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Chivesweave Server

This is the repository for the official Erlang implementation of the Chivesweave protocol and a gateway implementation.

Chivesweave is a distributed, cryptographically verified permanent archive built on a cryptocurrency that aims to, for the first time, provide feasible data permanence. By leveraging our novel Blockweave datastructure, data is stored in a decentralised, peer-to-peer manner where miners are incentivised to store rare data.

Building from release tar.gz file

Step 1: Install the Erlang using the commands one by one:

sudo apt remove erlang
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install erlang

Step 2: Download tar.gz file

Step 3: Extract file

mkdir /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/
cd /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/
tar -zxvf chivesweave-2.7.0-Ubuntu20.04.tar.gz

Step 4: Create Wallet Address

This directory can be any other directory, with a minimum requirement of at least 300GB of remaining space, and the path should be specified using an absolute path.

mkdir /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir
./bin/create-wallet /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir

Step 5: Running your node:

./bin/start mine data_dir /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir mining_addr [YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] storage_module 0,[YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] peer

Step 6: View the logs:

./bin/logs -f

Step 7: Stop the node:


Building from source code


  • OpenSSL 1.1.1+

  • OpenSSL development headers

  • GCC or Clang (GCC 8+ recommended)

  • Erlang OTP v24, with OpenSSL support

  • GNU Make

  • CMake (CMake version > 3.10.0)

  • SQLite3 headers (libsqlite3-dev on Ubuntu)

  • GNU MP (libgmp-dev on Ubuntu)

  • Disk free space size need more than 200G, 3.6T is perfect.

  • HDD and SDD both are support.

  • Friendly for Chia and File miners.

To install the dependencies on Ubuntu 22 (recommended), run:

sudo apt install libssl-dev libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev make cmake gcc g++

On some systems you might need to install libncurses-dev.

Step 1: Install the Erlang using the commands one by one:

sudo apt remove erlang
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install erlang

Step 2: Download the repo:

git clone --recursive
cd chivesweave

Step 3: Make a mainnet build:

./rebar3 as mainnet tar

Step 4: You will get your wallet and address(Only absolute paths can be used).

mkdir /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir
./_build/mainnet/rel/chivesweave/bin/create-wallet /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir

You will get your wallet key file in the directory "/home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir/wallets/", and the wallet address will show in the console.

Format as "Created a wallet with address [YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS]."

You will then find the gzipped tarball at _build/mainnet/rel/chivesweave/chivesweave-x.y.z.tar.gz.

Step 5: Running your node:

./_build/mainnet/rel/chivesweave/bin/start mine data_dir /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir mining_addr [YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] storage_module 0,[YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] peer

If you have small disk free space, you can use this command to start mine job:

./_build/mainnet/rel/chivesweave/bin/start mine data_dir /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir mining_addr [YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] storage_module 0,[YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] peer

If you want to execute mine in the background:

nohup _build/mainnet/rel/chivesweave/bin/start mine data_dir /home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir mining_addr [YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] storage_module 0,[YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS] peer > output.log 2>&1 &

Step 6: View the logs:

./_build/mainnet/rel/chivesweave/bin/logs -f

Step 7: Stop the node:


How to check your wallet balance?

If you are a miner, the block reward you receive will be retained in 30*24 blocks, and you can use it normally after that. Enter the following url into your local machine's browser to check reserved rewards balance:[YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS]/reserved_rewards_total

Enter the following url into your local machine's browser to check wallet balance:[YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS]/balance

You can also use public nodes to check wallet balances:[YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS]/reserved_rewards_total[YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS]/balance

How to check if my node is mining?

  • 1 The hard disk partition where the directory specified (/home/[YOUR_UBUNTU_USERNAME]/chivesweave/mainnet_data_dir) when the mining program is started requires at least 300G space, You can set this directory to another partition or path.
  • 2 The smaller the value of VDF, the better. It is usually required to be less than 1.4. Most nodes are around 1.
  • 3 When the node first starts, about half an hour later, the following data will appear:
Mining performance report:
Total avg: 75.71 MiB/s,  302.86 h/s; current: 83.49 MiB/s, 333.97 h/s; VDF: 1.25 s.
Partition 0 avg: 75.71 MiB/s, current: 83.49 MiB/s, optimum: 0.04 MiB/s, 0.09 MiB/s (full weave).

Mining performance report:
Total avg: 75.71 MiB/s,  302.85 h/s; current: 74.09 MiB/s, 296.34 h/s; VDF: 1.11 s.
Partition 0 avg: 75.71 MiB/s, current: 74.09 MiB/s, optimum: 0.05 MiB/s, 0.10 MiB/s (full weave).

It means that the mining program is already working.

As with mainnet peers, each peer must be run in its own physical or virtual environment (e.g. on its own machine or in its own container or virtual machine). If you try to run two nodes within the same environment you will get an error like Protocol 'inet_tcp': the name chivesweave@ seems to be in use by another Erlang node, stop and restart your node, will slove this issue.


You can find documentation regarding our HTTP interface here.


If you have questions or comments about Chivesweave you can get in touch by finding us on Twitter, Reddit, Discord.

For more information about the Chivesweave project visit


The Chivesweave project is released under GNU General Public License v2.0. See LICENSE for full license conditions.