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Notes on chapter 8

Exercise 8.10

We could also use a feature like depends-on to control when module bodies are evaluated. Add this capability to SIMPLE-MODULES by requiring an imports clause to each module body and program body. imports is like depends-on, but has the additional property that the body of a module is evaluated only when it is imported by some other module (using an imports clause).

Thus if our language had print expressions, the program

module m1
  interface [] body [x = print(1)]
module m2
  interface [] body [x = print(2)]
module m3
  interface []
    import m2
    [x = print(3)]
import m3, m1

would print 2, 3, and 1 before returning 33. Here the modules have empty interfaces, because we are only concerned with the order in which the bodies are evaluated.

For interpreter, a lazy-evaluation like thunk is used for module body evaluation. Modules not imported will never be evaluated. But for checker, all the modules are type checked to ensure type safety. Thus, the program below will fail in checker but pass in interpreter.

module m1
  interface [x : bool] body [x = print(1)]
module m2
  interface [x : int] body [x = print(2)]
module m3
  interface [x : int]
    import m2
    [x = print(3)]
import m3
from m3 take x

Exercise 8.17

As you did in exercise 8.8, remove the restriction that a module must produce the values in the same order as the interface. Remember, however, that the definition must respect scoping rules, especially for types.

This one is quite subtle, consider the following case:

module m1
   opaque u
   transparent t = u
   type t = bool
   type u = t
% something that uses type u and t

Should it fail or pass? In the declaration, t is a type that depends on u; in the definition, t is a type depended on by u. Even though it does not seem to make any damage to the module user, it does cause an inconsistency between the implementation and declaration. Worse is when the declared type is used by some other variable definitions:

module m1
   opaque u
   transparent t = u
   foo = (u -> t)
   type t = bool
   foo = proc (a : u)  % some definitions
   type u = t
% something that uses type u and t

According to declarations, foo is a procedure that takes an argument of u, but in the definition, because u is defined after foo, foo cannot see it. This make the program fail to pass type checking directly. Maybe this is the reason why the definition must respect scoping rules, especially for types. Surprisingly, my modification behaves this way naturally, even before I find it out why.

Exercise 8.18

Our code depends on the invariant that every type in a type environment is already expanded. We enforce this invariant by calling expand-type in many places in the code. On the other hand, it would be easy to break the system by forgetting to call expand-type. Refactor the code so that there are fewer calls to expand-type, and the invariant is maintained more robustly.

Since most of time expand-type is used to maintain the invariant in a type environment, the action of expand-type can be bound together with the action of adding a type to an environment. Some functions that call expand-type can be provided to replace extend-tenv and extend-tenv-with-type. Each call to extend-tenv and extend-tenv-with-type can be replaced with them. Thus the invariant can be maintained more robustly.

Exercise 8.24

Application of modules is currently allowed only for identifiers. What goes wrong with the type rule for application if we try to check an application like (m1 (m2 m3))?

Let's try to write down the inference for (m1 (m2 m3)) using rules on page 320:

type rule for exercise 8.24

It's easy to see (m1 (m2 m3)) has no result, because (m2 m3) is not an identifier. So I can only use a ? in the final conclusion.

Exercise 8.27

In PROC-MODULES,we wind up having to write interfaces like

[opaque t
 zero : t
 succ : (t -> t)
 pred : (t -> t)
 is-zero : (t -> bool)]

over and over again. Add to the grammar for programs a facility for named interfaces, so we could write

interface int-interface = [opaque t
                           zero : t
                           succ : (t -> t)
                           pred : (t -> t)
                           is-zero : (t -> bool)]
 module make-to-int
   ((ints : int-interface)
    => [to-int : from ints take t -> int])

In the commented out example given from official repository, import like exercise 7.10 is used:

interface i1 = [u : int v: bool]
module m1
 interface i1
 body [u = 3 v = zero?(0)]
import m1
from m1 take u

The checker uses remove-non-dependency-from-tenv from exercise 8.10 to remove modules not depended from environment. However, this results in a problem in the following program:

module ints-1
  [opaque t
    zero : t
    succ : (t -> t)
    is-zero : (t -> bool)]
  [type t = int
   zero = 0
   succ = proc(x : t) -(x,-1)
   pred = proc(x : t) -(x,1)
   is-zero = proc (x : t) zero?(x)]
module ints-2
  [zero : from ints-1 take t
   succ : (from ints-1 take t -> from ints-1 take t)
   is-zero : (from ints-1 take t -> bool)]
  import ints-1
  [zero = from ints-1 take zero
   succ = from ints-1 take succ
   is-zero = from ints-1 take is-zero]
import ints-2
let s = from ints-2 take succ
in let z? = from ints-2 take is-zero
in let z = from ints-2 take zero
in (z? (s z))

In the interface of ints-2, a type from ints-1 is used. In the body of the program, only variables from ints-2 are used. From the perspective of the program body, only ints-2 is used, so it should be unnecessary for the body to import ints-1. ints-1 is removed from its environment. On the other hand, the interface of ints-2 is also checked in this environment. Because it cannot find ints-1 from the environment, type checking fails.

The key problem is the inconsistency between type (interface) dependency and value (body) dependency. One possible way to solve it is to allow 'implicit dependency': all the modules depended by one module in the interface are automatically imported to where the latter is imported. This requires traverse through the module 'dependency graph'. (I don't like this approach, maybe a better way?) Another simpler way is to ignore the imports in type checker, but this will also cause inconsistency between type checker and interpreter. Or, maybe, simply discard import from this exercise? ;)