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PyPI License: LGPL v3

GemPy is an open-source, Python-based 3-D structural geological modeling software, which allows the implicit (i.e. automatic) creation of complex geological models from interface and foliation data. It also sports support for stochastic modeling to adress parameter and model uncertainties.

Table of Contents


GemPy uses interface (i.e. layer interface points, fault plane points) and foliation data (i.e. dip values of the surfaces) as input. The following plot shows exemplatory input data of four different lithology interfaces and a fault interface (blue), with only two dip measurements (arrows).

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From this input data GemPy can implicitly construct a full 3-D structural geological model:

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Getting Started


GemPy requires Python 3.X and makes use of numerous open-source libraries:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • theano


  • vtk for interactive 3-D visualization (VTK v. 7.X is required for Python 3)
  • skimage and networkx for 3-D topology analysis and graph handling

Overall we recommend the use of a dedicated Python distribution, such as Anaconda, for hassle-free package installation. We are curently working on providing GemPy also via Anaconda Cloud, for easier installation of its dependencies.


Installing the latest release version of GemPy itself is easily done using PyPI:

$ pip install gempy

Otherwise you can clone the current repository:

$ git clone

And manually install it using the following command in the repository directory:

$ python


Extensive documentation for GemPy is hosted at, explaining its capabilities, the theory behind it and providing detailed tutorials on how to use it.