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Style Props

Chakra UI adopts a convenient approach to styling its components by using style props.

Style props are a way to alter the style of a component by passing props to it. It helps to save time by providing helpful shorthand ways to style components.

Chakra UI uses Styled System to achieve this under the hood. We extend styled-system's utilities to provide other helpful shorthands.

Style Props Reference

The following table shows a list of every style prop and the properties within each group. To learn more about it, you can also check the Styled System docs:

Margin & padding

  <!-- m="2" refers to the value of[2] -->
  <c-box m="2">Tomato</c-box>
  <!-- You can also make use of custom values -->
  <c-box max-w="960px" mx="auto">Custom</c-box>

  <!-- sets margin `8px` on all viewports and `12px` from the first breakpoint and up -->
  <c-box :m="['2', '3']" />
Prop CSS Property Theme Key
m, margin margin space
mt, marginTop margin-top space
mr, marginRight margin-right space
mb, marginBottom margin-bottom space
ml, marginLeft margin-left space
mx margin-left and margin-right space
my margin-top and margin-bottom space
p, padding padding space
pt, paddingTop padding-top space
pr, paddingRight padding-right space
pb, paddingBottom padding-bottom space
pl, paddingLeft padding-left space
px padding-left and padding-right space
py padding-top and padding-bottom space

Color & background color

  <!-- picks up a nested color value using dot notation -->
  <c-box color="gray.50" />
  <!-- You can also use raw CSS color values -->
  <c-box color="#f00" />
  <!-- Sets background color to pink -->
  <c-box bg="pink" />
Prop CSS Property Theme Key
color color colors
bg, backgroundColor background-color colors
opacity opacity none


  <!-- font-size of `` -->
  <c-text fontSize="md" />
  <!-- font-size `32px` -->
  <c-text fontSize="32" />
  <!-- font-size `'2em'` -->
  <c-text fontSize="2em" />
  <!-- text-align `left` on all viewports and `center` from the first breakpoint and up -->
  <c-text :textAlign="[ 'left', 'center' ]" />
Prop CSS Property Theme Key
fontFamily font-family fonts
fontSize font-size fontSizes
fontWeight font-weight fontWeights
lineHeight line-height lineHeights
letterSpacing letter-spacing letterSpacings
textAlign text-align none
fontStyle font-style none
textTransform text-transform none
textDecoration text-decoration none

Layout, width, and height

  <!-- verbose -->
  <c-box width="100%" height="32px" />
  <!-- shorthand -->
  <c-box w="100%" h="32px" />
  <!-- width `256px` -->
  <c-box w="256" />
  <!-- width `40px` -->
  <c-box w="40px" />
Prop CSS Property Theme Key
w, width width sizes
h, height height sizes
minW, minWidth min-width sizes
maxW, maxWidth max-width sizes
minH, minHeight min-height sizes
maxH, maxHeight max-height sizes
d, display display none
size width height sizes
verticalAlign vertical-align none
overflow overflow none
overflowX overflowX none
overflowY overflowY none


  <!-- verbose -->
  <c-box display="flex" align-items="center" justify-content="space-between">
    Box with Flex props
  <!-- shorthand using the `Flex` component -->
  <c-flex align="center" justify="center">
    Flex Container

import { CBox, CFlex } from '@chakra-ui/vue'

export default {
  components: {

Note: Props in * will only work if you use the CFlex component.

Prop CSS Property Theme Key
alignItems, *align align-items none
alignContent align-content none
justifyItems justify-items none
justifyContent, *justify justify-content none
flexWrap, *wrap flex-wrap none
flexDirection, flexDir, *direction flex-direction none
flex flex (shorthand) none
flexGrow flex-grow none
flexShrink flex-shrink none
flexBasis flex-basis none
justifySelf justify-self none
alignSelf align-self none
order order none

Grid Layout

  <!-- verbose -->
  <c-box display="grid" gridGap="2" gridAutoFlow="row dense">

  <!-- shorthand using the `Grid` component -->
  <c-grid gap="2" auto-flow="row dense">
import { CBox, CGrid } from '@chakra-ui/vue'

export default {
  components: {

Note: Props in * will only work if you use the CGrid component.

Prop CSS Property Theme Key
gridGap, *gap grid-gap space
gridRowGap, *rowGap grid-row-gap space
gridColumnGap, *columnGap grid-column-gap space
gridColumn, *column grid-column none
gridRow, *row grid-row none
gridArea, *area grid-area none
gridAutoFlow, *autoFlow grid-auto-flow none
gridAutoRows, *autoRows grid-auto-rows none
gridAutoColumns, *autoColumns grid-auto-columns none
gridTemplateRows, *templateRows grid-template-rows none
gridTemplateColumns, *templateColumns grid-template-columns none
gridTemplateAreas, *templateAreas grid-template-areas none


  <!-- verbose -->

  <!-- shorthand -->
  <c-box bgImage="url('/images/gaara.png')" bgPos="center" bgRepeat="no-repeat" >

import { CCBox } from '@chakra-ui/vue'\n

export default {
  components: {
Prop CSS Property Theme Key
background background none
bgImage, backgroundImage background-image none
bgSize, backgroundSize background-size none
bgPos,backgroundPosition background-position none
bgRepeat,backgroundRepeat background-repeat none
bgAttachment,backgroundAttachment background-attachment none


  <c-box border="1px" borderRadius="md" borderColor="gray.200">

import { CBox } from '@chakra-ui/vue'

export default {
  components: {
Prop CSS Property Theme Field
border border borders
borderWidth border-width borderWidths
borderStyle border-style borderStyles
borderColor border-color colors
borderTop border-top borders
borderTopWidth border-top-width borderWidths
borderTopStyle border-top-style borderStyles
borderTopColor border-top-color colors
borderRight border-right borders
borderRightWidth border-right-width borderWidths
borderRightStyle border-right-style borderStyles
borderRightColor border-right-color colors
borderBottom border-bottom borders
borderBottomWidth border-bottom-width borderWidths
borderBottomStyle border-bottom-style borderStyles
borderBottomColor border-bottom-color colors
borderLeft border-left borders
borderLeftWidth border-left-width borderWidths
borderLeftStyle border-left-style borderStyles
borderLeftColor border-left-color colors
borderX border-left & border-right borders
borderY border-top & border-bottom borders

Border Radius

  <!-- This button will have no right borderRadius -->
  <c-button roundedRight="0">Button 1</c-button>

  <!-- This button will have no left borderRadius*/ -->
  <c-button roundedLeft="0">Button 2</c-button>

  <!-- top left and top right radius will be `` => 4px -->
  <c-button roundedTop="md">Button 2</c-button>

import { CButton } from '@chakra-ui/vue'

export default {
  components: {
Prop CSS Property Theme Field
rounded, borderRadius border-radius radii
roundedTopLeft, borderTopLeftRadius border-top-left-radius radii
roundedTopRight, borderTopRightRadius border-top-right-radius radii
roundedBottomRight, borderBottomRightRadius border-bottom-right-radius radii
roundedBottomLeft, borderBottomLeftRadius border-bottom-left-radius radii
roundedTop border-top-left-radius & border-top-right-radius radii
roundedRight border-top-right-radius & border-bottom-right-radius radii
roundedBottom border-bottom-left-radius & border-bottom-right-radius radii
roundedLeft border-top-left-radius & border-bottom-left-radius radii



  <!-- verbose -->
  <c-box position="absolute">Cover</c-box>

  <!-- shorthand -->
  <c-box pos="absolute">Cover</c-box>

  <c-box pos="absolute" top="0" left="0">
    Absolute with top and left

  <c-box pos="fixed" w="100%" zIndex="2">
    Fixed with zIndex

import { CBox } from '@chakra-ui/vue'

export default {
  components: {
Prop CSS Property Theme Field
pos,position position none
zIndex z-index zIndices
top top space
right right space
bottom bottom space
left left space


  <!-- verbose -->
  <!-- text-shadow will be `` -->
  <!-- box-shadow will be `` -->
  <c-box textShadow="sm" boxShadow="md" />

  <!-- raw CSS values -->
  <c-text textShadow="2px 2px #ff0000" boxShadow="5px 10px #888888">
    Text with shadows

import { CBox, CText } from '@chakra-ui/vue'

export default {
  components: {
Prop CSS Property Theme Field
textShadow text-shadow shadows
shadow,boxShadow box-shadow shadows

Other Props

Asides from all the common style props listed above, all components will accept the following props:

Prop CSS Property Theme Field
animation animation none
appearance appearance none
transform transform none
transformOrigin transform-origin none
visibility visibility none
whiteSpace white-space none
userSelect user-select none
pointerEvents pointer-events none
wordBreak word-break none
overflowWrap overflow-wrap none
textOverflow text-overflow none
boxSizing box-sizing none
cursor cursor none
resize resize none
transition transition none
objectFit object-fit none
objectPosition object-position none
objectPosition object-position none
fill fill colors
stroke stroke colors
outline outline none

The as prop

The as prop is a feature that a lot of the components in @chakra-ui/vue will get because they compose the Box component.

It allows you to pass an HTML tag or another component to a Chakra component to be rendered as the base tag of that component along with all it's styles and props.

For example, say you are using a Button component, and you need to make it a link instead. You can compose router-link and Button like this:

  <c-button as="router-link" to="/about">About Page Button</c-button>

This allows you to use all of the Button props and all of the <router-link> props without having to wrap the Button in an <router-link> component.