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Writing XUnit-Style Tests

XUnit-style tests are methods inside a class.

Convention over Configuration & Inheritance

Rather than forcing you to extend a TestCase base class demeanor favors a naming convention for test classes: they must end with the suffix Test.


// will be treated as a container for test cases
class SomeTest
    // ...

// demeanor will ignore this class
class Something
    // ...

Additionally all test methods must start with test and be public.


class SomeTest
    // will be turned into a test case
    public function testSomeObjectDoesStuff()
        // ...

    // not a test
    public function someObjectDoesOtherStuff()


    // also not a test
    private function testPrivateMethodsAreIgnored()


Using Counterpart Assertions

Starting with Counterpart 1.4, Counterpart\Assert and Counterpart\Matchers are traits. You can embed them in your test classes.


class SomeOtherTest
    use \Counterpart\Assert;
    use \Counterpart\Matchers;

    public function testSomething()
        // instead of Assert::assertTrue(true)

        $this->assertThat($this->arrayHasKey('one'), ['one' => true]);
        // instead of Assert::assertThat(Matchers::arrayHasKey('one'), ['one' => true]);


The :doc:`/annotations` documentation has a ton of information about using annotations to modify and change the behavior of unit tests.