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Writing a workflow

Our workflow philosophy

The explicit aim of CGAT-core is to allow users to quickly and easily build their own computational pipelines that will speed up your analysis workflow.

When building pipelines it is often useful to keep in mind the following philosophy:


There are always new tools and insights that could be incorporated into a pipeline. Ultimately, a pipeline should be flexible and the code should not constrain you when implimenting new features.


The pipeline should be scriptable, i.e, the whole pipeline can be run within another pipeline. Similarly, parts of a pipeline can be duplicated to process several data streams in parallel. This is a crucial feature in genome studies as a single analysis will not permit making inferences by itself. When we write a pipeline we usually attempt to write a command line script (and include it in the CGAT-apps repository) and then run this script as a command line statement in the pipeline.


The pipeline is fully automated. The same inputs and configuration will produce the same outputs.


The pipeline should be able to be re-used on similar data, preferably only requiring changes to a configuration file (pipeline.yml).


Once finished, the whole project should be able to be archived without too many major dependencies on external data. This should be a simple process and hence all project data should be self-contained. It should not involve going through various directories or databases to figure out which files and tables belong to a project or a project depends on.

Building a pipeline

The best way to build a pipeline is to start from an example. In cgat-showcase we have a toy example of an RNA-seq analysis pipeline that aims to show users how simple workflows can be generated with minimal code. cgat-flow demonstrates a set of complex workflows.

For a step by step tutorial on how to run the pipelines please refer to our getting_started-Tutorial.

For help on how to construct pipelines from scratch please continue reading for more information.

In an empty directory you will need to make a new directory and then a python file with the same name. For example:

mkdir test && touch

All pipelines require a yml configuration file that will allow you to add configurable values to modify the behaviour of your code. This is placed within the test/ directory, which should have the same name as the name of your file:

touch test/pipeline.yml

In order to help with debugging and reading our code, our pipelines are written so that a pipeline task file contains Ruffus tasks and calls functions in an associated module file, which contains all of the code to transform and analyse the data.

Therefore, if you wish to create a module file, we usually save this file in the following convention, and it can be imported into the main pipeline task file (

import ModuleTest

This section describes how pipelines can be constructed using the pipeline module in cgat-core. The pipeline module contains a variety of useful functions for pipeline construction.

pipeline input

Pipelines are executed within a dedicated working directory. They usually require the following files within this directory:

  • a pipeline configuration file pipeline.yml
  • input data files, usually listed in the documentatuion of each pipeline

Other files that might be used in a pipeline are:

  • external data files such as genomes that a referred to by they their full path name.

The pipelines will work from the input files in the working directory, usually identified by their suffix. For example, a mapping pipeline might look for any *.fastq.gz files in the directory, run QC on these and map the reads to a genome sequence etc.

pipeline output

The pipeline will create files and database tables in the working directory. When building a pipeline, you can choose any file/directory layout that suits your needs. Some prefer flat hierarchies with many files, while others prefer deep directories.


To preserve disk space, we always use compressed files as much as possible. Most data files compress very well, for example fastq files often compress by a factor of 80% or more: a 10Gb file will use just 2Gb.

Working with compressed files is straight-forward using unix pipes and the commands gzip, gunzip or zcat.

If you require random access to a file, load the file into the database and index it appropriately. Genomic interval files can be indexed with tabix to allow random access.

Import statements

In order to run our pipelines you will need to import the cgatcore python modules into your pipeline. For every CGAT pipeline we recommend importing the basic modules as follows. Then any additional modules can be imported as required.

from ruffus import *
import cgatcore.experiment as E
from cgatcore import pipeline as P
import cgatcore.iotools as iotools

Selecting the appropriate Ruffus decorator

Before starting to write a pipeline it is always best to map out on a whiteboard the the steps and flow of your potential pipeline. This will allow you to identify the input and outputs of each task. Once you have assessed this then the next step is to identify which Ruffus decorator you require. Documentation on each decorator can be found in the ruffus documentation

Running commands within tasks

To run a command line program within a pipeline task, build a statement and call the method:

@transform( '*.unsorted', suffix('.unsorted'), '.sorted')
def sortFile( infile, outfile ):

    statement = '''sort %(infile)s > %(outfile)s'''

On calling the method, the environment of the caller is examined for a variable called statement. The variable is subjected to string substitution from other variables in the local namespace. In the example above, %(infile)s and %(outfile)s are substituted with the values of the variables infile and outfile, respectively.

The same mechanism also permits setting configuration parameters, for example:

@transform( '*.unsorted', suffix('.unsorted'), '.sorted')
def sortFile( infile, outfile ):

    statement = '''sort -t %(tmpdir)s %(infile)s > %(outfile)s'''

will automatically substitute the configuration parameter tmpdir into the command. See ConfigurationValues for more on using configuration parameters.

The pipeline will stop and return an error if the command exits with an error code.

If you chain multiple commands, only the return value of the last command is used to check for an error. Thus, if an upstream command fails, it will go unnoticed. To detect these errors, insert && between commands. For example:

@transform( '*.unsorted.gz', suffix('.unsorted.gz'), '.sorted)
def sortFile( infile, outfile ):

    statement = '''gunzip %(infile)s %(infile)s.tmp &&
           sort -t %(tmpdir)s %(infile)s.tmp > %(outfile)s &&
           rm -f %(infile)s.tmp

Of course, the statement aboved could be executed more efficiently using pipes:

@transform( '*.unsorted.gz', suffix('.unsorted.gz'), '.sorted.gz')
def sortFile( infile, outfile ):

    statement = '''gunzip < %(infile)s 
           | sort -t %(tmpdir)s 
           | gzip > %(outfile)s'''

The pipeline inserts code automatically to check for error return codes if multiple commands are combined in a pipe.

Running commands on the cluster

In order to run commands on cluster, use to_cluster=True.

To run the command from the previous section on the cluster:

@files( '*.unsorted.gz', suffix('.unsorted.gz'), '.sorted.gz')
def sortFile( infile, outfile ):

    to_cluster = True
    statement = '''gunzip < %(infile)s 
           | sort -t %(tmpdir)s 
           | gzip > %(outfile)s'''

The pipeline will automatically create the job submission files, submit the job to the cluster and wait for its return.

pipelines will use the command line options --cluster-queue, --cluster-priority, etc. for global job control. For example, to change the priority when starting the pipeline, use:

python <> --cluster-priority=-20

To set job options specific to a task, you can define additional variables:

@files( '*.unsorted.gz', suffix('.unsorted.gz'), '.sorted.gz')
def sortFile( infile, outfile ):

    to_cluster = True
    job_queue = 'longjobs.q'
    job_priority = -10
    job_options= "-pe dedicated 4 -R y" 

    statement = '''gunzip < %(infile)s 
           | sort -t %(tmpdir)s 
           | gzip > %(outfile)s'''

The above statement will be run in the queue longjobs.q at a priority of -10. Additionally, it will be executed in the parallel environment dedicated with at least 4 cores.

Array jobs can be controlled through the job_array variable:

@files( '*.in', suffix('.in'), '.out')
def myGridTask( infile, outfile ):

    job_array=(0, nsnps, stepsize)

    statement = '''grid_task.bash %(infile)s %(outfile)s
       > %(outfile)s.$SGE_TASK_ID 2> %(outfile)s.err.$SGE_TASK_ID

Note that the grid_task.bash file must be grid engine aware. This means it makes use of the SGE_TASK_ID, SGE_TASK_FIRST, SGE_TASK_LAST and SGE_TASK_STEPSIZE environment variables to select the chunk of data it wants to work on.

The job submission files are files called tmp* in the working directory. These files will be deleted automatically. However, the files will remain after aborted runs to be cleaned up manually.

Useful information regarding decorators

To see a full list of ruffus decorators that control the flow of the pipeline please see the ruffus documentation.

However, during peer review it was pointed out that it would be helpful to include a few examples of how you can modify the infile name and transform it to the output filename. There are a few ways of doing this:

The first way is to capture the suffix so the outfile is placed into the same folder as the infile:

# pairs are a tuple of read pairs (read1, read2) 
       ("_trimmed.fastq.gz", "_trimmed.fastq.gz"))

This will transform an input <name_of_file>.fastq.gz and result in an output with a new siffix <name_of_file>_trimmed.fastq.gz.

Another way to add a output file into aother filer is to use a regex:

      (r"new_folder.dir/\1_trimmed.fastq.gz", r"new_folder.dir/\1_trimmed.fastq.gz"))

This can also be achieved using the formatter function:

       ("new_folder.dir/{SAMPLE[0]}_trimmed.fastq.gz", r"new_folder.dir/{SAMPLE[0]}_trimmed.fastq.gz"))

Combining commands together

In order to combine commands together you will need to use && to make sure your commands are chained correctly. For example:

statement = """
            module load cutadapt &&
        cutadapt ....

If you didnt have the && then the command will fail because the cutadapt command will be executed as part of the module load statement.


Loading data into the database offers various tools for working with databases. By default, it is configured to use an sqlite3 database in the working directory called csvdb.

Tab-separated output files can be loaded into a table using the pipeline.load function. For example:

@jobs_limit(PARAMS.get("jobs_limit_db", 1), "db")
@transform('data_*.tsv.gz', suffix('.tsv.gz'), '.load')
def loadTables(infile, outfile):
   P.load(infile, outfile)

The task above will load all tables ending with tsv.gz into the database Table names are given by the filenames, i.e, the data in data_1.tsv.gz will be loaded into the table data_1.

The load mechanism uses the script and can be configured using the configuration options in the database section of pipeline.ini. Additional options can be given via the optional options argument:

@jobs_limit(PARAMS.get("jobs_limit_db", 1), "db")
@transform('data_*.tsv.gz', suffix('.tsv.gz'), '.load')
def loadTables( infile, outfile ):
   P.load(infile, outfile, "--add-index=gene_id")

In order for the load mechanism to be transparent, it is best avoided to call the script directly. Instead, use the pipeline.load function. If the needs to called at the end of a succession of statements, use the pipeline.build_load_statement method, for example:

def loadTranscript2Gene(infile, outfile):
    '''build and load a map of transcript to gene from gtf file
    load_statement = P.build_load_statement(
    options="--add-index=gene_id "
    "--add-index=transcript_id ")

    statement = '''
    gunzip < %(infile)s
    | python %(scriptsdir)s/ --output-map=transcript2gene -v 0
    | %(load_statement)s
    > %(outfile)s'''

See also the variants pipeline.mergeAndLoad and :meth:`pipeline.concatenateAndLoad to combine multiple tables and upload to the database in one go.

Connecting to a database

To use data in the database in your tasks, you need to first connect to the database. The best way to do this is via the connect() method in

The following example illustrates how to use the connection:

@transform( ... )
def buildCodingTranscriptSet( infile, outfile ):

dbh = connect()

statement = '''SELECT DISTINCT transcript_id FROM transcript_info WHERE transcript_biotype = 'protein_coding' '''
cc = dbh.cursor()
transcript_ids = set( [x[0] for x in cc.execute(statement)] )



When using cgat-core to build pipelines we recomend using MultiQC as the default reporting tool for generic thrid party computational biology software.

To run multiQC in our pipelines you only need to run a statement as a commanline task. For example we impliment this in our pipelines as:

def renderMultiqc(infile):
'''build mulitqc report'''

statement = '''LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 multiqc . -f;
               mv multiqc_report.html MultiQC_report.dir/'''


MultiQC is very useful for running third generation computational biology tools. However, currently it is very difficult to use it as a bespoke reporting tool. Therefore, one was of running bespoke reports is using the Rmarkdown framework and using the render functionality of knitr.

Rendering an Rmarkdown document is very easy if you place the .Rmd file in the same test/ directory as the pipeline.yml. Then the file can easily run using:

def render_rmarkdown(outfile):

NOTEBOOK_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test")

statement = '''cp %(NOTEBOOK_ROOT)s/report.Rmd Rmarkdown.dir &&
               cd Rmarkdown.dir/ && R -e "rmarkdown::render('report.Rmd',encoding = 'UTF-8')" '''

This should generate an html output of whatever report your wrote for your particular task.

Jupyter notebook

Another bespoke reporting that we also perform for our pipelines is to use a Jupyter notebook implimentation and execture it in using the commandline. All that is required is that you place your jupyter notebook into the same test/ directory as the pipeline.yml and call the following:

def render_jupyter(outfile):

NOTEBOOK_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "test")

statement = '''cp %(NOTEBOOK_ROOT)s/report.ipynb jupyter_report.dir/ && cd jupyter_report.dir/ &&
                jupyter nbconvert --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=None --to html --execute *.ipynb --allow-errors;

Configuration values

Setting up configuration values

There are different ways to pass on configuration values to pipelines. Here we explain the priority for all the possible options so you can choose the best one for your requirements.

The pipeline goes in order through different configuration options to load configuration values and stores them in the :pyPARAMS dictionary. This order determines a priority so values read in the first place can be overwritten by values read in subsequent steps; i.e. values read lastly have higher priority.

Here is the order in which the configuration values are read:

  1. Hard-coded values in cgatcore/pipeline/
  2. Parameters stored in pipeline.yml files in different locations.
  3. Variables declared in the ruffus tasks calling; e.g. job_memory=32G
  4. .cgat.yml file in the home directory
  5. cluster_* options specified in the command line; e.g. python --cluster-parallel=dedicated make full

This means that configuration values for the cluster provided as command-line options will have the highest priority. Therefore:

python --cluster-parallel=dedicated make full

will overwrite any cluster_parallel configuration values given in pipeline.yml files. Type:

python --help

to check the full list of available command-line options.

You are encouraged to include the following snippet at the beginning of your pipeline script to setup proper configuration values for your analyses:

# load options from the config file
from cgatcore import pipeline as P
# load options from the config file
 ["%s/pipeline.yml" % os.path.splitext(__file__)[0],

The method pipeline.getParameters reads parameters from the pipeline.yml located in the current working directory and updates :pyPARAMS, a global dictionary of parameter values. It automatically guesses the type of parameters in the order of int(), float() or str(). If a configuration variable is empty (var=), it will be set to None.

However, as explained above, there are other pipeline.yml files that are read by the pipeline at start up. In order to get the priority of them all, you can run:

python printconfig

to see a complete list of pipeline.yml files and their priorities.

Using configuration values

Configuration values are accessible via the :pyPARAMS variable. The :pyPARAMS variable is a dictionary mapping configuration parameters to values. Keys are in the format section_parameter. For example, the key bowtie_threads will provide the configuration value of:

    threads: 4

In a script, the value can be accessed via PARAMS["bowtie_threads"].

Undefined configuration values will throw a ValueError. To test if a configuration variable exists, use:

if 'bowtie_threads' in PARAMS: pass

To test, if it is unset, use:

if 'bowie_threads' in PARAMS and not PARAMS['botwie_threads']:

Task specific parameters

Task specific parameters can be set by creating a task specific section in the pipeline.yml. The task is identified by the output filename. For example, given the following task:

@files( '*.fastq', suffix('.fastq'), '.bam')
def mapWithBowtie( infile, outfile ):

and the files data1.fastq and data2.fastq in the working directory, two output files data.bam and data2.bam will be created on executing mapWithBowtie. Both will use the same parameters. To set parameters specific to the execution of data1.fastq, add the following to pipeline.yml:

    bowtie_threads: 16

This will set the configuration value bowtie_threads to 16 when using the command line substitution method in To get an task-specific parameter values in a python task, use:

@files( '*.fastq', suffix('.fastq'), '.bam')
def mytask( infile, outfile ):
    MY_PARAMS = P.substitute_parameters( locals() )

Thus, task specific are implemented generically using the mechanism, but pipeline authors need to explicitely code for track specific parameters.

Using different conda environments

In addition to running a pipeline using your default conda environment, specifying job_condaenv="<name of conda environment>" to the function allows you run the statement using a different conda environment. For example:

def renderMultiqc(infile):
'''build mulitqc report'''

statement = '''LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 multiqc . -f;
               mv multiqc_report.html MultiQC_report.dir/''', job_condaenv="multiqc")

This can be extremely useful when you have python 2 only code but are running in a python 3 environment. Or more importantly, when you have conflicting dependancies in software and you need to seperate them out into two different environments.xs