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Visualizing Results

While not limited to any domain in particular, attribution methods are most commonly applied on 2-dimensional image data. For this reason, Zennit implements a few functions to aid in the visualization of attributions of image data as heatmaps. These methods may be found in :py:mod:`zennit.image`. To simply save tensors that can be represented as images (1 or 3 channels, 2 dimensions), with or without heatmap, :py:func:`zennit.image.imsave` may be used.

Let us consider the following setting which simulates image data:

import torch
from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv2d, ReLU, Linear, Flatten
from zennit.attribution import Gradient

# setup the model
model = Sequential(
    Conv2d(3, 8, 3, padding=1),
    Conv2d(8, 16, 3, padding=1),
    Linear(16 * 32 * 32, 1024),
    Linear(1024, 10),
# some random input data
input = torch.randn(8, 3, 32, 32, requires_grad=True)

# compute the gradient and output using the Gradient attributor
with Gradient(model) as attributor:
    output, relevance = attributor(input)

The relevance has the same shape as the input, which here is (8, 3, 32, 32). We can save the output and relevance, with all color-information intact, by simply doing:

from zennit.image import imsave

for n, (inp, rel) in enumerate(zip(input, relevance)):
    imsave(f'input_{n:03d}.png', inp.detach())
    imsave(f'relevance_{n:03d}.png', rel)

Alternatively, the images may be composed as a grid, and saved as a single image:

imsave('input_grid.png', input.detach(), grid=True)
imsave('relevance_grid.png', relevance, grid=(2, 4))

The keyword argument grid may either be boolean, or the 2d shape of the image grid.

While this works well for the input, it is hard to interpret the attribution from the resulting images. Be aware that commonly input images are pre-processed before they are fed into networks. While clipping and scaling the image pose no problem for its visibility, normalization will change the look of the image greatly. Therefore, when saving images during training or inference, it is recommended to visualize input images either before applying the normalization, or after applying the inverse of the normalization.

:py:func:`~zennit.image.imsave` uses :py:func:`zennit.image.imgify`, which, given a :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or a :py:class:`torch.Tensor`, will return a Pillow image, which can also be used to quickly look at the image without saving it:

from zennit.image import imgify

image = imgify(input.detach(), grid=True)

Heatmap Normalization

Commonly, a heatmap of the attribution is produced by removing the color-channel either by taking the (absolute) sum and normalizing to fit into an interval. :py:func:`~zennit.image.imsave` (through :py:func:`~zennit.image.imgify`) will shift and scale the input such that the full range of colors is used, using the input's minimum and maximum respectively. This can be tweaked by supplying the vmin and vmax keyword arguments:

absrel = relevance.abs().sum(1)
# vmin and vmax works for both imsave and imgify
imsave('relevance_abs_0.png', absrel[0], vmin=0, vmax=absrel[0].amax())

image = imgify(absrel[0], vmin=0, vmax=absrel[0].amax())

Another way to normalize the attribution which can be used with both :py:func:`~zennit.image.imsave` and :py:func:`~zennit.image.imgify` is to use the symmetric keyword argument, which provides two normalization strategies: symmetric=False (default) and symmetric=True. Keep in mind that the normalization of the attribution can greatly change how interpretable the heatmap will be.

Let us consider a more interesting image to compare the two normalization strategies with signed and unsigned data:

from itertools import product

grid = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(*((torch.linspace(-1, 1, 128),) * 2), indexing='xy'))
dist = ((grid + 0.25) ** 2).sum(0, keepdims=True) ** .5
ripples = (dist * 5 * torch.pi).cos().clip(-.5, 1.) * (-dist).exp()

for norm, sign in product(('symmetric', 'unaligned'), ('signed', 'absolute')):
    array = ripples.abs() if sign == 'absolute' else ripples
    symmetric = norm == 'symmetric'
    imsave(f'ripples_{norm}_{sign}_bwr.png', array, symmetric=symmetric)
    imsave(f'ripples_{norm}_{sign}_wred.png', array, symmetric=symmetric, cmap='wred')

The keyword argument cmap is used to control the color map.

.. datatemplate:import-module:: importlib

    {% set join = data.import_module('os.path').join %}
    {% set torch = data.import_module('torch') %}
    {% set imsave = data.import_module('zennit.image').imsave %}

    {% set grid = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(*((torch.linspace(-1, 1, 128),) * 2), indexing='xy')) %}
    {% set dist = ((grid + 0.25) ** 2).sum(0, keepdims=True) ** 0.5 %}
    {% set ripples = (dist * 5 * torch.pi).cos().clip(-0.5, 1.0) * (-dist).exp() %}

    {% macro generate_image(norm, cmap, sign) %}
        {% set name = 'ripples_{norm}_{cmap}_{sign}'.format(norm=norm, cmap=cmap, sign=sign) %}
        {% set filename = join(, '{name}.png'.format(name=name)) %}
        {% set _ = imsave(join(, filename), (ripples ** 2) ** 0.5 if sign == 'absolute' else ripples, symmetric=norm == 'symmetric', cmap=cmap) %}

        .. |{{name}}| image:: /{{filename}}
    {% endmacro %}

    {% set norms = ('symmetric', 'unaligned') %}
    {% set cmaps = ('bwr', 'wred') %}
    {% set signs = ('signed', 'absolute') %}

    {% for norm in norms %}
        {% for cmap in cmaps %}
            {% for sign in signs %}
                {{ generate_image(norm=norm, cmap=cmap, sign=sign) }}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

    .. csv-table::
        :widths: auto
        :width: 95%
        :header-rows: 2
        :stub-columns: 1

        {% for norm in norms -%}
            {%- for sign in signs -%}
            , ``symmetric={{norm == 'symmetric'}}``
            {%- endfor -%}
        {%- endfor %}
        {% for norm in norms -%}
            {%- for sign in signs -%}
            , {{sign}}
            {%- endfor -%}
        {%- endfor %}
        {%- for cmap in cmaps %}
            {%- for norm in norms -%}
                {%- for sign in signs -%}
                    , |{{ 'ripples_{norm}_{cmap}_{sign}'.format(norm=norm, cmap=cmap, sign=sign) }}|
                {%- endfor -%}
            {%- endfor %}
        {%- endfor %}

Negative values were clipped to better see how the normalization modes work. The default color map is 'bwr', which maps 0.0 to blue, 0.5 to white and 1.0 to red, which means it is a signed color map, as the center of 0.5 is a neutral point, with color intensities rising for values below and above. Color map 'wred' maps 0.0 to white and 1.0 to red, which makes it an unsigned color map, as its color intensity is monotonically increasing. Using symmetric=False will simply map [min, max] to [0., 1.], i.e the minimum value to 0.0, and the maximum value to 1.0. This works best with unsigned color maps, when relevance is assumed to be monotonically increasing and a value of 0.0 does not have any special meaning. symmetric=True will find the absolute maximum per image, and will map the input range [-absmax, absmax] to [0., 1.]. This means that the result will be centered around 0.5, which works best with signed color maps (like 'bwr'), as positive (here red) and negative (here blue) intensities in the produced heatmap are made comparable.

In the example above, our input is in the range [-0.5, 1.0]. If the negative and positive values are meaningful (generally the case for attribution methods), and the color map has a meaningful value at 0.5 (i.e. is signed), symmetric=True is usually the best choice for normalization.

For symmetric=False the example above shows that with 'bwr' gives the illusion of a shifted center, which makes it look like the attribution is predominantly negative. Using the monotonic wred is normally the better choice for the symmetric=False, but with signed attributions the results are not as clear as they can be.

Finally, the example above shows the different outcomes when the input is signed or its absolute is taken. Using vmin and vmax overrides the minimum and maximum values respectively determined by the normalization mode. This means that, for example, using vmin=0 (and not setting vmax) with symmetric=True will clip all values below 0. Another useful setting is when the input is positive (or its absolute value was taken) to use vmin=0 with symmetric=False, as this will give the full range from 0 to the maximum value, since the smallest value may be larger than 0 when in cases where it is known that 0 would be the smallest possible value.

This shows the importance of the choice of the normalization and the color map.

Color Maps

Color maps play an essential role in the production of heatmaps which highlight points of interest best. With the normalization modes we have seen the built-in signed color map bwr (blue-white-red) and unsigned color map wred (white-red). All built-in color maps are defined in :py:obj:`zennit.image.CMAPS`.

.. datatemplate:import-module:: importlib

    {% set join = data.import_module('os.path').join %}
    {% set torch = data.import_module('torch') %}
    {% set imsave = data.import_module('zennit.image').imsave %}

    {% set image = torch.arange(256)[None].repeat((32, 1)) %}

    {% macro generate_palette(cmap) %}
        {% set name = 'palette_{cmap}'.format(cmap=cmap) %}
        {% set filename = join(, '{name}.png'.format(name=name)) %}
        {% set _ = imsave(join(, filename), image, cmap=cmap) %}

        .. |{{name}}| image:: /{{filename}}
    {% endmacro %}

    {%- macro img(cmap) -%}
    {%- endmacro -%}

    {% set cmaps = ('gray', 'wred', 'wblue', 'hot', 'cold', 'coldnhot', 'bwr', 'france', 'seismic', 'coolio', 'coleus') %}

    {% for cmap in cmaps %}
        {{ generate_palette(cmap=cmap) }}
    {% endfor %}

    The built-in *unsigned* color maps are:

    .. csv-table::
        :widths: 5, 10, 10
        :width: 95%
        :header-rows: 1
        :delim: ;

        Identifier; CMSL-Source; Visualization
        ``'gray'``; ``'000,fff'``; {{img('gray')}}
        ``'wred'``; ``'fff,f00'``; {{img('wred')}}
        ``'wblue'``; ``'fff,00f'``; {{img('wblue')}}
        ``'hot'``; ``'000,f00,ff0,fff'``; {{img('hot')}}
        ``'cold'``; ``'000,00f,0ff'``; {{img('cold')}}

    and the built-in *signed* color maps are:

    .. csv-table::
        :widths: 5, 10, 10
        :width: 95%
        :header-rows: 1
        :delim: ;

        Identifier; CMSL-Source; Visualization
        ``'coldnhot'``; ``'0ff,00f,80:000,f00,ff0,fff'``; {{img('coldnhot')}}
        ``'bwr'``; ``'00f,80:fff,f00'``; {{img('bwr')}}
        ``'france'``; ``'0055a4,80:fff,ef4135'``; {{img('france')}}
        ``'seismic'``; ``'0000d0,80:d0d0d0,d00000'``; {{img('seismic')}}
        ``'coolio'``; ``'00d0d0,80:d0d0d0,d000d0'``; {{img('coolio')}}
        ``'coleus'``; ``'00d000,80:d0d0d0,d000d0'``; {{img('coleus')}}

CMSL-Source is the source code of the color map in Color-Map Specification Language (CMSL). The color map for :py:func:`~zennit.image.imsave` and :py:func:`~zennit.image.imgify` may be specified in one of three ways: the identifier of a built-in color map (wred, coldnhot, ...), a string containing CMSL source-code, or a :py:class:`zennit.cmap.ColorMap` instance.

from zennit.cmap import ColorMap

bar = torch.arange(256)[None].repeat((32, 1))
imsave('bar_wred.png', bar, cmap='wred')
imsave('bar_string.png', bar, cmap='ff0,00f')
cmap = ColorMap('000,f00,fff')
imsave('bar_cmap.png', bar, cmap=cmap)

Color-Map Specification Language

Color-Map Specification Language (CMSL) is a domain-specific language to describe color maps in a quick and compact manner. It is implemented in :py:mod:`zennit.cmap`. Color-maps can be compiled using the :py:class:`zennit.cmap.ColorMap` class, of which the constructor expects CMSL source code as a string. Alternatively, a ColorMap instance may be obtained using :py:func:`zennit.image.get_cmap`, which first looks up its argument string in the built-in color-map dictionary :py:obj:`zennit.image.CMAPS`, and, if it fails, tries to compile the string as CMSL source code.

from zennit.cmap import ColorMap
from zennit.image import get_cmap

bar = torch.arange(256)[None].repeat((32, 1))

cmap1 = ColorMap('000,a0:f00,fff')
cmap2 = get_cmap('1f:fff,f0f,000')

img1 = imgify(bar, cmap=cmap1)
img2 = imgify(bar, cmap=cmap2)

CMSL follows a simple grammar:

.. productionlist::
   cmsl_cmap: color_node ("," color_node)+
   color_node: [index ":"] rgb_color
   index: half | full
   rgb_color: half half half | full full full
   full: half half
   half: <single hex digit 0-9a-fA-F>

Values for both index and rgb_color are specified as hexadecimal values with either one (half) or two (full) digits, where index consists of a single value 0-255 (or half 0-15) and rgb_color consists of 3 values 0-255 (or half 0-15). The index of all color_nodes must be in ascending order. It describes the color-index of the color-map, where 00 (or half 0) is the lowest value and ff (i.e. decimal 255, or half f) is the highest value. The same value of index may be repeated to produce hard color-transitions, however, using the same value of index more than twice will only use the two outermost color values. If the indices of the first or last color_nodes are omitted, they will be assumed as 00 and ff respectively. Two additional color_nodes with the same color as the ones with lowest and highest index will be implicitly created at indices 00 and ff respectively, which means that if the lowest and/or highest specified color node indices are larger or smaller than 00 or ff respectively, the colors between 00 and the lowest index, and the highest index and ff will be constant. A color map needs at least two color_nodes (i.e., a useless single-color color-map cannot be created by specifying a single color_node).

A color node will produce a color of its rgb_color for the value of its index. Colors for values between two color nodes will be linearly interpolated between their two colors, weighted by their respective proximity. Color nodes without indices will evenly spaced between color nodes with indices. The first and last color nodes, if not equipped with an index, will be assumed as 00 and ff respectively.

While technically there does not exist a syntactic difference between signed and unsigned color maps, signed color maps often require a color node at the central index 80, while unsigned color maps should have monotonically increasing or decreasing intensities, which can be most easily done by only specifying two color nodes.

The built-in color map cold could be understood as a signed color map, since it has an explicit color node blue at its center. Visually, however, due to its monotonicity, it is hard to interpret as such.

The following shows a few examples of color maps along their CMSL source code:

.. datatemplate:import-module:: importlib

    {% set enumerate = data.import_module('builtins').enumerate %}
    {% set join = data.import_module('os.path').join %}
    {% set torch = data.import_module('torch') %}
    {% set imsave = data.import_module('zennit.image').imsave %}

    {% set image = torch.arange(256)[None].repeat((32, 1)) %}

    {% macro generate_palette(identifier, cmap) %}
        {% set name = 'palette_c{identifier}'.format(identifier=identifier) %}
        {% set filename = join(, '{name}.png'.format(name=name)) %}
        {% set _ = imsave(join(, filename), image, cmap=cmap) %}

        .. |{{name}}| image:: /{{filename}}
    {% endmacro %}

    {%- macro img(identifier) -%}
    {%- endmacro -%}

    {% set cmaps = [
    ] %}

    {% for n, cmap in enumerate(cmaps) %}
        {{ generate_palette(n, cmap) }}
    {% endfor %}

    .. csv-table::
        :widths: 10, 10
        :width: 95%
        :header-rows: 1
        :delim: ;

        CMSL-Source; Visualization
        {% for n, cmap in enumerate(cmaps) %}
            ``'{{cmap}}'``; {{img(n)}}
        {% endfor %}

Additionally, :py:class:`zennit.cmap.LazyColorMapCache` may be used to define color maps in bulk, and lazily compile them when they are accessed the first time. This is the way the built-in color maps are defined in :py:obj:`zennit.image.CMAPS`.

from zennit.cmap import LazyColorMapCache

cmaps = LazyColorMapCache({
    'reds': '111,f11',
    'blues': '111,11f',
    'greens': '111,1f1',

img = imgify(ripples, cmap=cmaps['greens'])

:py:class:`~zennit.cmap.LazyColorMapCache` stores the specified source code for each key, and if accessed with cmaps[key], it will either compile the :py:class:`~zennit.cmap.ColorMap`, cache it if it has not been accessed before and return it, or it will return the previously cached :py:class:`~zennit.cmap.ColorMap`.

Changing Palettes

When using :py:func:`~zennit.image.imgify` (or :py:func:`~zennit.image.imsave`), arrays with a single channel are converted to PIL images in palette mode (P), where the palette specifies the color map. This means that the color map of an image may be changed later without modifying its values. The palette for a color map can be generated using its :py:func:`zennit.cmap.ColorMap.palette` method. :py:func:`~zennit.cmap.ColorMap.palette` accepts an optional argument level (default 1.0), with which the resulting palette can be either stretched or compressed, resulting in heatmaps where either the maximum value threshold is moved closer to the center (level > 1.0) or farther away from it (0.0 < level < 1.0). A value of level=2.0 proved to better highlight high values of a heatmap in print.

img = imgify(ripples, symmetric=True)

cmap = ColorMap('111,1f1')
pal = cmap.palette(level=1.0)

The convenience function :py:func:`zennit.image.palette` may also be used to directly get the palette from a built-in color map name or CMSL source code.

This way, existing PNG-files of heatmaps may thus also be modified to use different color maps by changing their palette:

from PIL import Image
from zennit.image import palette

# store a heatmap
fname = 'newheatmap.png'
imsave(fname, ripples, symmetric=True)

# load the heatmap, change the palette and write it to the same file
img =
img = img.convert('P')
pal = palette('f1f,111,ff1', level=1.0)

A utility CLI script which changes the color map is provided in :repo:`share/scripts/`, which can be used in the following way:

$ python share/scripts/ newheatmap \
     --cmap 'f1f,111,ff1' \
     --level 1.0