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File metadata and controls

76 lines (45 loc) · 2.63 KB

Getting Started


  • Java
    • Java 8+
  • Python
    • 3.5+


Before installing tabula-py, ensure you have Java runtime on your environment.

You can install tabula-py form PyPI with pip command.

pip install tabula-py


conda recipe on conda-forge is not maintained by us. We recommend to install via pip to use latest version of tabula-py.

Get tabula-py working (Windows 10)

This instruction is originally written by @lahoffm. Thanks!

  • If you don't have it already, install Java
  • Try to run example code (replace the appropriate PDF file name).
  • If there's a FileNotFoundError when it calls read_pdf(), and when you type java on command line it says 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file, you should set PATH environment variable to point to the Java directory.
  • Find the main Java folder like jre... or jdk.... On Windows 10 it was under C:\Program Files\Java
  • On Windows 10: Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables -> Select PATH --> Edit
  • Add the bin folder like C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_144\bin, hit OK a bunch of times.
  • On command line, java should now print a list of options, and tabula.read_pdf() should run.


tabula-py enables you to extract table from PDF into DataFrame and JSON. It also can extract tables from PDF and save file as CSV, TSV or JSON.

import tabula

# Read pdf into DataFrame
df = tabula.read_pdf("test.pdf", pages='all')

# Read remote pdf into DataFrame
df2 = tabula.read_pdf("")

# convert PDF into CSV
tabula.convert_into("test.pdf", "output.csv", output_format="csv", pages='all')

# convert all PDFs in a directory
tabula.convert_into_by_batch("input_directory", output_format='csv', pages='all)

See example notebook for more detail. I also recommend to read the tutorial article written by @aegis4048.


If you face some issue, we'd recommend to try to see the limitation of tabula-java. Also, see :ref:`faq` as well.