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+++ title = "Configuration" description = "Configuring Chef Automate" date = 2018-05-08T18:54:09+00:00 draft = false bref = "" toc = true [menu] [] parent = "configuring_automate" weight = 10 +++


The chef-automate CLI provides commands to help you work with your existing Chef Automate configuration:

  • chef-automate config show shows you your current configuration, with the exception of default settings
  • chef-automate config patch </path/to/partial-config.toml> updates an existing Chef Automate configuration by merging the contents of</path/to/partial-config.toml> with your current Chef Automate configuration, and applying any changes. This command is sufficient in most situations
  • chef-automate config set </path/to/full-config.toml> replaces the current Chef Automate configuration with the provided configuration, and applies any changes. Use this command to replace your Chef Automate configuration

Update your Chef Automate configuration by generating a section of a configuration, and applying it with chef-automate config patch. The rest of this document describes how to make common configuration changes.

Use Cases

Minimal Configuration

The chef-automate init-config command generates an annotated Chef Automate configuration file with the minimum settings needed to deploy Chef Automate. This section describes those settings and how to change them on an existing Chef Automate installation.

Chef Automate FQDN

To change the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your Chef Automate installation, create a TOML file that contains the partial configuration:

  fqdn = "{{< example_fqdn "automate" >}}"

Then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

Install Channel

Chef Automate is made up of Habitat packages installed from a release channel. The default channel is current, but we will introduce additional channels in the future.

Upgrade Strategy

The upgrade strategy determines when a Chef Automate installation is upgraded. The upgrade strategy can be set to:

  • at-once (default) upgrades the installation when new packages are detected in your install channel
  • none freezes the installation with its current set of packages

Changing the upgrade strategy from none to at-once will install the latest packages from your install channel.

To change the upgrade strategy of your Chef Automate installation, create a TOML file that contains the partial configuration:

upgrade_strategy = "at-once"

Then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

To upgrade a Chef Automate installation when the upgrade_strategy is set to none, run:

chef-automate upgrade

This will upgrade Chef Automate to the latest version from your install channel.

Deployment Type

Do not change deployment_type at this time. Currently, the only supported deployment_type is local.


Currently, you cannot change the admin username, name, and password set during initial deployment.

To change the admin password after deployment, use the Automate UI. Log in as the admin user, navigate to the User page under the Settings tab. Selecting "Local Administrator" opens a form for updating the password. Enter and confirm your new password in the interface, and then select the Update Password button to save your changes.

To change the admin password from the command-line, first [fetch the admin user record]({{< relref "" >}}) and copy the User ID, then use:

export TOKEN=`chef-automate admin-token`

curl -X PUT -H "api-token: $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Local Administrator", "id": "<admin user ID>", "password":"<password>"}' https://{{< example_fqdn "automate" >}}/api/v0/auth/users/admin?pretty

Load Balancer Certificate and Private Key

To change the load balancer certificate and private key of your Chef Automate installation, create a TOML file that contains the partial configuration:

# The TLS certificate for the load balancer frontend.
cert = """-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
<your certificate>

# The TLS RSA key for the load balancer frontend.
key = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
<your private key>

Then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

License Key

You can apply your Chef Automate license with the chef-automate license apply command in one of two ways:

  • chef-automate license apply </path/to/license-file
  • chef-automate license apply <content-of-license>

Currently you cannot apply a license after your initial deployment by patching the configuration file.

Proxy Settings

You can configure Chef Automate to use a proxy either by setting environment variables, or by setting configuration options.

Chef Automate respects the proxy environment variables:

  • HTTPS_PROXY/https_proxy
  • HTTP_PROXY/http_proxy
  • NO_PROXY/no_proxy (See [Required Sites and Domains]({{< relref "#required-sites-and-domains" >}}).)

Setting these environment variables prior to initial deployment of Chef Automate adds them to the configuration.

To set a proxy by editing a configuration file, create a TOML file that contains the partial configuration:

host = "<your proxy host>"
port = <your proxy port>
no_proxy = ["", ""]
# user = "<your proxy user>"
# password = "<your proxy password>"

Then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

Required Sites and Domains

Chef Automate must be able to access the following:

  • localhost

Global Log Level

Configure the log level for all Chef Automate services by creating a TOML file. By default each service will initialize at the info level, but the following settings are available: debug, info, warning, panic, or fatal.

level = "debug"

Then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

Sample Configuration

# This is a default Chef Automate configuration file. You can run
# 'chef-automate deploy' with this config file and it should
# successfully create a new Chef Automate instance with default settings.

# The external fully qualified domain name.
 # When the application is deployed you should be able to access 'https://<fqdn>/'
  # to login.
  fqdn = "chef-automate.test"

  # The following TLS certificate and RSA public key were
  # automatically generated. The certificate is a self-signed
  # certificate and will likely produce security warnings when you
  # visit Chef Automate in your web browser. We recommend using a
  # certificate signed by a certificate authority you trust.
    # The TLS certificate for the load balancer frontend.
    cert = """-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
<the load balancer's certificate>

    # The TLS RSA key for the load balancer frontend.
    key = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
<the load balancer's TLS RSA key>

# Deployment service configuration.
    # Habitat channel to install hartifact from.
    # Can be 'dev', 'current', or 'acceptance'
    channel = "current"
    upgrade_strategy = "at-once"
    deployment_type = "local"

Additional Configuration

General Elasticsearch Configuration

To configure Elasticsearch for your Chef Automate installation, create a TOML file that contains the partial configuration below. Uncomment and change settings as needed, then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

# NOTE: The elasticsearch proxy settings are derived from the global proxy settings.
# host = "<proxy host>"
# port = <proxy port>
# user = "<proxy username>"
# password = "<proxy password>"
# no_proxy = <["", ""]>
# name = "chef-insights"
# node_concurrent_recoveries = 2
# node_initial_primaries_recoveries = 4
# same_shard_host = false
# max_local_storage_nodes = 1
# master = true
# data = true
# logs = "logs"
# max_bytes_per_sec = "20mb"
# total_limit = "70%"
# fielddata_limit = "60%"
# fielddata_overhead = "1.03"
# request_limit = "40%"
# request_overhead = "1"
# memory_lock = false
# host = ""
# port = 10141
# port = "10142"
# ping_unicast_hosts = "[]"
# minimum_master_nodes = 1
# zen_fd_ping_timeout = "30s"
# expected_nodes = 0
# expected_master_nodes = 0
# expected_data_nodes = 0
# destructive_requires_name = true
# level = "info"
# max_locked_memory = "unlimited"
# es_java_opts = ""
# NOTE: heapsize should be set to 50% of available RAM up to 32g
# See:
# heapsize = "1g"

Setting Elasticsearch Heap

Per the Elasticsearch documentation, the Elasticsearch heap size should be up to 50% of the available RAM, up to 32GB. To set the Elasticsearch heap size, create a TOML file that contains the partial configuration below. Uncomment and change settings as needed, then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

# heapsize = "<your Elasticsearch heapsize>"


To configure PostgreSQL for your Chef Automate installation, create a TOML file that contains the partial configuration below. Uncomment and change settings as needed, with the following caveats:

  • These configuration settings affect only the Automate-deployed PostgreSQL database. They do not affect an [externally-deployed PostgreSQL database]({{< relref "" >}}).
  • Chef Automate uses TLS mutual authentication to communicate with its PostgreSQL database.

Then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

# host = ""
# port = 5432
# md5_auth_cidr_addresses = ["", "::0/0"]
# max_wal_size = "1GB"
# min_wal_size = "80MB"
# wal_keep_segments = 32
# checkpoint_timeout = "5min"
# checkpoint_completion_target = 0.5
# max_connections = 100
# max_locks_per_transaction = 64
# level = "ERROR"
# name = "automate"

Load Balancer

To configure your Chef Automate installation's load balancer, create a TOML file that contains the partial configuration below. Uncomment and change settings as needed, then run chef-automate config patch </path/to/your-file.toml> to deploy your change.

# https_port = 443
# http_port = 80
# NOTE: the external_fqdn setting is derived from the global settings and
# should be configured via the `[global.v1]` setting.
# external_fqdn = "<your Chef Automate fqdn>"
# level = "info"
# worker_processes = 4
# error_log = "/dev/stderr"
# worker_connections = 1024
# worker_processor_method = "epoll"
# multi_accept = "on"
# access_log = "/dev/stdout"
# client_max_body_size = "250m"
# default_type = "application/octet-stream"
# keepalive_timeout = 60
# keepalive_requests = 10000
# gzip = "on"
# gzip_comp_level = "2"
# gzip_disable = "MSIE [1-6]\\."
# gzip_http_version = "1.0"
# gzip_min_length = 10240
# gzip_proxied = "expired no-cache no-store private auth"
# gzip_types = "text/plain text/css text/xml text/javascript application/x-javascript application/xml"
# gzip_vary = "on"
# large_client_header_buffers_size = "8k"
# large_client_header_buffers_number = 4
# sendfile = "on"
# ssl_protocols = "TLSv1.2"
# tcp_nodelay = "on"
# tcp_nopush = "on"
# NOTE: The load_balancer proxy settings are derived from the global proxy settings.
# host = "<proxy host>"
# port = <proxy port>
# user = "<proxy username>"
# password = "<proxy password>"
# no_proxy = <["", ""]>
# NOTE: the load_balancer TLS certificate settings are derived from global
# settings and should be configured via `[[global.v1.frontend_tls]]` settings
# server_name = "<your Chef Automate server name>"
# cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n<your load balancer cert>\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
# key = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n<your load balancer private key>\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"

Data Retention

The bulk of Chef Automate's data is stored by the ingest, event-feed, and compliance services. The retention policies for each service can be modified using the service's gRPC Purge.Configure interface.

To configure each service's retention policies run the following commands with the configuration request tailored to your specific needs. The recurrence field can be set to any valid recurrence rule as defined in section 4.3.10 of RFC 2445. Any omitted fields will not be updated or overwritten.

chef-automate dev grpcurl compliance-service -- chef.automate.infra.data_lifecycle.api.Purge.Configure -d '{
  "policy_update": {
    "es": [
        "disabled": false,
        "disabled": false,

chef-automate dev grpcurl ingest-service -- chef.automate.infra.data_lifecycle.api.Purge.Configure -d '{
  "policy_update": {
    "es": [
        "disabled": false,
        "disabled": false,

chef-automate dev grpcurl event-feed-service -- chef.automate.infra.data_lifecycle.api.Purge.Configure -d '{
  "policy_update": {
    "es": [
        "disabled": false,

To see the current retention policies for each service use the gRPC Purge.Show interface.

chef-automate dev grpcurl event-feed-service -- chef.automate.infra.data_lifecycle.api.Purge.Show

Substitute event-feed-service with ingest-service or compliance-service to see each service's retention policies.

To immediately run a purge for a service use Purge.Run interface.

chef-automate dev grpcurl event-feed-service -- chef.automate.infra.data_lifecycle.api.Purge.Run

Substitute event-feed-service with ingest-service or compliance-service to run each service's retention policies.


Common syntax errors may cause issues in configuration files:

  • Keys: Names use underscores, not dashes.
  • Ports: Use the correct type. Single numbers are integers and don't need quotation marks. Ranges are strings and require quotation marks.
  • Whitespace: Both tabs and spaces are whitespace.
  • Arrays: Use square brackets with comma-separated entries of the same type.

See the TOML README for more details.