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Do What You Can't
Fight imposter syndrome by proving it wrong. Embrace your worth, validate your experiences, and conquer challenges with the support of others.

Last week I said you should "earn your imposter syndrome." It was a half truth.

I don't want you to experience imposter syndrome. But it'll find you. When it does, I want you to know what you're fighting.

Imposter syndrome is a thief. It says "you can't." It tells you that you aren't enough, That you're experience isn't valid, That you can't rise to a challenge.

You are enough. You experience is valid. You will rise.

But you won't be able to convince yourself of that. You need others to do it. Life is team sport.

I tell people to "earn your imposter syndrome" because there's no compassion in comforting fear. Imposter syndrome is a cancer. You don't comfort it. You don't appease it. You don't learn to live with it. You kill it.

You kill it by proving it wrong. Casey Neistat says it best: Do what you can't.

🚷 chan