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+++ title = "Debug Recipes, Chef Infra Client Runs" draft = false gh_repo = "chef-web-docs" aliases = ["/debug.html"]

[menu] [menu.infra] title = "Debug Recipes, Client Runs" identifier = "chef_infra/cookbook_reference/recipes/ Debug Recipes, Client Runs" parent = "chef_infra/cookbook_reference/recipes" weight = 20 +++

Elements of good approaches to building cookbooks and recipes that are reliable include:

  • A consistent syntax pattern when constructing recipes
  • Using the same patterns in Ruby
  • Using resources included in Chef Infra Client or community cookbooks before creating custom ones

Ideally, the best way to debug a recipe is to not have to debug it in the first place. That said, the following sections discuss various approaches to debugging recipes and failed Chef Infra Client runs.


Some simple ways to identify common issues that can trigger recipe and/or Chef Infra Client run failures include:

  • Using an empty run-list
  • Using verbose logging with knife
  • Using logging with Chef Infra Client
  • Using the log resource in a recipe to define custom logging

Empty Run-lists

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Use the verbose logging that is built into knife:

-V, --verbose

: Set for more verbose outputs. Use -VV for much more verbose outputs. Use -VVV for maximum verbosity, which may provide more information than is actually helpful.

{{< note >}}

Plugins do not always support verbose logging.

{{< /note >}}

Chef Infra Client

Use the verbose logging that is built into Chef Infra Client:

-l LEVEL, --log_level LEVEL

: The level of logging to be stored in a log file. Possible levels: auto (default), debug, error, fatal, info, trace, or warn. Default value: warn (when a terminal is available) or info (when a terminal is not available).

-L LOGLOCATION, --logfile c

: The location of the log file. This is recommended when starting any executable as a daemon. Default value: STDOUT.

log Resource

Use the log resource to create log entries. The log resource behaves like any other resource: built into the resource collection during the compile phase, and then run during the execution phase. (To create a log entry that is not built into the resource collection, use Chef::Log instead of the log resource.)

{{< note >}}

By default, every log resource that executes will count as an updated resource in the updated resource count at the end of a Chef run. You can disable this behavior by adding count_log_resource_updates false to your Chef client.rb configuration file.

{{< /note >}}

New in 12.0, -o RUN_LIST_ITEM. Changed in 12.0 -f no longer allows unforked intervals, -i SECONDS is applied before a Chef Infra Client run.


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The log resource has the following actions:


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: Default. Write to log.


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The following examples demonstrate various approaches for using resources in recipes:

Specify a Log Entry
log 'a string to log'
Set debug logging level

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Create log entry when the contents of a data bag are used

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Add a message to a log file
log 'message' do
  message 'This is the message that will be added to the log.'
  level :info


Some more complex ways to debug issues with a Chef Infra Client run include:

  • Using the chef_handler resource
  • Using the chef-shell and the breakpoint resource to add breakpoints to recipes, and to then step through the recipes using the breakpoints
  • Using the debug_value method from chef-shell to identify the location(s) from which attribute values are being set
  • Using the ignore_failure method in a recipe to force Chef Infra Client to move past an error to see what else is going on in the recipe, outside of a known failure
  • Using chef-solo to run targeted Chef Infra Client runs for specific scenarios


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Read more about exception, report, and start handlers.


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Run as a Chef Infra Client

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breakpoint Resource

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Use the breakpoint resource to add breakpoints to recipes. Run the chef-shell in Chef Infra Client mode, and then use those breakpoints to debug recipes. Breakpoints are ignored by Chef Infra Client during an actual Chef Infra Client run. That said, breakpoints are typically used to debug recipes only when running them in a non-production environment, after which they are removed from those recipes before the parent cookbook is uploaded to the Chef Infra Server.


A breakpoint resource block creates a breakpoint in a recipe:

breakpoint 'name' do
  action :break


:break will tell Chef Infra Client to stop running a recipe; can only be used when Chef Infra Client is being run in chef-shell mode


The breakpoint resource has the following actions:


: Use to add a breakpoint to a recipe.


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This resource does not have any properties.


The following examples demonstrate various approaches for using resources in recipes:

A recipe without a breakpoint
yum_key node['yum']['elrepo']['key'] do
  url  node['yum']['elrepo']['key_url']
  action :add

yum_repository 'elrepo' do
  description ' Community Enterprise Linux Extras Repository'
  key node['yum']['elrepo']['key']
  mirrorlist node['yum']['elrepo']['url']
  includepkgs node['yum']['elrepo']['includepkgs']
  exclude node['yum']['elrepo']['exclude']
  action :create
The same recipe with breakpoints
breakpoint "before yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key']" do
  action :break

yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key'] do
  url  node['yum']['repo_name']['key_url']
  action :add

breakpoint "after yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key']" do
  action :break

breakpoint "before yum_repository 'repo_name'" do
  action :break

yum_repository 'repo_name' do
  description 'description'
  key node['yum']['repo_name']['key']
  mirrorlist node['yum']['repo_name']['url']
  includepkgs node['yum']['repo_name']['includepkgs']
  exclude node['yum']['repo_name']['exclude']
  action :create

breakpoint "after yum_repository 'repo_name'" do
  action :break

where the name of each breakpoint is an arbitrary string. In the previous examples, the names are used to indicate if the breakpoint is before or after a resource, and then also to specify which resource.

Step Through Run-list

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Debug Existing Recipe

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Advanced Debugging

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Use the debug_value method to discover the location within the attribute precedence hierarchy from which a particular attribute (or sub-attribute) is set. This method is available when running chef-shell in Chef Infra Client mode:

chef-shell -z

For example, the following attributes exist in a cookbook. Some are defined in a role file:

default_attributes 'test' => { 'source' => 'role default' }
override_attributes 'test' => { 'source' => 'role override' }

And others are defined in an attributes file:

default[:test][:source]  = 'attributes default'
normal[:test][:source]      = 'attributes normal'
override[:test][:source] = 'attributes override'

To debug the location in which the value of node[:test][:source] is set, use chef-shell and run a command similar to:

pp node.debug_value('test', 'source')

This will pretty-print return all of the attributes and sub-attributes as an array of arrays; :not_present is returned for any attribute without a value:

[['set_unless_enabled?', false],
 ['default', 'attributes default'],
 ['env_default', :not_present],
 ['role_default', 'role default'],
 ['force_default', :not_present],
 ['normal', 'attributes normal'],
 ['override', 'attributes override'],
 ['role_override', 'role override'],
 ['env_override', :not_present],
 ['force_override', :not_present],
 ['automatic', :not_present]]


  • set_unless_enabled indicates if the attribute collection is in set_unless mode; this typically returns false
  • Each attribute type is listed in order of precedence
  • Each attribute value shown is the value that is set for that precedence level
  • :not_present is shown for any attribute precedence level that has no attributes

ignore_failure Method

All resources share a set of common actions, attributes, and so on. Use the following attribute in a resource to help identify where an issue within a recipe may be located:

Attribute Description
ignore_failure Continue running a recipe if a resource fails for any reason. Default value: false.


See chef-solo (executable) for complete CTL documentation.

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See chef-solo (executable) for complete CTL documentation.