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charburgx edited this page May 18, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the flplus-win wiki!

Detached Windows

For most of FL Plus' features to work, all windows must be detached. To do this, simply click on the arrow in the top left of a window and select "Detached." In order to enable this by default in the future, enable the setting "Detach all plugins" in General Settings.


Disable Reach Playback

FL Studio's Edison, by default, has enabled "Scrolls to reach playback marker," which will scroll the view to the playback marker. This can be extremely annoying to work with, but is always turned by default. As such, FL Plus will by default keep it constantly disabled.

To disable this feature, right click on FL Plus' tray icon and disable the feature.

Custom Workspaces

FL Plus comes with the ability to set 8 custom workspaces. In order to set a workspace, simply press Ctrl+Alt+F#, where # is any number 1-8. This will set the workspace, and a dialog box confirming this will pop up.

In order to switch to a workspace, press Ctrl+F#, where again # is any number 1-8.

Quick Create Automation Clip

Press Ctrl+Shift+A at any time in FL to create an automation clip for the most recently adjusted parameter.

Rapid Swap Colors

While in the MIDI editor, press the X key to jump the cursor to the color selector. You can then either click on the desired color or press the desired color with the keys 1-9.

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