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26 lines (23 loc) · 1.58 KB


This is the repository for the project of The Codarchs during Cohort 3 of the TIIDELab fellowship

Guidelines for this repo

  1. All pull requests should be made to the develop branch and not the main branch.
  2. Name any new branch with the name of the task assigned to you e.g sign-in branch, patients-details branch, admin-dashboard branch, etc
  3. All files should be named according to the page you were assigned e.g sign-in.html, patients-details.css, admin-dashboard.js, etc
  4. Do not name your files with names of pages not assigned to you

How to use this repo

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone it... git clone 'repo-link'
  3. If you are not in devlop branch, switch to develop branch... git checkout develop
  4. Create a new branch from develop... git checkout -b patients-details
  5. Confirm that your new branch has all the folders(css, img and js) by checking the cloned folder on your system
  6. Make your changes. Put the CSS file in the CSS folder, the JS file in its folder and do the same for images. Be sure to update the paths in the files as well
  7. Add the files you have worked on... git add .
  8. Commit the changes... git commit -m "commit message"
  9. Push your changes
  10. Make Pull Request (PR) to the develop branch of the main repo

Important things to note

  1. Ensure you fetch upstream on the repository before making Pull Request to ensure your repository is up to date
  2. Do not work on files that were not assigned to you... No lose focus!
  3. If there is an error or something worth correcting on someone else's work, let them know.
  4. If you are confused at any point, ask questions.