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Welcome to Map the News

Have you ever wondered how your perspective on current events is being shaped by the news you consume?

Map the News is a dynamic news application built in React/Redux with a Rails API backend, using bcrypt for secure password storage, knock for JWT authentication, and redux-thunk for async requests.

The app fetches headlines from the News API ( and displays them on a grid, positioned based on each news source's political bias and overall quality ratings. Users can also save search terms to track the coverage of a topic overtime.

NEW: You can view this project live at

Note: Code in 'master' runs frontend and backend apps locally using a sqlite3 database. Code in 'deploy-heroku' runs the Rails API backend, configured with Postgres for Heroku. Frontend code has been configured for deployment, and is now at

Installation & Local Run Guide

  1. Clone the repo
  2. bundle install in the root directory
  3. rake db:migrate to set up the database
  4. In the /client subdirectory, npm install all dependencies
  5. Start the Rails and React servers and navigate to http://localhost:3000

File Structure

/app - Contains backend MVC architecture

/client/src - Contains frontend React/Redux code

/config - Contains backend routes and config files

/db - Contains database and migrations

Routes and Features

/ - Landing page, will direct you to log in or sign up

/news - Main application page, displaying news headlines

/about - An explanation of the project

Contributors Guide

This code is maintained at For any contributions, please open a pull request.

Licensing Statement

This project has been licensed under the MIT open source license. For more info, see:


A Rails and React app to track media coverage of topics in the news.







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