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folder structure now completely custom, angular-ui-router option, js/…
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…setup.js -> app.js, css/app.less -> app.less, grunt server -> grunt serve, and more
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Chris Gross committed Feb 25, 2014
1 parent cc70892 commit 7839e29
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>Yeoman Generator for Enterprise Angular Projects

* Provides a directory structure geared towards large Angular projects.
* Each controller, service, filter, and directive are placed in their own file.
* All files related to a conceptual unit are placed together. For example, the controller, HTML, LESS, and unit test for a partial are placed together in the same directory.
* Provides a ready-made Grunt build that produces an extremely optimized distribution.
* Build uses [grunt-ngmin]( so you don't have to use the Angular injection syntax for safe minification (i.e. you dont need `$inject` or `(['$scope','$http',...`.
* `grunt server` task allows you to run a simple development server with watch/livereload enabled. Additionally, JSHint and the appropriate unit tests are run for the changed files.
* Integrates Bower for package management
* Includes Yeoman sub-generators for directives, services, partials, and filters
* Integrates LESS and includes Bootstrap via the source LESS files allowing you to reuse Bootstrap vars/mixins/etc.
* Easily Testable - Each sub-generator creates a skeleton unit test. Unit tests can be run via `grunt test` and they run automatically during the grunt watch that is active during `grunt server`.

Directory Layout
Below is an example of the folder structure. In v3.0, all subgenerators for partials, services, directives, and filters, allow the user to specify where to save the new files. Thus you can create your own directory structure (including nesting) as you desire. In this example, the user has chosen to group the app into an `admin` folder, a `search` folder, and a `service` folder.

app.less ....................... main app-wide styles
app.js ......................... angular module initialization and route setup
index.html ..................... main HTML file
/admin ......................... example admin component folder
/admin-directive1 ............ angular directives folder
admin-directive1.js ........ example simple directive
admin-directive-spec1.j..... example simple directive unit test
/admin-directive2 ............ example complex directive (contains external partial)
admin-directive2.js ........ complex directive javascript
admin-directive2.html ...... complex directive partial
admin-directive2.less ...... complex directive LESS
admin-directive2-spec.js ... complex directive unit test
/admin-partial ............... example partial
admin-partial.html ......... example partial html
admin-partial.js ........... example partial controller
admin-partial.less ......... example partial LESS
admin-partial-spec.js ...... example partial unit test
/search ........................ example search component folder
my-filter.js ................. example filter
my-filter-spec.js ............ example filter unit test
/search-partial .............. example partial
search-partial.html ........ example partial html
search-partial.js .......... example partial controller
search-partial.less ........ example partial LESS
search-partial-spec.js ..... example partial unit test
/service ....................... angular services folder
my-service.js .............. example service
my-service-spec.js ......... example service unit test
my-service2.js ............. example service
my-service2-spec.js ........ example service unit test
/img ........................... images (not created by default but included in /dist if added)
/dist .......................... distributable version of app built using grunt and Gruntfile.js
/bower_component................ 3rd party libraries managed by bower
/node_modules .................. npm managed libraries used by grunt

Getting Started

Prerequisites: Node, Grunt, Yeoman, and Bower. Once Node is installed, do:

npm install -g grunt-cli yo bower

Next, install this generator:

npm install -g generator-cg-angular

To create a project:

mkdir MyNewAwesomeApp
cd MyNewAwesomeApp
yo cg-angular

Grunt Tasks

Now that the project is created, you have 3 simple Grunt commands available:

grunt serve #This will run a development server with watch & livereload enabled.
grunt test #Run unit tests.
grunt build #Places a fully optimized (minified, concatenated, and more) in /dist

When `grunt serve` is running, any changed javascript files will be linted using JSHint as well as have their appropriate unit tests executed. Only the unit tests that correspond to the changed file will be run.

Yeoman Subgenerators

There are a set of sub-generators to initialize empty Angular components. Each of these generators will:

* Create one or more skeleton files (javascript, LESS, html, spec etc) for the component type.
* Update index.html and add the necessary `script` tags.
* Update app.less and add the @import as needed.
* For partials, update the app.js, adding the necessary route call if a route was entered in the generator prompts.

There are generators for `directive`,`partial`,`service`, and `filter`.

Running a generator:

yo cg-angular:directive my-awesome-directive
yo cg-angular:partial my-partial
yo cg-angular:service my-service
yo cg-angular:filter my-filter

The name paramater passed (i.e. 'my-awesome-directive') will be used the file names. The generators will derive appropriate class names from this parameter (ex. 'my-awesome-directive' will convert to a class name of 'MyAwesomeDirective'). Each sub-generator will ask for the folder in which to create the new skeleton files. You may override the default folder for each sub-generator in the `.yo-rc.json` file.

One quick note, each sub-generator pulls the Angular app/module name from the package.json. Therefore, if you choose to change the name of your Angular app/module, you must ensure that the name in the package.json stays in sync.

Preconfigured Libraries

The new app will have a handful of preconfigured libraries included. This includes Angular 1.2, Bootstrap 3, AngularUI Bootstrap, AngularUI Utils, FontAwesome 4, JQuery 2, Underscore 1.5, LESS 1.6, and Moment 2.5. You may of course add to or remove any of these libraries. But the work to integrate them into the app and into the build process has already been done for you.

Build Process

The project will include a ready-made Grunt build that will:

* Build all the LESS files into one minified CSS file.
* Uses [grunt-angular-templates]( to turn all your partials into Javascript.
* Uses [grunt-ngmin]( to preprocess all Angular injectable methods and add the necessary Angular annotations to ensure minification will not break your app (and you don't have to use the array syntax to
manually add the annotations nor $inject). Read more about [ngmin](
* Concatenates and minifies all Javascript into one file.
* Replaces all appropriate script references in `index.html` with the minified CSS and JS files.
* Minifies any images in `/img`.
* Minifies the `index.html`.
* Copies any extra files necessary for a distributable build (ex. Font-Awesome font files, etc).

The resulting build loads only a few highly compressed files.

The build process uses [grunt-dom-munger]( to pull script references from the `index.html`. This means that **your index.html is the single source of truth about what makes up your app**. Adding a new library, new controller, new directive, etc does not require that you update the build file. Also the order of the scripts in your `index.html` will be maintained when they're concatenated.

Importantly, `grunt-dom-munger` uses JQuery selectors to manage the parsing of the script tags. It is very easy to exclude certain scripts from the build. For example, the project includes a references to the `livereload.js` from the `grunt-contrib-watch` task. But this file should not be included in a production build. Thus the `grunt-dom-munger` task is configured with a selector like `script[data-build!="exclude"]` and the script tag for `livereload.js` includes an attribute like `data-build="exclude"`. You can use this flexibility in your project to include/exclude scripts in your production builds.

Release History
* ??/??/???? - v3.0.0 - All subgenerators now ask the user for a directory enabling any user-defined project structure. Gruntfile has been altered to allow scripts, partials, and LESS files to be located anywhere in the project directory structure. An option to use `angular-ui-router` is now available when initializing a new project. `js/setup.js` and `css/app.less` moved to `app.js` and `app.less`. `grunt server` is now `grunt serve`. Inside `index.html` all user script tags are grouped together instead of split out into groups for services/filters/etc.
* 2/10/2014 - v2.1.1 - Fix for the directive spec file named with a .less extension.
* 1/06/2014 - v2.1.0 - Nice enhancements for unit testing. Specs are now placed in the same directory as the component they're testing. Additionally, unit tests are now run during `grunt server` allowing for an easy and efficient test-driven workflow.
* 12/30/2013 - v2.0.0 - Big Update. Angular 1.2 and Bootstrap 3. Newer versions of Angular UI, Font Awesome, and JQuery. Lodash was replaced with Underscore. Lots of other small changes.
* 9/06/2013 - V1.0.4 - Fixed templating issue with generated specs for `yo cg-angular:service` subgenerator.
* 8/29/2013 - V1.0.3 - Renamed `/lib` back to `/bower_components` as clarity trumps brevity. Renamed `/bin` to `/dist`. Fixed spelling error in generated directive's js template location. Moved up to later version of `yeoman-generator` dependency to solve "Cannot read bold of undefined" error coming from Yeoman. JSHint options now read from `.jshintrc`. And more small stuff.
* 7/08/2013 - V1.0.2 - Added utf8 charset to index.html. Fix for "EMFile, too many open files" on `grunt watch` by no longer watching the `lib` folder.
* 6/20/2013 - v1.0.1 - Fixed a ton of known issues. Replaced `grunt-regarde` with `grunt-contrib-watch`. Fixed and tweaked the unit test specs and `grunt test`. Fixed issues with the build. Generator is now ready for real use.
* 6/18/2013 - v1.0.0 - Initial release of template as Yeoman generator.
66 changes: 36 additions & 30 deletions
Expand Up @@ -17,39 +17,44 @@ Features

Directory Layout Directory Layout
------------- -------------
Below is an explanation of the folder structure. Below is an example of the folder structure. In v3.0, all subgenerators for partials, services, directives, and filters, allow the user to specify where to save the new files. Thus you can create your own directory structure (including nesting) as you so desire. In this example, the user has chosen to group the app into an `admin` folder, a `search` folder, and a `service` folder.

/css ........................... usually only contains app.less
app.less ................... main app-wide styles app.less ....................... main app-wide styles
/img ........................... images (not created by default but included in /dist if added) app.js ......................... angular module initialization and route setup
/js ............................ app global javascript files index.html ..................... main HTML file
setup.js ................... angular module initialization and route setup /admin ......................... example admin component folder
/directive ..................... angular directives folder /admin-directive1 ............ angular directives folder
my-directive.js ............ example simple directive admin-directive1.js ........ example simple directive
my-directive-spec.js ....... example simple directive unit test admin-directive-spec1.j..... example simple directive unit test
/my-directive2 ............. example complex directive (contains external partial) /admin-directive2 ............ example complex directive (contains external partial)
my-directive2.js ....... complex directive javascript admin-directive2.js ........ complex directive javascript
my-directive2.html...... complex directive partial admin-directive2.html ...... complex directive partial
my-directive2.less ..... complex directive LESS admin-directive2.less ...... complex directive LESS
my-directive2-spec.js .. complex directive unit test admin-directive2-spec.js ... complex directive unit test
/filter ........................ angular filters folder /admin-partial ............... example partial
my-filter.js ............... example filter admin-partial.html ......... example partial html
my-filter-spec.js .......... example filter unit test admin-partial.js ........... example partial controller
/partial ....................... angular partials folder admin-partial.less ......... example partial LESS
/my-partial ................ example partial admin-partial-spec.js ...... example partial unit test
my-partial.html ........ example partial html /search ........................ example search component folder
my-partial.js .......... example partial controller my-filter.js ................. example filter
my-partial.less ........ example partial LESS my-filter-spec.js ............ example filter unit test
my-partial-spec.js ..... example partial unit test /search-partial .............. example partial
search-partial.html ........ example partial html
search-partial.js .......... example partial controller
search-partial.less ........ example partial LESS
search-partial-spec.js ..... example partial unit test
/service ....................... angular services folder /service ....................... angular services folder
my-service.js .............. example service my-service.js .............. example service
my-service-spec.js ......... example service unit test my-service-spec.js ......... example service unit test
my-service2.js ............. example service
my-service2-spec.js ........ example service unit test
/img ........................... images (not created by default but included in /dist if added)
/dist .......................... distributable version of app built using grunt and Gruntfile.js /dist .......................... distributable version of app built using grunt and Gruntfile.js
/bower_component................ 3rd party libraries managed by bower /bower_component................ 3rd party libraries managed by bower
/node_modules .................. npm managed libraries used by grunt /node_modules .................. npm managed libraries used by grunt

The `directive`, `filter`, `partial`, and `service` directories won't exist until one of the relevant components is created using a sub-generator.

Getting Started Getting Started
------------- -------------

Expand All @@ -72,11 +77,11 @@ Grunt Tasks

Now that the project is created, you have 3 simple Grunt commands available: Now that the project is created, you have 3 simple Grunt commands available:

grunt server #This will run a development server with watch & livereload enabled. grunt serve #This will run a development server with watch & livereload enabled.
grunt test #Run unit tests. grunt test #Run unit tests.
grunt build #Places a fully optimized (minified, concatenated, and more) in /dist grunt build #Places a fully optimized (minified, concatenated, and more) in /dist

When `grunt server` is running, any changed javascript files will be validated using JSHint as well as have their appropriate unit tests executed. Only the unit tests that correspond to the changed file will be run. When `grunt serve` is running, any changed javascript files will be linted using JSHint as well as have their appropriate unit tests executed. Only the unit tests that correspond to the changed file will be run.

Yeoman Subgenerators Yeoman Subgenerators
------------- -------------
Expand All @@ -86,7 +91,7 @@ There are a set of sub-generators to initialize empty Angular components. Each
* Create one or more skeleton files (javascript, LESS, html, spec etc) for the component type. * Create one or more skeleton files (javascript, LESS, html, spec etc) for the component type.
* Update index.html and add the necessary `script` tags. * Update index.html and add the necessary `script` tags.
* Update app.less and add the @import as needed. * Update app.less and add the @import as needed.
* For partials, update the setup.js, adding the necessary route call if a route was entered in the generator prompts. * For partials, update the app.js, adding the necessary route call if a route was entered in the generator prompts.

There are generators for `directive`,`partial`,`service`, and `filter`. There are generators for `directive`,`partial`,`service`, and `filter`.

Expand All @@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ Running a generator:
yo cg-angular:service my-service yo cg-angular:service my-service
yo cg-angular:filter my-filter yo cg-angular:filter my-filter

The name paramater passed (i.e. 'my-awesome-directive') will be used for directory and/or file names. The generators will derive appropriate class names from this parameter (ex. 'my-awesome-directive' will convert to a class name of 'MyAwesomeDirective'). The name paramater passed (i.e. 'my-awesome-directive') will be used the file names. The generators will derive appropriate class names from this parameter (ex. 'my-awesome-directive' will convert to a class name of 'MyAwesomeDirective').

One quick note, each sub-generator pulls the Angular app/module name from the package.json. Therefore, if you choose to change the name of your Angular app/module, you must ensure that the name in the package.json stays in sync. One quick note, each sub-generator pulls the Angular app/module name from the package.json. Therefore, if you choose to change the name of your Angular app/module, you must ensure that the name in the package.json stays in sync.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,6 +134,7 @@ Importantly, `grunt-dom-munger` uses JQuery selectors to manage the parsing of t

Release History Release History
------------- -------------
* ??/??/???? - v3.0.0 - All subgenerators now ask the user for a directory. Gruntfile has been altered to allow scripts, partials, and LESS files to be located anywhere in the project directory structure. An option to use `angular-ui-router` is now available when initializing a new project. `js/setup.js` and `css/app.less` moved to `app.js` and `app.less`. `grunt server` is now `grunt serve`. Inside `index.html` all user script tags are grouped together instead of split out into groups for services/filters/etc.
* 2/10/2014 - v2.1.1 - Fix for the directive spec file named with a .less extension. * 2/10/2014 - v2.1.1 - Fix for the directive spec file named with a .less extension.
* 1/06/2014 - v2.1.0 - Nice enhancements for unit testing. Specs are now placed in the same directory as the component they're testing. Additionally, unit tests are now run during `grunt server` allowing for an easy and efficient test-driven workflow. * 1/06/2014 - v2.1.0 - Nice enhancements for unit testing. Specs are now placed in the same directory as the component they're testing. Additionally, unit tests are now run during `grunt server` allowing for an easy and efficient test-driven workflow.
* 12/30/2013 - v2.0.0 - Big Update. Angular 1.2 and Bootstrap 3. Newer versions of Angular UI, Font Awesome, and JQuery. Lodash was replaced with Underscore. Lots of other small changes. * 12/30/2013 - v2.0.0 - Big Update. Angular 1.2 and Bootstrap 3. Newer versions of Angular UI, Font Awesome, and JQuery. Lodash was replaced with Underscore. Lots of other small changes.
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion app/index.js
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ var CgangularGenerator = module.exports = function CgangularGenerator(args, opti
yeoman.generators.Base.apply(this, arguments); yeoman.generators.Base.apply(this, arguments);

this.on('end', function () { this.on('end', function () {
this.installDependencies({ skipInstall: options['skip-install'] }); this.installDependencies({ skipInstall: options['skip-install'] });
}); });
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,7 +42,7 @@ CgangularGenerator.prototype.askForUiRouter = function askFor() {
var prompts = [{ var prompts = [{
name: 'router', name: 'router',
type:'list', type:'list',
message: 'What router would you like to use?', message: 'Which router would you like to use?',
default: 0, default: 0,
choices: ['Standard Angular Router','Angular UI Router'] choices: ['Standard Angular Router','Angular UI Router']
}]; }];
Expand Down

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