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Writing Custom Canonizers

Canonizers are used to temporarily transform models into a canonical form to mitigate the lack of implementation invariance of methods Layerwise Relevance Propagation (LRP). A general introduction to Canonizers can be found here: :ref:`use-canonizers`.

As both Canonizers and Composites (via Rules) change the outcome of the attribution, it can be a little bit confusing in the beginning when challenged with the question whether a novel network architectures needs a new set of Rules and Composites, or if it should be adapted to the existing framework using Canonizers. While ultimately it depends on the design preference of the developer, our suggestion is to go through the following steps in order:

  1. Check whether a custom Composite is enough to correctly attribute the model, i.e. the new layer-type is only a composition of existing layer types without any unaccounted intermediate steps or incapabilities with existing rules.
  2. If some of the rules which should be used are incompatible without changes (e.g. subsequent linear layers), or some parts of a module has intermediate computations that are not implemented with sub-modules, it should be checked whether a Canonizer can be implemented to fix these issues. If you are in control of the module in question, check whether rewriting the module with sub-modules is easier than implementing a Canonizer.
  3. If the module consists of computations which cannot be separated into existing modules with compatible rules, or would result in an overly complex architecture, a custom Rule may be the choice to go with.

Rules and Composites are not designed to change the forward computation of a model. While Canonizers can change the outcome of the forward pass, this should be used with care, since a modified function output means that the function itself has been modified, which will therefore result in an attribution of the modified function instead.

To implement a custom Canonizer, a class inheriting from :py:class:`zennit.canonizers.Canonizer` needs to implement the following four methods:

Suppose we have a ReLU model (e.g. VGG11) for which we want to compute the second-order derivative, e.g. to find an adversarial explanation (see :cite:p:`dombrowski2019explanations`). The ReLU is not differentiable at 0, and its second order derivative is zero everywhere except at 0, where it is undefined. :cite:t:`dombrowski2019explanations` replace the ReLU activations in a model with Softplus activations, which when running beta towards infinity will be identical to the ReLU activation. For the numerical estimate, it is enough to set beta to a relatively large value, e.g. to 10. The following is an implementation of the SoftplusCanonizer, which will temporarily replace the ReLU activations in a model with Softplus activations:

import torch

from zennit.canonizers import Canonizer

class SoftplusCanonizer(Canonizer):
    '''Replaces ReLUs with Softplus units.'''
    def __init__(self, beta=10.):
        self.beta = beta
        self.module = None
        self.relu_children = None

    def apply(self, root_module):
        '''Iterate all modules under root_module and register the Canonizer
        if they have immediate ReLU sub-modules.
        # track the SoftplusCanonizer instances to remove them later
        instances = []
        # iterate recursively over all modules
        for module in root_module.modules():
            # get all the direct sub-module instances of torch.nn.ReLU
            relu_children = [
                (name, child)
                for name, child in module.named_children()
                if isinstance(child, torch.nn.ReLU)
            # if there is at least on direct ReLU sub-module
            if relu_children:
                # create a copy (with the same beta parameter)
                instance = self.copy()
                # register the module
                instance.register(module, relu_children)
                # add the copy to the instance list
        return instances

    def register(self, module, relu_children):
        '''Store the module and the immediate ReLU-sub-modules, and then
        overwrite the attributes that corresponds to each ReLU-sub-modules
        with a new instance of ``torch.nn.Softplus``.
        self.module = module
        self.relu_children = relu_children
        for name, _ in relu_children:
            # set each of the attributes corresponding to the ReLU to a new
            # instance of toch.nn.Softplus
            setattr(module, name, torch.nn.Softplus(beta=self.beta))

    def remove(self):
        '''Undo the changes introduces by this Canonizer, by setting the
        appropriate attributes of the stored module back to the original
        ReLU sub-module instance.
        for name, child in self.relu_children:
            setattr(self.module, name, child)

    def copy(self):
        '''Create a copy of this instance. Each module requires its own
        instance to call ``.register``.
        return SoftplusCanonizer(beta=self.beta)

Note that we can only replace modules by changing their immediate parent. This means that if root_module was a torch.nn.ReLU itself, it would be impossible to replace it with a torch.nn.Softplus without replacing the root_module itself.

For demonstration purposes, we can compute the gradient w.r.t. a loss which uses the gradient of the modified model in the following way:

import torch
from torchvision.models import vgg11

from zennit.core import Composite
from zennit.image import imgify

# create a VGG11 model with random parameters
model = vgg11()
# use the Canonizer with an "empty" Composite (without specifying
# module_map), which will not attach rules to any sub-module, thus resulting
# in a plain gradient computation, but with a Canonizer applied
composite = Composite(

input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224, requires_grad=True)
target = torch.eye(1000)[[0]]
with composite.context(model) as modified_model:
    out = modified_model(input)
    relevance, = torch.autograd.grad(out, input, target, create_graph=True)
    # find adversarial example such that input and its respective
    # attribution are close
    loss = ((relevance - input.detach()) ** 2).mean()
    # compute the gradient of input w.r.t. loss, using the second order
    # derivative w.r.t. input; note that this currently does not work when
    # using BasicHook, which detaches the gradient to avoid wrong values
    adv_grad, = torch.autograd.grad(loss, input)

# visualize adv_grad
imgify(adv_grad[0].abs().sum(0), cmap='hot').show()