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executable file
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executable file
174 lines (127 loc) · 4.96 KB


Installation is a plugin which installs and executes your plugins. It is similar to Unix package managers installations like yum install <package>, apt-get install <package> or gem install <package> in a Ruby language SDK.

It's built for Maven, so it uses a bit different syntax:

$ mvn installation:install -Dartifact=groupId:artifactId

And this will install your latest artifact version to the system.

Quick Start

Add these lines to your settings.xml ($HOME/.m2/settings.xml):


To install a dummy command to your system, in console run

$ mvn installation:install -Dartifact=com.chaschev:chutils

Now, command chutils from the artifact com.chaschev:chutils:1.1 should be available on your command line with all of it's dependencies. To check this run

$ chutils Austin Day

and this should print you a greeting.

Sample output.
$ mvn installation:install -Dartifact=com.chaschev:chutils -DinstallTo=bin && chutils Austin day

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- installation-maven-plugin:1.2-SNAPSHOT:install (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] resolving artifact com.chaschev:chutils:jar:1.1
[INFO] created a shortcut: /home/andrey/bin/chutils -> com.chaschev.chutils.Main
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

hi from chutils, Austin! have a good day!
is guava with us?
guava is here!


  • Windows and Unix are supported.
  • Shortcuts are installed to your Maven bin dir or when on Unix to your local bin-dirs.

How it works

Plugin fetches an artifact with all dependences to your local repository. It also creates shortcuts which link to a Runner jar which launches your apps. This transition was made to support long classpaths on Windows.


  • JRE 1.6+ to install, JDK 1.6+ to build
  • Maven 3.1.x (3.0.x was not tested)

How to Use

Configuring Maven (for end-users and developers)

Add these lines to your settings.xml ($HOME/.m2/settings.xml):


Making a Maven Artifact installable (for developers)

Create an class in your root package with similar content:

public class Installation {
    public static final List<Object[]> shortcuts =
            new Object[]{"chutils", Main.class}

This is a list of shortcuts to your main classes the plugin will create.

Deploy your artifact to your repository. Local and remote non-central maven repositories are supported. I.e.

$ cd your-project-dir
$ mvn install

Install your artifact to the local repository

$ mvn installation:install -Dartifact=groupId.artifactId

Next try running your shortcuts. If there are no exceptions, the installation was ok.

Running remote artifact

Use installation:exec to download and run your artifact. Example:

$ mvn installation:exec -Dartifact=com.chaschev:chutils -Dclass=com.chaschev.chutils.Main -Dargs="Andrey day"


Contributions are welcome! Tips below might be useful for testing and extending the Installation plugin:

Running from remote repository:

 $ mvn -U com.chaschev:installation-maven-plugin:1.X-SNAPSHOT:install -Dartifact=com.chaschev:chutils

This will force an update (-U) and will explicitly specify the Installation plugin version.

Adding plugin repositories in settings.xml, i.e.:



Thanks go to yegor256 for his contributions to Maven Aether.