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Provides strong type implementations of base PHP types. Adds some 'missing' numeric types.

Types supported

  • BoolType
  • DigitType
  • FloatType
  • ComplexType
  • IntType
  • NaturalIntType
  • WholeIntType
  • RationalType
  • StringType

The library is released under the GNU GPL V3 or later license


One of the joys of PHP is its loose typing, but there are situations, particularly in large or complex systems where you want guarantee that method parameters are what you want them to be. PHPs type hinting extends to a few basic native types such as arrays and hard typing to class names. For the rest you end up having to put a lot of boiler plate in your methods just to ensure that when you expect a float for instance, you get one. This library addresses the issue for some basic PHP types plus some extensions for what could be considered 'missing' types.

The primary purpose of strong typing in this context is to guard your public methods against unwarranted side effects. You should not consider it necessary in most circumstances to have to pass around these types internally, except of course where it makes sense to do so, e.g. unwrap the native type at the point of use.

A secondary purpose is to act as a simple filter. For instance the DigitType simply strips the construction value of any non digit elements.


The current library covers basic data types plus some extensions.

If you want more, either suggest it, or better still, fork it and provide a pull request.


Coding Basics

Create a type via the Type Factory:

    use chippyash\Type\TypeFactory;
    $int = TypeFactory::createInt(2);
    $int = Typefactory::create('int', 2);
    //some types can take two parameters
    $rat = TypeFactory::create('rational', 2, 3);

Supported type tags are:

  • bool (or boolean)
  • digit
  • float (or double)
  • complex
  • int (or integer)
  • natural
  • whole
  • rational
  • string

Create one directly:

    use chippyash\Type\Number\Complex\ComplexType;
    use chippyash\Type\String\DigitType;
    use chippyash\Type\Number\FloatType;
    $c = new ComplexType(new FloatType(-2), new FloatType(3));
    $d = new DigitType(34);
    $d2 = new DigitType('34foo'); // == '34'

Create a complex type via the Complex Type Factory (n.b. the Type Factory uses this, but using it directly may give you finer grain control in some circumstances.)

    use chippyash\Type\Number\Complex\ComplexTypeFactory;
    $c = ComplexTypeFactory::create('13-2.67i');
    //same as
    $c = ComplexTypeFactory::fromString('13-2.67i');

    $c = ComplexTypeFactory::create(2.4, new IntType(-6));
    $c = ComplexTypeFactory::create(2, -61.78);
    $c = ComplexTypeFactory::create(new FloatType(2), -61.78);
    //i.e. any pair of numeric, intType or FloatType values can be used to create
    //a complex type via the factory

Create a rational type via the Rational Type Factory (n.b. the Type Factory uses this, but using it directly may give you finer grain control in some circumstances.)

    use chippyash\Type\Number\Rational\RationalTypeFactory;
    $r = RationalTypeFactory::create(M_1_PI);    //results in 113/355
    $r = RationalTypeFactory::fromFloat(M_1_PI); //ditto
    $r = RationalTypeFactory::fromFloat(M_1_PI, 1e-17);  //results in 78256779/245850922

    $r = RationalTypeFactory::create('2/3');
    //same as
    $r = RationalTypeFactory::fromString('2/3');

All types support the TypeInterface:

  • get() - return the value as a PHP native type (if possible)
  • set($value) - set the value
  • __toString() - Magic toString method. Return value as a string
  • __invoke() - Proxy to get(), allows you to write $c() instead of $c->get()

Numeric types, that is IntType, WholeIntType, NaturalIntType, FloatType, RationalType and ComplexType support the NumericTypeInterface which defines the method

  • negate(): negate the number - NB Negation is will throw a \BadMethodCallException for WholeInt and NaturalInt types as they cannot be negative

Additionally, the RationalType supports the RationalTypeInterface:

  • setFromTypes(IntType $num, IntType $den, BoolType $reduce = null) - strict typed setter method
  • numerator() - return the integer value numerator
  • denominator() - return the integer value denominator

NB, AbstractRationalType amends the set() method to proxy to setFromTypes(), i.e. calling RationalType::set() requires the same parameters as setFromType()

Additionally the ComplexType supports the ComplexTypeInterface:

  • setFromTypes(FloatType $real, FloatType $imaginary) - strict typed setter method
  • r() - return the real part as a float
  • i() - return the imaginary part as a float

NB, ComplexType amends the set() method to proxy to SetFromTypes, i.e. calling ComplexType::set() requires the same parameters as setFromType().

There is no PHP native equivalent for a ComplexType, therefore the get() method proxies to the __toString() method and returns something in the form [-]a(+|-)bi e.g. '-2+3.6i'

Complex numbers support some additional attributes:

  • isZero(): r() == i() == 0
  • isGaussian(): is_int(r()) && is_int(i())

and two methods

  • conjugate(): returns conjugate of the complex number
  • modulus(): returns the modulus, also known as absolute value or magnitude of the complex number

Changing the library

  1. fork it
  2. write the test
  3. amend it
  4. do a pull request

Found a bug you can't figure out?

  1. fork it
  2. write the test
  3. do a pull request

NB. Make sure you rebase to HEAD before your pull request


The library is hosted at Github. It is available at


Install Composer

For production


    "chippyash/strong-type": "~1.0.0"

to your composer.json "requires" section

For development

Clone this repo, and then run Composer in local repo root to pull in dependencies

    git clone StrongType
    cd StrongType
    composer update

To run the tests:

    cd StrongType
    vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml test/


V0... pre releases

V1.0.0 Original release

V1.0.1 Remove requirement for zendfilter package to reduce dependency footprint

   Add NumericTypeInterface to support other usages of library

V1.0.2 Add conjugate method to complex type

   rebase wholeInt and naturalInt type on intType

V1.0.3 Add modulus method to complex type

V1.0.4 Fix RationalTypefactory::fromFloat not recognising zero

V1.0.5 Add negate() method to numeric types