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Loops allow you to keep executing some code over and over again as long as a condition holds true. It is an essential asset in every programming language.

RainLisp, being a functional programming language, promotes recursion. It does not provide the typical keywords that allow you to create loops, such as while, for, etcetera. You can achieve the same effect with a recursive procedure, i.e. a procedure that calls itself!

In fact, a language designer could implement a while keyword as syntactic sugar and use a recursive procedure behind the scenes.


Let's see a common example that is used as introduction to recursion. We will write a procedure that finds the factorial of a number. For example the factorial of 5 is 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120. Notice that the factorial of 5 is 5 multiplied by the factorial of 4.

(define (factorial num)
  (if (= num 1)
      (* num (factorial (- num 1)))))

(factorial 5)

-> 120

As you can see, factorial builds a chain of deferred operations, more particularly a chain of multiplications. Try to follow along the code step by step. Note the exit condition, i.e. when num is 1, we stop calling factorial and return 1.

You will notice that the process goes something like that (* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 (1))))). The interpreter builds this chain and starts multiplying once it is complete. First, it multiplies 2 and 1; the result is then multiplied with 3 and so on, until we get to 5 and conclude with the result of 120.

This chain is actually a stack and the interpreter needs to store information to keep track of it. Therefore, in circumstances that we know that the chain will grow excessively, this approach will probably mean trouble. We might come face to face with the infamous stack overflow error.

A computational process that builds a chain of deferred operations is often called recursive.

Tail Recursion

Every procedure like the one above, can be written in a way that avoids having the stack growing at each step. To achieve this, the procedure should not create a deferred operation. Instead, it should call itself as the last operation of every step, hence the tail term.

But if it doesn't create a deferred operation, it means that it should somehow perform one and carry the result to the next step. The carrier of an operation's result is a procedure parameter. It is often called an accumulator because it gradually accumulates, until it reaches the final result.

Let's see this in action.

(define (factorial num acc)
  (if (= num 1)
      (factorial (- num 1) (* num acc))))

(factorial 5 1)

-> 120

Note that this time, the exit condition returns the accumulator instead of 1. Try to follow along the code above. You will notice that the process goes something like that (* (* (* (* 5 1) 4) 3) 2). Notice that the last thing factorial does on each step, is to call itself. It doesn't create a deferred operation like so (* num (factorial....

A computational process that doesn't build a chain of deferred operations is often called iterative.

One design drawback in the code above, is that factorial's callers need to provide the initial value for acc. Let's fix this based on what we have learned in the previous section.

(define (factorial number)
  (define (iter num acc)
    (if (= num 1)
        (iter (- num 1) (* num acc))))

  (iter number 1))

(factorial 5)

-> 120

As you can see, we renamed the previous factorial to iter and made it a local procedure. Now, callers only need to provide the number they want to calculate the factorial for.

Notice, that its usage has now become the same with factorial from the previous section.

This is our first glimpse of abstraction in a procedural level. The point is that callers do not need to know about iter, which can be seen as an internal detail of factorial. They only need to know something more abstract, the name of the procedure, i.e. factorial, the fact that it accepts a single numeric argument and what it does but not how. In fact, we could use this version of factorial, or the one from the previous section. The client code could work with either, with no change at all.

True tail recursion requires low-level support. RainLisp is interpreted in the .NET framework where a stack is always being built, no matter which style you use. Though, it's always good to know!

Tree Recursion

Another common technique is tree recursion. Let's tackle with a common problem that can be solved with it.

We need to find the nth Fibonacci number. Each number in the Fibonacci sequence is the sum of the two previous numbers. I.e. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34...

(define (fibonacci n)
  (cond ((= n 0) 0)
        ((= n 1) 1)
        (else (+ (fibonacci (- n 1))
                 (fibonacci (- n 2))))))

(fibonacci 9)

-> 34

This is tree recursion because the process splits into two on each step. You can easily distinguish this because the procedure calls itself twice every time. Also, note that a stack is being built, just like in the recursive process we have seen at the start of this section.

We can rewrite the procedure as an equivalent iterative process that doesn't increase the stack and completes in considerably less steps.

(define (fibonacci n)
  (define (iter n1 n2 index)
    (if (= index n)
        (iter n2 (+ n1 n2) (+ index 1))))

  (iter 0 1 0))

(fibonacci 9)

-> 34

If you want a more in-depth analysis of recursion, have a look at the respective section of SICP.

Well done! You have added a lot to your arsenal! We can step off the gas a bit and talk about the let keyword.