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Processing&P5.js to Charming

Charming implements most of Processing's APIs related to 2D, which can be found here. But due to the grammar differences between Python and Java and different design purposes, there are some differences between the usage of Charming and Processing&P5.js.

This article is going to show the main difference between them and help you migrate from Processing&P5.js to Charming quickly.

APIs Names

All the APIs in Processing are like aaaBbb, but in Charming they are like aaa_bbb. For example, ellipse_mode in Charming equals to ellipseMode in Processing and begin_shape equals to beginShape.

import charming as cm


cm.rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

There is no PVector object in Charming, but you can use CVector instead.

import charming as cm

v1 = cm.CVector()
v2 = cm.CVector()
v3 = v1 + v2

In Processing, you can use all the global variables directly, such as width, height, mouseX, etc. But in Charming, you should call a method to get the global variable you need. For example, you can get width by call get_width() or calling get_mouse_x() to get mouseX.

Register Hooks

In Processing, you don't have to import all the APIs and it will automatically run hooks such as setup, draw, mouseClicked, etc. But In Charming, you have to import all the APIs at first and use decorators to register hooks.

# Import all the APIs and bind them to a namespce.
# You can name it whaterver you like, here name it as 'app'.
import charming as app

# Register setup hook which will excute only once.
def setup():

x = 0
speed = 1

# Register draw hook which will loop the code in it.
def draw():
    global x
    app.rect(x, 0, 10, 15)
    x += speed

# Register mouse_clicked hook which will excute when a mouse click event be triggered.
def mouse_clicked():
    global speed
    speed += 1

# It is very import to excute run, otherwise nothing magic wll happen.

Color System

In Processing, you can use three or four number (r, g, b) or (r, g, b, a) to represent a color or take them as parameters to color-related APIs, such as fill(100, 34, 0, 100) or stroke(0, 0, 0). But in Charming, you need three different channels to represet a color or give them to color-related APIs:

  • ch: character, ascii code or unicode (including cjk characters or emoji).
  • fg: foreground color, a number(0 ~ 255 by default) if the color mode is ANSI, a tuple with length equaling to 1or 3 if the color mode is HSB or RGB.
  • bg: background color, a number(0 ~ 255 by default) if the color mode is ANSI, a tuple with length equaling to 1 or 3 if the color mode is HSB or RGB.
# ansi mode
app.fill('c', app.RED, app.BLUE)
app.stroke('酷', 100, 200)

# rgb mode
app.background('🚀', (255, 0, 0), (100,))

# hsb mode
# use a CColor object to represent a color
c = app.CColor('🚀', (255, 0, 0), (100,))

Context Manager

In Processing, you need to call a method to open a context and followed by a close context method, such as beginShape with endShape. But with the help of context manager in Python, you can use with to open a context.

# normal way of opening a context
app.vertex(0, 0)
app.vertex(0, 5)
app.vertex(5, 0)

# open a context with the help of context manager
with app.open_shape(close_mode=app.CLOSE):
    app.vertex(0, 0)
    app.vertex(0, 5)
    app.vertex(5, 0)

You can also use open_context instead of push and pop and open_contour instead of begin_contour and end_contour.