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94 lines (73 loc) · 4.75 KB


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94 lines (73 loc) · 4.75 KB

import { Callout } from "nextra/components";

WIP - Dummy content

How to Contribute

**Purpose:** The How to Contribute section provides guidelines and instructions for individuals who wish to contribute to the design system. It outlines the process for submitting bug reports, suggesting improvements, and contributing design or code updates. Additionally, it includes contact information for the leads responsible for the design system and highlights the rules and expectations for updates and new features.

Contact Information of Leads

**Purpose:** The Contact Information of Leads topic provides the necessary contact details for the leads responsible for the design system. It includes their email addresses, Slack handles, or any other relevant contact information. This allows contributors to reach out to the leads directly with inquiries, questions, or suggestions.

To contact the leads responsible for the design system, you can reach out to:

Rules on Updates and New Features

**Purpose:** The Rules on Updates and New Features topic outlines the guidelines and rules for making updates and introducing new features to the design system. It provides an overview of the design and development standards, coding conventions, and criteria for accepting updates. Contributors can refer to this section to ensure that their contributions align with the established rules and guidelines.

When making updates or proposing new features, please adhere to the following rules:

  • Follow the existing design and development standards.
  • Maintain code consistency and use established coding conventions.
  • Ensure that the updates or new features align with the overall goals and vision of the design system.
  • Submit your changes for review and approval before merging them into the main branch.

Reporting Bugs and Suggestions

**Purpose:** The Reporting Bugs and Suggestions topic explains the process for reporting bugs and submitting suggestions for the design system. It provides instructions on how to document and report issues, including steps to reproduce, expected behavior, and any relevant screenshots or error messages. Additionally, it encourages contributors to provide detailed suggestions for improvements or new features, outlining the necessary information to include in their submissions.

If you encounter a bug or have a suggestion for the design system, please follow these steps:

  1. Check the existing issues on the issue tracker to see if the bug or suggestion has already been reported.
  2. If it hasn't been reported, create a new issue and provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce, expected behavior, and any relevant screenshots or error messages.
  3. Label the issue appropriately (e.g., bug, enhancement) to help categorize and prioritize it.
  4. Monitor the issue for updates or feedback from the design system leads or other contributors.

Submitting Design or Code Updates

**Purpose:** The Submitting Design or Code Updates topic guides contributors through the process of submitting design or code updates to the design system. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and package design files or code changes, including version control guidelines and file organization. It also outlines the required documentation or annotations to accompany the updates and provides guidance on ensuring the updates adhere to the design system's principles and standards.

To submit design or code updates to the design system, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the design system repository and create a new branch for your changes.
  2. Make the necessary updates to the design files or code, following the established guidelines and conventions.
  3. Ensure that your changes are well-documented and include any necessary annotations or explanations.
  4. Run the appropriate tests to ensure that your changes do not introduce any regressions or issues.
  5. Commit and push your changes to your forked repository.
  6. Create a pull request from your branch to the main repository and provide a detailed description of your changes.
  7. Monitor the pull request for feedback or additional requirements from the design system leads or other contributors.
