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  • Four disciplines of deep work:

    • Focus on the wildy important - focus on small number of highly ambitious goals.
    • Act on the lead measures - these are bheviours that drive success o lag measures. Lag measures are restrospective results which come after apply a behaviour. A good example lead measure is to time spent in a state of deep work dedicated to your wildy important goals
    • Keep a compelling scoreboard - visualise your lead measures. Can be as simple as measuring how long of a time you are spending a in deep work state with card on a peice of paper.
    • Create a cadence of accountability - using your scoreboard, commit to a goal e.g 5 hours of deep work in a week.

    "It's not so much the intensity of deep work but the regularity"

  • Be Lazy

    • Downtime aids insights - Your brain has two states. When conscious its like a dedicaed computer programe to work on particular task. When unconsious it's like a google datacenter sorting through unstructured data forming patterns and connecting data together. Downtime helps your unconsious mind sort through new information and diversify the way you look at specific problems.
    • Downtime helps recharge the energy needed to work deeply - Concentration requires directed attention. You only have a finite amount. Think of it like a rechargeable battery. Rest recharges your directed attention energy. By not resting your robbing yourself of this energy.
    • The work that evening downtime replaces is usually not that important - You need a shutdown ritual , otherwise your mind will constantly be in a state that everything needs to get done. regualry resting improves the quality of deep work.