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Example illustrating the use of autoprotocol to describe the experiment


  • data/ - data directory for sample experiment
  • - example script for analyzing a single-wavelength assay with a single fluorescent probe compound


Competition assay

  • - example script for analyzing a single-wavelength competition assay

Note that we are not yet feeding the GEF:Abl data (without IMA) into the inference engine, so this will not work yet. We may need to add a new helper class (e.g. SingleWavelengthCompetitionAssay) in order to make it easy to provide both GEF:Abl and GEF:IMA:Abl datasets.

  • - example script for analyzing a single-wavelength competition assay with emcee

To use this, you mst have installed emcee package with

conda install --yes -c omnia emcee

Note that, while emcee is very quick in sampling from the posterior, the functions to analyze the emcee output have not yet been written

Simplified API and helper functions

A number of helper classes are provided to simplify setting up an experiment.

To set up a single-inhibitor (non-competition) plate, use SingleWavelengthAssay from assaytools.experiments:

from autoprotocol.unit import Unit
from assaytools.experiments import SingleWavelengthAssay

The necessary information can be provided via a dict containing all of the necessary parameters for the assay:

# This information is different for each experiment.
# We use a 'dict' so that we can later store this information in a JSON database or something.

params = {
    'd300_xml_filename' : 'data/Src_Bos_Ima_96well_Mar2015 2015-03-07 1736.DATA.xml', # HP D300 dispense simulated DATA file
    'infinite_xml_filename' : 'data/Abl Gef gain 120 bw1020 2016-01-19 15-59-53_plate_1.xml', # Tecan Infinite plate reader output data
    'dmso_stocks_csv_filename' : 'data/DMSOstocks-Sheet1.csv', # CSV file of DMSO stock inventory
    'hpd300_fluids' : ['GEF001', 'IMA001', 'DMSO'], # uuid of DMSO stocks from dmso_stocks_csv_filename (or 'DMSO' for pure DMSO) used to define HP D300 XML <Fluids> block
    'hpd300_plate_index' : 1, # plate index for HP D300 dispense script
    'receptor_species' : 'Abl(D382N)', # receptor name (just used for convenience)
    'protein_absorbance' : 4.24, # absorbance reading of concentrated protein stock before dilution
    'protein_extinction_coefficient' : Unit(49850, '1/(moles/liter)/centimeter'), # 1/M/cm extinction coefficient for protein
    'protein_molecular_weight' : Unit(41293.2, 'daltons'), # g/mol protein molecular weight
    'protein_stock_volume' : Unit(165.8, 'microliters'), # uL protein stock solution used to make 1 uM protein stock
    'buffer_volume' : Unit(14.0, 'milliliters'), # mL buffer used to make 1 uM protein stock
    'rows_to_analyze' : ['A', 'B'], # rows to analyze
    'assay_volume' : Unit(100.0, 'microliters'), # quantity of protein or buffer dispensed into plate
    'measurements_to_analyze' : ['fluorescence top'], # which measurements to analyze (if specified -- this is optional)
    'wavelengths_to_analyze' : ['280:nanometers', '480:nanometers'], # which wavelengths to analyze (if specified -- this is optional)

# Create a single-wavelength assay.
assay = SingleWavelengthAssay(**params)

Once the assay is set up, the experiment field can be accessed to fit the data, run MCMC, and generate figures:

# Fit the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate
map_fit = assay.experiment.map_fit()

# Run some MCMC sampling and return the MCMC object
trace = assay.experiment.run_mcmc(map_fit=map_fit)

# Show summary
assay.experiment.show_summary(mcmc, map_fit)

# Generate plots
plots_filename = 'plots.pdf'
assay.experiment.generate_plots(trace, pdf_filename=plots_filename)


Under the hood, the API looks like this:

from assaytools.analysis import CompetitiveBindingAnalysis
# Define an experiment by specifying source solutions, WellGroup to analyze, and names of receptor and ligand components for competitive binding model.
experiment = CompetitiveBindingAnalysis(solutions=solutions, wells=container.all_wells(), receptor_name=['Abl'], ligand_names=['bosutinib', 'erlotinib', 'gefinitb', 'bosutinib isomer'])
# Determine the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate.
map_fit = experiment.map_fit()
# Run MCMC sampling and return the MCMC object.
mcmc = experiment.run_mcmc()

Specifying solutions

Solution objects describe the main source solution stocks from which wells are filled. Solution objects specify at most the concentration of a single component (such as protein or ligand) and its corresponding uncertainty. Each Solution has a name, a species that is dissolved in a buffer at a given concentration, and concentration uncertainty.

There are three types of Solution:

  • Buffer: A buffer that contains no compound species.
  • ProteinSolution: A single protein species prepared spectrophotometrically from a high-concentration stock solution whose absorbance measurement was taken, with corresponding concentration calculated automatically from extinction_coefficient and molecular_weight. A quantity ul_protein_stock microliters of high-concentration stock solution is added to ml_buffer milliliters of buffer, with the source BufferSolution specified as the buffer attribute.
  • DMSOStockSolution: A DMSO stock solution prepared graviemetrically. This is currently constructed from a dict object specifying a compound stock solution through a number of required parameters ({'compound name', 'compound mass (mg)', 'molecular weight', 'purity', 'solvent mass (g)'})

The solutions argument of CompetitiveBindingAnalysis is a dict specifying a solution key associated with a Solution object, such as

solutions = dict()
solutions['buffer'] = Buffer(name='20 mM Tris buffer')
solutions['Abl'] = ProteinSolution(name='1 uM Abl', species='Abl', buffer=solutions['buffer'], absorbance=4.24, extinction_coefficient=49850, molecular_weight=41293.2, ul_protein_stock=165.8, ml_buffer=14.0)
solutions['BOS'] = DMSOStockSolution(dmso_stocks['BOS001'])
solutions['BSI'] = DMSOStockSolution(dmso_stocks['BOI001'])
solutions['GEF'] = DMSOStockSolution(dmso_stocks['GEF001'])
solutions['ERL'] = DMSOStockSolution(dmso_stocks['ERL001'])

where the dmso_stocks dictionary is auto-populated from a DMSO stock inventory spreadsheet (read here in CSV format):

import csv
dmso_stocks_csv_filename = 'DMSOstocks-Sheet1.csv'
dmso_stocks = dict()
with open(dmso_stocks_csv_filename, 'rb') as csvfile:
     csvreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
     for row in csvreader:
         if row['id'] != '':
            for key in ['compound mass (mg)', 'purity', 'solvent mass (g)', 'molecular weight']:
                row[key] = float(row[key])
            dmso_stocks[row['id']] = row

Specifying wells

The autoprotocol.container API is used to create a WellGroup for analysis of any spectroscopic data available within the specified wells. If a whole Container is specified (as plate, for example), all wells can be selected with container.all_wells().

Each Well has a properties attribute that is a dict allowing additional well properties to be specified. We use this to hold two important additional pieces of information:

  • contents: A dict specifying the contents of each well, in terms of the volume of each Solution that was added
  • measurements: A dict specifying any spectroscopic measurements made of the well, which need not be made for every well of the WellGroup analyzed

Specifying well contents

The['contents'] is a dict specifying how much of each Solution was added to the well using (volume, stderr):

from autoprotocol.unit import Unit
CV_D300 = 0.08 # CV of D300 dispensing
CV_EVO = 0.004 # CV of EVO dispensing 100 uL['contents'] = {
   'Abl' : (Unit(100, 'microliters'), CV_EVO * Unit(100, 'microliters')),
   'BOS' : (Unit(2, 'microliters'), CV_D300 * Unit(2, 'microliters'))

Solutions that were not added need to be specified.

Specifying well measurements

The['measurements'] is a dict specifying which measurements, if any, were performed for the corresponding well. The analysis framework supports arbitrary sets of measurements for individual wells---the same set of measurements need not be made across all wells in the specified WellSet used for analysis.

Supported measurements include:

  • absorbance : the absorbance of a well at one or more wavelengths
  • fluorescence : the fluorescence of a well at one or more excitation/emission wavelengths and geometries ({top, bottom})
Absorbance measurements

Absorbance measurements are specified with the corresponding wavelength

from autoprotocol.unit import Unit['measurements']['absorbance'] = { '280:nanometers' : 0.437 }

NOTE: Unit objects, such as Unit(280, 'nanometers'), cannot be used as not unique keys, so we are forced to use the string representations, such as '280:nanometers', as keys.

Fluorescence measurements

Fluorescence measurements are specified with the corresponding excitation wavelength, emission wavelength, and detection geometry as a tuple:

from autoprotocol.unit import Unit['measurements']['fluorescence'] = {
    ('280:nanometers', '450:nanometers', 'top') : 12425,
    ('280:nanometers', '450:nanometers', 'bottom') : 1425

Well Properties

Once fully populated, the overall properties attribute of a given Well may therefore look like this:

  'measurements': {
    'absorbance': {'480:nanometers': 0.0413, '350:nanometers': 0.0723, '280:nanometers': 0.639},
    'fluorescence': {
      ('280:nanometers', '450:nanometers', 'bottom'): 17775.0,
      ('350:nanometers', '450:nanometers', 'top'): 89.0,
      ('280:nanometers', '450:nanometers', 'top'): 8671.0,
      ('350:nanometers', '450:nanometers', 'bottom'): 172.0
  'contents': {
    'buffer': Unit(100.0, 'microliter'),
    'DMSO': Unit(300.0, 'nanoliter'),
    'IMA001': Unit(100.0, 'nanoliter')
  'area': Unit(31.1724531052, 'millimeter ** 2')