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  • Learning about Oauth for work watching this -

    • OAuth never passes passwords around but instead authenticates users with open id connect
    • OAuth is an authorisation framework and provides a mechanism to authenticate via a central authorisation server
  • Full workflow will look like the following:

  • What is "auth"

    • Auth is authentication( who are you?) and authorisation (can you?).

    • Auth always happens server side (on a per request basis). never client side.

    • You client (e.g a React app) can only understand "who" the user is via server request where the server returns a cookie/token back to client.

    • cookies are usually best as we can use restrict javascript access to cookies

    • All subsequent requests to the sever will contain this cookie and the server can validate wether the client can or cannot access a resource.

  • Authorisation workflow usually need to be coupled with a db. Your User schema in the database could have a Role feild with either USER or ADMIN . Access to resources subsequent could simply be done by checking this value first.