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Setup OCI


In this lab you will take a fresh OCI compute instance and set it up for development for an application that uses Micronaut, ATP and GraalVM.

Estimated Lab Time: 15 minutes


In this lab you will:

  • Create an ATP database instance
  • Create a Compute Instance
  • Setup the Compute Instance to have database access


Variables and Passwords

TODO If any of these change search the entire lab and change them. TODO Change the names to better names before publishing the lab.

To make this lab easy below are a list of the variables and passwords that will be used.

  • mnociatp is the name of the database
  • ATP Password is Commodore-64
  • mnocidemo is the name of the user created for the database
  • mnocidemo username password is HandsOnLabUser1
  • Wallet Password is Pw4ZipFile
  • mnocidemo is the name of the VM Instance
  • DB_OCID is the OCID of the ATP Database
  • COMPUTE_IP is the public IP address of your computer instance
  • TNS_ADMIN is /opt/oracle/wallet/

Create a Compartment

A Compartment is useful when you want to organize and isolate your cloud resources. Create a compartment for the objects used in this lab.

  1. Click the menu icon in the upper left corner.
  2. Scroll to the bottom, under Identity, click "Compartments".
  3. Click "Create Compartment".
  4. Populate the Name and Description.
  5. Leave the parent compartment set to (root).
  6. Click "Create Compartment"
  7. Click the "Oracle Cloud" logo to return to the dashboard.

Create an ATP instance

You will need a database to complete the exercises. An Oracle Autonomous Database handles a lot of the background admin tasks for you so you can focus on your project.

  1. Click "Create an ATP database" in the Autonomous Transaction Processing box.

  2. Choose your new compartment.

  3. Enter mnociatp in the Display name field

  4. Enter mnociatp in the Database name field

  5. Select "Transaction Processing"

  6. Select "Shared Infrastructure"

  7. Scroll down to "Create administrator credentials". Enter and confirm the ADMIN password. Use Commodore-64 Note: The Admin account is the top level user for your new database. Generally good practice is to create a strong password and keep it secure.

  8. Scroll to the bottom and click "Create Autonomous Database".

  9. Locate your new database's OCID and click Copy.

  10. While the database is provisioned click the Cloud Shell icon. This will open a preconfigured VM that you will use to access and setup your project. Cloud Shell has the OCI command line tools already configured. You can install these tools locally but this is an easy way to do it.

  11. Once Cloud Shell is running, create an environment variable for your Database OCID you copied above.

    export DB_OCID=<pasteYourOCIDhere>

    The Oracle Autonomous Database uses an extra level of security in the form of a wallet containing access keys for your new Database.

    Once your ATP Database status is Available (the yellow box turns green) you can download the wallet inside the Cloud Shell using the pre-configured OCI-CLI.

    Note: Generally good practice is to create a strong password and keep it secure.

    Note: This password is for the .zip file, not your database.

    In your Cloud Shell Enter the following.

    oci db autonomous-database generate-wallet --autonomous-database-id ${DB_OCID} --password Pw4ZipFile --file ~/
  12. Generate a new RSA key pair.

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -b 2048 -C "cloud_shell" -f ~/.ssh/cloud_shell_id_rsa
  13. Display the public key and copy it.

    cat ~/.ssh/

Create a Compute Instance for Development

An Oracle Compute instance is a Cloud VM that you will use to install and run all of the software for the lab. This step will create a compute instance for development so nothing needs to be installed on your local machine and configuration is the same every time this lab is run. All the steps in this lab could be done locally with minor changes depending on platform.

  1. Click "Create a VM instance" in the Compute box. In this lab the Compute Instance will be accessed from the Cloud Shell and a local Terminal via SSH

  2. The default Free Tier machine is a VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro. We are going to build a development machine and you have free credits so let's get a machine that will run fast

  3. Populate the name with mnocidemo

  4. In the "Configure placement and hardware" section click the "Edit" link

    1. Leave the default Image set to Oracle Linux 7.8
    2. Select "Change Shape"
      1. Select "Specialty and Legacy"
      2. If not choose "VM.Standard.E2.2", otherwise if you have Free Tier choose "VM.Standard.E2.Micro", but note that things will be slow
  5. Scroll down the the "Add SSH keys" section.

  6. Select "Paste SSH keys" and paste in the public SSH key created in the cloud shell earlier.

  7. You may want to access this VM instance from your local Terminal, press the “+ Another Key”

    1. Generate a new RSA key pair.
      ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -b 2048 -C "local" -f ~/.ssh/local_id_rsa
    2. Display the public key and copy it.
      cat ~/.ssh/
    3. In the Create Compute form, paste the public key in the SSH KEYS box. If you intend to SSH into your compute instance from any other machine, you may click the "+ Another Key" button and enter the public key for that machine.
      (you may also want to save a copy of the Cloud Shell private key '~/.ssh/id_rsa' on your local machine.)
      DO NOT SHARE your private key. This key allows access to your compute instance.
  8. Click "Create".

  9. Once the Compute instance is Running, locate the Public IP Address and click Copy.
    Keep this IP address handy, it will be used throughout the lab and referred to as <YourPublicIP>.

  10. In your Cloud Shell
    Create an environment variable to store the IP.

    export COMPUTE_IP=<YourPublicIP>

  11. In your Cloud Shell
    Use SCP to upload the wallet .zip file (downloaded earlier) to new Compute instance.

    scp -i ~/.ssh/cloud_shell_id_rsa opc@${COMPUTE_IP}:/home/opc/

  12. In your local Terminal create an environment variable to store the IP.

    export COMPUTE_IP=<YourPublicIP>
  13. Use SSH to access your Compute Instance. You have a choice connect to your compute instance from Cloud Shell or from your local terminal.

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/cloud_shell_id_rsa opc@${COMPUTE_IP}
  14. Setup the Database Wallet

    sudo mkdir -p /opt/oracle/wallet
    sudo mv /opt/oracle/wallet/
    sudo unzip /opt/oracle/wallet/ -d /opt/oracle/wallet/
    echo 'export TNS_ADMIN=/opt/oracle/wallet/' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export DATASOURCES_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=HandsOnLabUser1' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

    Newer versions of Oracles ojdbc driver make it much easier to access a database using the extra wallet security. To enable these features, edit the /opt/oracle/wallet/ file.

    sudo sed -i -e 's||'"#"'|' /opt/oracle/wallet/
    sudo sed -i -e 's||'""'|' /opt/oracle/wallet/
    sudo sed -i -e 's|<password_from_console>|'"Pw4ZipFile"'|' /opt/oracle/wallet/
  15. Setup SQLcl:

    sudo yum install -y
    sudo yum install -y mysql
    sudo yum install -y sqlcl
    /opt/oracle/sqlcl/bin/sql -v

    This will print out the version number of sqlcl:

    SQLcl: Release Production Build:

You now have a database and a VM that is setup with all the tools needed and credentials to access the database via a secure wallet.

Continue through the following section

  1. Setup Development

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