime_type = "image/png";
case "gif":
mime_type = "image/gif";
mime_type = "image/jpeg";
if (!fileExists(document_root & requested_uri)){ // and the requested file doesn't exist either
writelog(file="application", text="AI: Left cuz it didn't exist: #document_root##requested_uri#");
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
//If no cookie and !mobile first or bad cookie send original
(!structKeyExists(cookie, "resolution") && !mobile_first)
(structKeyExists(cookie, "resolution") && !isNumeric(cookie.resolution))) {
sendImage(document_root & requested_uri,mime_type,browser_cache);
arraySort(resolutions, "numeric","desc"); // make sure the supplied break-points are in ascending size order
resolution = resolutions[1]; //This is the default
if(structKeyExists(cookie, "resolution")){
writelog(file="application",text="AI: cookie.resolution=#cookie.resolution#");
client_width = cookie.resolution; // store the cookie value in a variable
for(res in resolutions) {
if(client_width <= res) resolution=res;
writelog(file="application", text="AI: res=#resolution#");
writelog(file="application", text="AI: cache #document_root#/#cache_path#/#resolution#/#requested_uri#");
if(fileExists(document_root & "/#cache_path#/#resolution#/"&requested_uri)) { // it exists cached at that size
writelog(file="application", text="AI: Cache existed");
else { // it doesn't exist at that size cached
if(watch_cache) { // if cache watching is enabled, compare cache and source modified dates to ensure the cache isn't stale
cache_file = document_root &"/" & cache_path & "/" & resolution &"/" & requested_uri;
if(fileExists(cache_file)) cache_date = getFileInfo(cache_file).lastmodified;
source_date = getFileInfo(document_root & requested_uri).lastmodified;
//writelog(file="application", text="cmp #cache_date# to #source_date# ");
if(!fileExists(cache_file) || cache_date < source_date) { // the source file has been replaced since the cache was generated
// Check the image dimensions
source_image = document_root & requested_uri;
src = imageRead(source_image);
width = imageGetWidth(src);
height = imageGetheight(src);
// Do we need to downscale the image?
if(width <= resolution) { // no, because the width of the source image is already less than the client width
writeLog(file="application", text="Width #width# less than res #resolution#");
sendImage(document_root & requested_uri);
// We need to resize the source image to the width of the resolution breakpoint we're working with
ratio = height/width;
new_width = resolution;
new_height = ceiling(new_width * ratio);
dst = src; //Need to change this
imageResize(dst, new_width, new_height); // re-sized image
//ImageCopyResampled($dst, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); // do the resize in memory
// sharpen the image?
if(sharpen == TRUE) {
// check the path directory exists and is writable
directories = replace(requested_uri, "/#requested_file#", ""); // get the directories only
directories = right(directories, len(directories)-1); // clean the string
writelog(file="application", text="AI: directories=#directories#, to check:#document_root#/#cache_path#/#resolution#/#directories# - exisT? #directoryExists("#document_root#/#cache_path#/#resolution#/#directories#")#");
if(!directoryExists("#document_root#/#cache_path#/#resolution#/#directories#")){ // does the directory exist already?
if (!mkdir("$document_root/$cache_path/$resolution/$directories", 0777, true)) { // make the directory
// uh-oh, failed to make that directory
ImageDestroy($src); // clean-up after ourselves
ImageDestroy($dst); // clean-up after ourselves
// notify the client by way of throwing a message in a bottle, as that's all we can do
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor(800, 200);
$text_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 233, 14, 91);
ImageString($im, 1, 5, 5, "Failed to create directories: $document_root/$cache_path/$resolution/$directories", $text_color);
header("Pragma: public");
header("Cache-Control: maxage=" & $browser_cache);
header('Expires: ' & gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$browser_cache) & ' GMT');
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
ImageJpeg($im); ImageDestroy($im);
//create the dir - handle errors later
writelog(file="application",text="AI: Made=#document_root#/#cache_path#/#resolution#/#directories#");
// save the new file in the appropriate path, and send a version to the browser
imageWrite(dst, "#document_root#/#cache_path#/#resolution#/#directories#/#requested_file#");
if(!$gotSaved) {
// Couldn't save image, notify the client by way of throwing a message in a bottle, as that's all we can do
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor(800, 200);
$text_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 233, 14, 91);
ImageString($im, 1, 5, 5, "Failed to create directories: $document_root/$cache_path/$resolution/$directories", $text_color);
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
ImageJpeg($im); ImageDestroy($im);
else { // we saved the image to cache, now deliver the image to the client
//ImageDestroy($src); ImageDestroy($dst);
} // end of if watch-cache
} // end it doesn't exist at the mobile size cached

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