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Quantitative analysis of altcoins, or "Bitcoin alternatives", for Princeton's COS 597E: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies.

Project by Dan Kang, Charlie Marsh, and Shubhro Saha.


Altcoins have evolved into a popular means of innovation and self-expression in the cryptocurrency landscape. CoinMarketCap lists nearly 500 altcoins which range in popularity, value, and technical specification. This project provides the tools to perform quantitative analysis of altcoins in a general and module way that asssumes very little about the coins themselves.

The bulk of the tooling is contained in two Python modules:

  • An abstraction that takes an altcoin's ticker as argument (e.g., LTC) and allows for easy retrieval of that coin's blockchain data as Pandas data frames.
  • An abstraction that takes an altcoin's ticker as argument and constructs a representation of the coin's transaction graph, including clusters as generated by the heuristics in A Fistful of Bitcoins (Meiklejohn 13). Once loaded, the Graph Analyzer can track balances over time for individual addresses and clusters, as well as report back other statistics about the blockchain's transaction graph.

Additionally, can be used in tandem with to extract data about miners, while is a slimmed-down version of that only operates over price data, which can be downloaded quickly without syncing a blockchain.

Usage examples can be found in the IPython notebooks.


This repository requires you to sync an altcoin's full blockchain with the network and store it as a Postgres database on your machine, which can be a lengthy and computationally intensive process.


Each altcoin needs to be assigned its own Postgres database, identified by its ticker (prefixed with the string "abe-"), and loaded from blockchain to Postgres using the bitcoin-abe open source block browser (see the bitcoin-abe documentation for more) with the configuration files provided in the conf folder.

For example, Litcoin's ticker is LTC. Thus, its database is labeled "abe-ltc" and its bitcoin-abe configuration file is labeled conf/abe-ltc.conf.

In addition, you'll need to change to adjust your Postgres username accordingly.

Price Data

Run to generate CSV files in the price-data folder. Prices will be downloaded for both USD and BTC exchange rates, and will be placed in price-data/usd and price-data/btc, respectively.

Transaction Graph Generation

Generating the transaction graph can be a time- and resource-intensive process, depending on the size of the altcoin's blockchain. It's a multi-step procedure that runs as follows (assuming that you're in the home directory, and that you're generating the graph for Litecoin):

  1. Run psql -U postgres -d abe-ltc -A -F ',' -f src/sql/abe_schema_edges.sql > edges.csv to export network edges.
  2. Run psql -U postgres -d abe-ltc -A -F ',' -f src/sql/abe_schema_txin.sql > txin.csv to export transaction input counts.
  3. Run psql -U postgres -d abe-ltc -A -F ',' -f src/sql/abe_schema_txout.sql > txout.csv to export transaction output counts.
  4. Run python src/ edges.csv > clusters-ltc.txt to generate cluster listings, one per line.
  5. Run python src/ edges.csv txin.csv txout.csv balances-ltc.pickle to generate balances for each public key at every point in time, exported as a pickled data structure.
  6. Run rm edges.csv txin.csv txout.csv to clean up remaining CSV files.

The altcoin ticker (ltc) can be replaced with any other coin code, as long as that coin has been synced to your machine. Much of this process is captured by the script, for reference.

At this point, you can analyze the generated clusters and balances using a GraphAnalyzer from the module. Make sure to change the paths to the clusters-ltc.txt and balances-ltc.pickle to reflect your local file system.


Additional data that might be useful when analyzing altcoins.

Parsing Addresses

Every address actually has three representations:

  • The address as acknowledged by the blockchain. For example, Namecoin addresses look like this: NCAzVGKq8JrsETxAkgw3MsDPinAEPwsTfn.
  • The pubkey_hash as used by Abe. For example, the pubkey hash of that address looks like this: ab1651e5bff4186dc3eb23b9508201458c82b0a2.
  • The pubkey_id, again as used by Abe (and typically used in our code). This is just an integer that is incremented for each new transaction. For example, the pubkey ID of that hash is 2.

When we analyze the blockchain, we usually use the ID. But it's convenient to convert from ID to address to verify that what you're seeing matches up with block explorers online; it's also nice to go from address to ID, as you might want to check if a certain real address is in a certain cluster, which will operate over pubkey IDs.

The module can convert in both directions. It takes three arguments:

  1. The method, either encode or decode. The former goes from address to pubkey ID, and the latter from pubkey ID to address.
  2. The address or pubkey ID, respectively.
  3. The ticker of the relevant coin.

Here are two sample calls to illustrate the functionality:

python encode NCAzVGKq8JrsETxAkgw3MsDPinAEPwsTfn NMC
# 2
python decode 2 NMC
# NCAzVGKq8JrsETxAkgw3MsDPinAEPwsTfn

The address-handling process is also provided by the Graph Analyzer which allows for on-the-fly conversion. For example, I could look-up the balance associated with NCAzVGKq8JrsETxAkgw3MsDPinAEPwsTfn at present as follows:

# Load transaction graph into memory
analyzer = graph_analyzer.GraphAnalyzer('NMC')

# Convert address to pubkey ID and check balance
address = 'NCAzVGKq8JrsETxAkgw3MsDPinAEPwsTfn'
pubkey_id = analyzer.pubkey_for_address(address)




Quantitative analysis of altcoins, or "Bitcoin alternatives."







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