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C.accum(fn, lengthable)

A shortcut for reduce where the initial accumulator value is taken from lengthable[0].

C.accum((acc, x) => acc + x, [ 1, 2, 3 ]); //=> 6

C.allPass(predicates, value)

Return true if the given value satisifies each function in predicates.

C.allPass([ x => x % 2 === 1, x => x === 3 ], 3); //=> true

C.alterProp(key, fn, obj)

Returns a new object by applying the function fn over the specified key.

C.alterProp('name', toUpper, {name: 'rufus'}); //=> {name: 'RUFUS'}
C.alterProp('id', x => x * 2, { id: 201 }); //=> { id: 402 }

C.concat(a, b)

Merges the two given items (in the order they're supplied). Items provided must be of the same type (Array or String).

C.concat([ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ]); //=> [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
C.concat('dogs', ' and cats'); //=> 'dogs and cats'


Returns a new function that, when called with a subset of the original functions arguments, returns a new function. See C.pipe for an example of how currying works.

C.curry((a, b, c, d) => a + b + c + d)(1)(2)(3)(5); //=> 17
C.curry((a, b, c) => a + b + c)(1)(2)(3); //=> 6
C.curry((a, b) => a + b)(1)(2); //=> 3

C.disJoin(predicates, values)

Returns a list of lists where the sub-list at index i contains all values from the given list values which satisfy the equally-indexed predicate function at that same index i.

C.disJoin([getEvens, getOdds], [1, 2, 3, 4]); //=> [[2, 4], [1, 3]]

C.filter(predicate, item)

Returns a copy of the given value, item, which now contains only the sub-values which returned true when passed to predicate. Applies the given function to each element of an Array, each value of an Object, and each character of a String.

C.filter(x => x === 1, { a: 1, b: 2 }); //=> { a: 1 }
C.filter(x => x >= 3, [ 1, 2, 3 ]); //=> [ 3 ]
C.filter(x => x === x.toUpperCase(), 'FooBar'); //=> 'FB'

C.flatMap(fn, values)

Returns the recursively flattened result of applying a function to a list.

C.flatMap(x => [ x, ln(x) ], [ 1, e ]); //=> [ 1, 0, e, 1 ]
C.flatMap(x => [ x, x * x ], [ 3, 4 ]); //=> [ 3, 9, 4, 16 ]


Returns a copy of values flattened to one-dimension (plucked out sub-lists).

C.flatten([ 1, [ 2, [ 3 ] ] ]); //=> [ 1, 2, 3 ]

C.isIn(values, value)

Returns true if the value is the list values, false otherwise.

C.isIn([ 1, 2, 3 ], 5); //=> false
C.isIn([ 1, 2, 3 ], 3); //=> true

C.majority(predicate, values)

Returns true if the predicate function returns true more than half of the time when applied to each element in values.

C.majority(s => s.endsWith('e'), ['same', 'name', 'no']); //=> true
C.majority(s => s.endsWith('e'), ['foo', 'bar', 'me']); //=> false

C.majorityPass(predicates, value)

Returns true if more than half of the predicates return true when applied to value.

C.majorityPass([ isEven, isOdd, isNumber ], 42); //=> true
C.majorityPass([ isEven, isOdd, isObject ], 42); //=> false, item)

Returns the result of applying fn over all values in item. Returns a new function that, when called, applies its arguments to fn and item, in order. If item is a function, a new function is returned which composes both functions., k) => v + k, { a: 1 }); //=> { a: 'a1' } => x * 2, [ 1, 2 ]); //=> [ 2, 4 ], index) => index, ['baz']); //=> [ 0 ] => x.toUpperCase(), 'foo'); //=> 'FOO' => x * 2, y => y + 1)(3); //=> 7 => x * 2, 100); //=> 200

C.mergeAllBy(resolver, objs)

The same as Object.assign except when multiple objects with the same key and non-same values for that key are encountered, a list of those values is applied to the supplied resolver function to produce a single value.

var getTotal = C.accum((a,b) => a + b);
C.mergeAllBy(getTotal, [ { x: 1, z: 5 }, { y: 2, z: 6 } ]);
//=> {x: 1, y: 2, z: 11}

C.nPass(N, predicate, filterable)

Applies the predicate function to every element the filterable. Returns true if the predicate returns true N times.

C.nPass(3, (val, i) => val % 2 === 1, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]); //=> true

C.partial(fn, fnArgs)

Given an function and a list of that functions arguments, returns a function that will produce the result of calling the given function with the supplied arguments.

C.partial((x, y) => x + y, [ 3, 4 ])(); //=> 7
C.partial((x, y) => x + y)([ 3, 4 ])(); //=> 7
C.partial(typeof (x, y) => x + y)([ 3 ]); //=> 'function'


Takes N functions as arguments and returns a function that behaves equivalent to all provided functions in the order they are given. In other words, pipe is a variadic (N-ary) function which composes the supplied functions in order. The output of the first function is 'piped' as the input to the next function.

var getAgeOver30 = (a) => a.age > 30;
var getNames = (a) =>;
var namesOver30 = C.pipe(C.filter(getAgeOver30),;
var adults = [ {name: 'karen', age: 32}, {name: 'mike', age: 26} ];
namesOver30(adults); //=> 'karen'

C.prop(key, obj)

Returns obj[key].

C.prop('name', { name: 'karen', age: 32 }); //=> 'karen'

C.reduce(reducer, accumulator, lengthable)

Consecutively applies a reducer function against an accumulator value (an initial value to build upn) and each value in the data structure, lengthable (anything with a .length property), to produce a result.

C.reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0, [ 1, 2, 3 ]); //=> 6
C.reduce((acc, x) => acc - x, 0, C.values({ a: 1, b: 2 })); //=> -3

C.reduceWhile(predicate, reducer, accumulator, lengthable)

Applies an iterator function against an accumulated value and each value of the data structure accumulator (from left-to-right) while predicate returns true to produce a final value.

var isGreaterThan10 = (sum) => sum > 10;
var add = (total, val) => total + val;
C.reduceWhile(isGreaterThan10, add, 0, [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]); //=> 12

C.swapIndex(index1, index2, values)

Return the given list with the elements at the two indexes swapped.

C.swapIndex(0, 2, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]); //=> [ 'c', 'b', 'a' ]


Returns the given list retaining every element except the zeroth.

C.tail([ 1, 2, 3 ]); //=> [ 2, 3 ]


Remove the duplicate values from the given list.

C.uniq([ 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 ]); //=> [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]


Returns a list of the own properties of the given object.

C.values({ name: 'bob', job: 'chef' }); //=> [ 'bob', 'chef' ]

C.zipBy(fn, xValues, yValues)

Returns a new list by applying the given function to each equally-indexed element in the given lists, truncating to the list of shorter length. If fn is falsy, each equal-index "pair" is inserted like: [ xValues[i], yValues[i] ], then the outputted list is flattened by one-dimension before it is returned (concatenating the lists together like a literal zipper).

C.zipBy((x, y) => x + y, [ 1, 3, 5 ], [ 2, 4, 6 ]); //=> [3, 7, 11]
C.zipBy(null, [ 1, 3, 5 ], [ 2, 4, 6 ]); //=> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6 ]

C.zipObjBy(fn, keys, values)

Returns a new object by zipping a list of Strings with a function that which is applied to a list of values. Note: The length of returned list is equal to the length of the keys list.

C.zipObjBy(v => v / 2, ['k1', 'k2'], [4, 6]); //=> { k1: 2, k2: 3 }
C.zipObjBy((v, k) => v + k, ['id'], [682]); //=> { id: 'id682' }