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61 lines (40 loc) · 1.69 KB

+++ title = "Upgrade Chef Infra Client" draft = false

gh_repo = "chef-web-docs"

aliases = ["/upgrade_client.html"]

[menu] [menu.infra] title = "Upgrade" identifier = "chef_infra/install/" parent = "chef_infra/install" weight = 50 +++

The following sections describe the upgrade process for Chef Infra Client. If you are also [upgrading the Chef Infra Server]({{< relref "/server/upgrades" >}}) complete that process first and then upgrade the Chef Infra Client.

Command Line Upgrades

To upgrade Chef Infra Client on a node from the command line, run the install script to install the latest Chef Infra Client release:

Linux, macOS, and Unix-based hosts:

curl -L | sudo bash

Windows hosts:

. { iwr -useb } | iex; install

Specifying the Version to Install

The install script accepts arguments to allow installing specific versions of Chef Infra Client on systems.

Linux, macOS, and Unix-based hosts:

curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 17.9.26

Windows hosts:

. { iwr -useb } | iex; install -version 17.9.26

Upgrading Multiple Hosts with Knife

The knife ssh command in Chef Workstation can be used to execute the install script on multiple Linux, macOS, and Unix-based hosts at once:

knife ssh 'name:*' 'curl -L | sudo bash'

Cookbook-Based Upgrade

The chef_client_updater cookbook can be used to install or upgrade Chef Infra Client package on a node.