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Pattern Recognition Server

Available on If it doesn't respond for several seconds, just wait. I use a free Heroku plan, so the application sleeps if it isn't in use for a while. After the request, it wakes up again.

If you don't want to use for some reason, you can launch the server locally, remember: it tastes better with nvm.

  • Install NodeJS 12 or later (you can use nvm install node for this)
  • Download the project using git clone
  • Go to the project directory and run npm i, and it will install all needed dependencies locally.
  • Execute npm build to build all static files.
  • Execute npm start.
  • If you want to develop, run npm i -D to install development dependencies as well (development server, linter, transpilers, etc.)
  • Launch npm run start:dev to start development server with real-time restart on code changes.
  • PORT specifies the port to bind the server to. 3000 by default.
  • MAX_CONNECTED_CLIENTS is the WebSocket connection pool size. 1 by default.
  • LOG_LEVEL is the bottom line of the logs severities. Uses syslog levels of winston logger. The default value is warning.
  • You should create your own application to automatically solve the tasks.
  • Your application should create a WebSocket client and connects to the WebSocket server. Read Awesome WebSockets for more information.
  • The address to connect is wss://[session-id], and also supports insecure WebSocket connection via ws://[session-id].
  • When you connect to the server, you create a new session named [session-id], which should be a valid URI segment (for example, a number, word, words separated by - or _, etc.).
  • Use wss:// and ws:// to learn how to connect to WebSocket server and check how your messages look like.
  • Meet the JSON format to understand more.

Web UI is used only to follow the task completion.

  • First, connect to the server via your application in order to create a new session, and pause your application.
  • Type the [session-id] into the corresponding input of the desired task page to start watching it.
  • Resume your application to the next step and watch the UI changes.
  • Continue the previous step until the end.

I use free dyno hours, so the server sleeps if it's inactive for a specific time. In order to wake it, send a request to it and wait for a while (multiple seconds).

Check the URI you're trying to connect to. Note that it's case sensitive: for example, the first task address is wss://, not wss:// and not wss://

Check that you have specified session id and its format is correct.

Also, this error may occur if sockets pool is full. Contact the lecturer/administrator/char-lie if you think this is the problem.

Check whether you're listening for them and connected to the server at all (you may be disconnected by it for different reasons).

Check instruction and your messages: you may have sent a wrong message.

Also, each task has TTL (time to live) of connections. If you're working on a task for too long, you will be disconnected.

Keep in mind that the UI is used only for watching task completion. You have to write your own application to interact with the WebSocket server and complete the tasks.

If you're completing something but the UI doesn't change, first check the session id in the UI. If it's correct, you should see some messages in its messages table.

TTL: 1 minute (60 seconds).

  • Create a session on the server under /zeroth path (wss://[session-id])
  • Send { "data": { "message": "Let's start" } } message to the server
  • Receive and parse a string from the server. The format is { "data": { "operands": [<operand1>, <operand2>], "operator": "<operand>" }, "success": true }, where
    • <operand(1,2)> is an integer from 1 to 100;
    • <operator> is one of +, - and *.
  • Send the solution to the problem in format { "data": { "answer": <answer> } }, where <answer> should be an integer.

TTL: 5 minutes (300 seconds).

  • Create a session on the server under /first path (wss://[session-id])

  • Send { "data": { "message": "Let's start"} } message to the server

  • Receive a string { "data": { "width": <width>, "height": <height>, "number": <number> }, "success": true } from the server, where <width> is a basic width (when the horizontal scale is 1) of images of a digit in pixels, <height> is a basic height (when the vertical is scale 1) and <number> is the total number of digits.

  • Send a message with settings to the server in the format { "data": { "width": <width>, "height": <height>, "totalSteps": <totalSteps>, "noise": <noise>, "shuffle": <shuffle> } }, where

    • <width> is an integer from 1 to 100 for the horizontal scale of digits;
    • <height> is an integer from 1 to 100 for the vertical scale of digits;
    • <noise> is a real number from 0 to 1 representing the noise level;
    • <totalSteps> is an integer from 1 to 1'000'000 representing the number of digits you want to recognize;
    • <shuffle> is either true or false, and off means using default correspondence between digit names and their matrices (matrix for 5 is visually similar to the digit 5), and on means shuffling of the correspondences (so, digit 1 may have a matrix of the digit 8 and so on) to check whether you're parsing the next message from the server.
  • Receive a dictionary with digit names as keys and corresponding matrices as values in the form

      "data": {
        <digit1>: matrix1,
        <digit2>: matrix2,
        <digitN>: matrixN
      "success": true

    and each matrix is a binary matrix of form

      [d11, d12, ... d1n],
      [d21, d22, ... d2n],
      [dm1, dm2, ... dmn]

    where dij is 0 or 1 value for i-th row and j-th column of the image, n its width (horizontal scale multiplied by the basic width) and m is its height (vertical scale multiplied by the basic height).

  • Send the message { "data": { "message": "Ready" } } to start completing the task

  • Receive a problem in the form

      "data": {
        "currentStep": <step>,
        "matrix": <matrix>
      "success": true

    where <step> is the number of the problem, and <matrix> is a binary matrix representing the problem. Web UI can display this number if you pause the application before the next step.

  • Send the response in the form { "data": { "step": <step>, "answer": <answer> } }, where <step> is the problem number and <answer> is your guess to the problem — a digit represented by the matrix.

  • Receive a response in the form { "data": { "step": <step>, "answer": <answer> }, "success": true }, where <answer> is the right answer to the problem <step>.

  • If there are more problems left to solve (<step> is less than <totalSteps>), send { "data": { "message": "Ready" } } again and receive a new problem.

  • Otherwise, send { "data": { "message": "Bye" } }

  • Receive { "data": { "successes": <successes>, "totalSteps": <totalSteps> }, "success": true }, where <successes> is the number of success guesses.

TTL: 5 minutes (300 seconds).

  • Create a session on the server under /second path (wss://[session-id])

  • Send { "data": { "width": <width>, "loss": <loss>, "totalSteps": <totalSteps>, "repeats": <repeats> } } message to the server, where

    • <width> is an integer from 2 to 1'000, meaning the number of bars in heatmaps,
    • <loss> is either "L1" for distance as a loss (distance is measured in heatmap bars), or a non-negative integer for delta loss. The integer is a radius of an allowed interval: zero means binary loss function, one means a current bar and its nearest neighbors, and so on; must be lower than <width>;
    • <totalSteps] is an integer from 1 to 1'000'000, represents a number of heatmaps to deal with;
    • <repeats> is an integer from 1 to 1'000, representing the number of attempts per one heatmap.
  • Receive the string { "data": { "message": "Are you ready?" }, "success": true } from the server,

  • Send the message { "data": { "message": Ready } } to start completing the task

  • Receive a problem in the form

      "data": {
        "step": <step>,
        "heatmap": [heatmap]
      "success": true

    where <step> is the number of the heatmap, heatmap is an array of positive integers not greater than 255, and representing the heatmap without normalization.

  • Send the response in the form

      "data": {
        "step": <step>,
        "guesses": [guesses]

    where <step> is the heatmap number and guesses is an array of your guesses of size <repeats> in form G1 G2 ... Grepeats, where each Gi is a non-negative integer smaller than the heatmap size, representing the number of the bar you've chosen (indexing from zero).

  • Receive a response in the form

      "data": {
        step: <step>,
        loss: <loss>,
        solutions: [solutions],
        guesses: [guesses],
        heatmap: [heatmap]
      "success": true

    where solutions is the array with the right answers to the problem <step>. Web UI should show the animation here if you pause the application before going to the next step.

  • If there are more problems left to solve (<step> is less than <totalSteps>), send { "data": { "message": "Ready" } } again and receive a new problem.

  • Otherwise, send { "data": { "message": "Bye" } }

  • Receive { "data": { "loss": <loss> } }, where <loss> is the sum of all losses.

Normalized heatmap contains probabilities of an aim to be in specific positions. In order to normalize it, you should divide its values by their sums.

Right answers (aim coordinates) are generated according to the heatmap.


Server for pattern recognition computer practica







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