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File metadata and controls

15 lines (11 loc) · 1.07 KB


Quick folder full-text search using browser local storage to index contents of a single folder

I manage hundreds of HTML books in local folders in public DropBox folders. I want a way to search the contents of these books from an index file. Here's what I have in mind:

  1. A basic node script to build a JSON file list from all the HTML files found in a directory (and subdirectories).
    • Script also creates a basic index.html if one is not already present.
    • That index.html will consume the JSON data with a simple angular app.
  2. An angular index.html file that formats the JSON file as a navigation list
  3. Angular/Jquery to load/update contents of html files into PouchDB database
  4. Lunr.js to provide instant full-text search of file content.

This will all be packaged into a single global Node.js module so that I can use it in any public Dropbox folder to create a web-based searchable index file with no server dependencies.