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Building Omnibus Packages for Mac OS X

This document details the steps and configurables for building omnibus packages on Mac OS X. Unlike Linux-based systems, the process for building a .pkg (and compressing with .dmg) may involve the customization of some assets.

Building a .pkg

In Mac OS X, a .pkg is a special file that is read by that contains the set of instructions for installing a piece of software on a target system.


By default, Omnibus does not generate pkg-related assets. To generate the pkg assets, run the Omnibus new command with the --pkg-assets flag:

$ omnibus new NAME --pkg-assets

If this is an existing project, be sure to answer "NO" when asked if you want to overwrite existing files!

With the --pkg-assets flag, Omnibus will generate the following "stock" resources in resources/NAME/pkg:

  • background.png - the background image for the installer. We recommend this image has a light background color (otherwise, the text will be difficult to read).
  • distribution.xml.erb - the XML file for use during the productbuild command
  • license.html.erb - the full HTML document for the license
  • welcome.html.erb - the full HTML document for the welcome screen

You should use these stock files and templates as a starting point for building your custom pkg.


By default, Omnibus will try to build a pkg package when executed on a Mac OS X operating system. You can further customize the behavior of the packager using the package DSL command in your project definition:

# project.rb
name 'hamlet'

package :pkg do
  identifier 'com.getchef.hamlet'
  signing_identity 'acbd1234'

Some DSL methods available include:

DSL Method Description
identifier The com.whatever id for the package
signing_identity The key to sign the PKG with

For more information, please see the Packager::PKG documentation.

Building a .dmg

In Mac OSX, a .dmg is a compressed wrapper around a collection of resources, often including a .pkg. The possibilities for creating and customizing a DMG are endless, but Omnibus provides a"basic starter case that will generate a pretty DMG that contains the .pkg file it creates.


By default, Omnibus does not generate dmg-related assets. To generate the dmg assets, run the Omnibus new with the --dmg-assets flag:

$ omnibus new NAME --dmg-assets

If this is an existing project, be sure to answer "NO" when asked if you want to overwrite existing files!

With the --dmg-assets flag, Omnibus will generate the following "stock" resources in resources/NAME/dmg:

  • background.png - the background image to use for the DMG. We recommend using a high-resolution image that is slightly larger than the final length of your window (as determined by the dmg_window_bounds)
  • icon.png - a 1024x1024 @ 300 icon to use for the DMG. We will automatically create an icns and scale to smaller sizes

You should use these stock files and templates as a starting point for building your custom dmg.


By default, Omnibus will not try to build a compressed dmg. You can enable this compression using the compress DSL command in your project definition:

# project.rb
name 'hamlet'

compress :dmg do
  window_bounds '200, 200, 750, 600'
  pkg_position '10, 10'

Some DSL methods available include:

DSL Method Description
window_bounds The size and location of the DMG window
pkg_position The position of the pkg inside the DMG

For more information, please see the Compressor::DMG documentation.