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206 lines (160 loc) · 9.81 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (160 loc) · 9.81 KB
  • 0.45.1

    • Internal improvements in const handling
    • Fix warnings in beta
    • Misc CI improvements
  • 0.45.0

    • Add implementation of From<Vec<T>> for Vector<T> + misc vector improvements
    • Enable OpenGL functions and classes from the core module
  • 0.44.2

    • Fix building with Apple clang
    • Show libclang diagnostics during binding generation
  • 0.44.1

    • Fix build
  • 0.44.0

    • Add support for ovis module
    • Add implementation of Ptr::new for non-abstract types
    • Rework string handling, that fixed core::convert_type_str() function which was handling memory very unsafely before
    • Internal refactor of cpp const handling, that changed the internal function identifiers
  • 0.43.3

    • Test with the newly released OpenCV 3.4.11 and 4.4.0
    • Internal cleanups and CI fixes
  • 0.43.2

    • Fix build on RPi (fixes #157)
  • 0.43.1

    • Fix build
  • 0.43.0

    • Add Clone implementation (that panics on error) for Mat, SparseMat, UMat, GpuMat and HostMem.
    • Add Vector::as_mut_slice() for copy types.
    • Add Vector::clone() for types with Clone implementation (based on work of carbotaniuman).
  • 0.42.0

    • Enable CUDA support, check examples/ for a bootstrap.
    • buildtime-bindgen is now enabled by default, compilation without it enabled rarely worked in reality. You can still disable it by disabling default features.
    • Vector now implements Into<Vec>, Debug, AsRef, Borrow, Default, Extend and FromIterator, Vector::to_slice was renamed to Vector::as_slice (kudos to jerry73204 and carbotaniuman).
    • Improve tests and examples.
    • Internal reorganization for better logic separation.
  • 0.41.1

    • Revert the parallelization of the build when clang-runtime is enabled, it led to #145
  • 0.41.0

    • Enable parallel build even if clang-runtime is enabled (it uses helper generator binary in multiple threads)
    • Enable most of the remaining contrib modules, namely: quality, saliency, stereo, ximgproc, tracking, rgbd, hfs and optflow.
    • Move all the remaining methods from VectorTrait to Vector struct and remove VectorTrait.
    • Improve Mat_ usability.
    • Enable class constant generations (these were previously methods).
    • Fix the issue where functions accepting strings will not reject strings with null characters in them, but silently truncate them.
  • 0.40.1

    • Fix parsing of cmake output during package discovery (fixes #136)
    • Prefer vcpkg over cmake when building on Windows (fixes #137)
  • 0.40.0

    • Optimized dependencies, the crate has now 19 (including transitional) dependencies less.
    • Fixed pre-generated bindings for version 3.4 that got left out in the previous release.
  • 0.39.0

    • Iterators for Vector now correctly return remaining length in size_hint and len methods.
    • Internal improvements and cleanups
  • 0.38.0

    • Fix crosscompilation when targeting Windows platform.
    • Fix generation of bigger binaries
  • 0.37.0

    • Add clang-runtime feature for compatiblity with dependencies that require clang or clang-sys that enable its runtime feature unconditionally (like bindgen).
    • Add OPENCV_CLANG_STDLIB_PATH environment variable to allow working around header detection of libclang when it fails (should fix #125).
    • Stop using synchronization primitives for callback handling.
    • Improve cmake based library discovery.
  • 0.36.0

    • Large internal rework of Matx, PtrOf… and VectorOf… structs. They have been made generic and their code generation have been mostly moved to Rust macros. This change should have no user facing consequences, type aliases with the old names are kept for backwards compatibility and code brevity.
    • Methods for accessing raw pointers for boxed classes have been moved into a common Boxed trait. Additionally, from_raw_ptr() is now from_raw(), as_raw() is now returning *const c_void (as opposed to mut) and new methods have been added: as_raw_mut(), into_raw(). This applies to all structs that are allocated by C++ side (e.g. Mat), Ptr<T> and Vector<T>.
    • TermCriteria is now a simple class so you can write and read its properties directly without using accessor methods, APIs involving this class have also been updated.
    • C++ operators * (multiplication, dereferencing), / (division), + (addition) and - (subtraction) are now also exposed to Rust under function names mul_*/try_deref, div_*, add_* and sub_*.
  • 0.35.0

    • Add beta-level support for doing OpenCV library discovery using cmake, which is now a recommended method by the upstream.
    • Add ability to override OPENCV_LINK_LIBS, OPENCV_LINK_PATHS and OPENCV_INCLUDE_PATHS in case of library auto-discovery. This doesn't work for vcpkg yet.
    • Add ability to introduce to specify package names separately for different auto-discovery systems using OPENCV_PKGCONFIG_NAME, OPENCV_CMAKE_NAME and OPENCV_VCPKG_NAME.
  • 0.34.0

    • Bump bindings to OpenCV version 4.3.0 and 3.4.10
    • Mark Mat::new_*_with_data functions unsafe because they allow passing arbitrary data pointer
    • Sort out internal generation of string return type wrappers, should help on some platforms in avoiding buildtime-bindgen, see twistedfall#110
    • Fix examples
  • 0.33.1

  • 0.33.0

    • Basic support for building against OpenCV.framework on macOS, for details see ci files
    • Fix internals of PtrOff32
    • Big internal refactoring getting rid of most instances of type casting and void*
  • 0.32.0

    • Improve Matx: better api ergonomics, add PartialEq, add ToInput/OutputArray implementations, add tests
    • 'u_mat' the method names is now 'umat' (underscore removed)
  • 0.31.1

    • Fix passing bigger simple classes as arguments
  • 0.31.0

    • Add from/to_vec method to Point_ and Point3_
    • Add basic implementations of Mat_, Matx and Affine3 generic types, and OpenCV methods that use them
    • Rename Mat::*_mut_unchecked methods to *_unchecked_mut for consistency with std library
  • 0.30.1

    • Dummy version to fix build
  • 0.30

    • Total rewrite of the binding generator in Rust. It no longer relies on Python, but instead uses libclang to parse the C++ code. Please be sure to install clang/llvm in your system if you're going to regenerate bindings (mostly macOS and Windows users). You can expect all of the previous functionality to be there (sans name changes) and a lot of new functions and classes. Binding generation is now more precise and quick.

    • While most of the crate interface remain the same there are some quite changes in the API:

      • Some functions have changed name to the one hinted in the OpenCV headers, e.g. core::sum() is now core::sum_elems().
      • Some functions got renamed for more consistency (e.g. VideoCapture constructors) or to avoid the name clash with the newly generated functions (like MatConstIterator::getcurrent). Please use the documentation to discover the new name.
      • A bunch of functions got renamed from their _1 automatic names.
      • Names that coincide with Rust keywords now get underscore at the end, not the beginning, e.g. _ref becomes ref_. Moreover type_ is now typ.
      • Vector types now receive their Rust type suffix, so VectorOfuchar gets renamed to VectorOfu8.
    • FileStorage/FileNode API is now usable.

    • Some methods (like Mat::new_nd_with_default) now accept slices instead of Vectors. The length of the Rust slice is passed down to the OpenCV.

    • Traits are now used way more through the API, importing prelude is a must (use opencv::prelude::*;). There are also separate preludes per module should you want to use that (use opencv::imgproc::*;).

    • All enums are now generated.

    • Full property access, you can now read and write all public properties of the OpenCV classes through getters and setters.

    • You can now access properties for PtrOf... objects directly without the need to go through get() and get_mut() (those methods are now dropped, they were unsound).

    • All property setters and getters are now infallible so they don't return Result, but a value directly.

    • _OutputArray and _InputOutputArray have received a second set of constructors from_*_mut, so if you use those manually you most probably want to use *_mut version instead of the const one.

    • New modules: face, surface_matching, text

    • Calling Mat::data_typed() and Mat::data_typed_mut() will now do is_continuous() check and return an error if it's false.

  • 0.29.2

    • add ability to get reference to the inner value of non-trait PtrOf* types (kudos to jerry73204)
  • 0.29.1

    • fix generation of setters for properties (kudos to jerry73204)
  • 0.29

    • default features now target OpenCV 4.2.0 (instead of OpenCV 3.4.x). Feature opencv-42 was renamed to opencv-4. Bindings were bumped to OpenCV 4.2.0 and 3.4.9.

    • core::MAKETYPE was renamed to CV_MAKETYPE, core::MAT_DEPTH was renamed to CV_MAT_DEPTH

  • 0.28

    • dnn::BackendNode constructor as well as stitching::createStitcher and stitching::createStitcherScans are no longer generated for the OpenCV version where they are not available, fixing the linking issues
  • 0.27.0

    • add support for vcpkg when building for windows, it's being used by default in the absence of environment variables

    • with buildtime-bidngen feature enabled the crate no longer uses bundled source files for code generation by default, but the ones installed with OpenCV library detected by pkg_config, vcpkg or environment; set OPENCV_HEADER_DIR environment variable to override this behavior

  • 0.26.6

    • ...